Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 328 Technology Porter

Chapter 328 Technology Porter

Yuan Chen spent a few days uttering the contents of the book he read in his own words, using the so-called "theory" to cover up the fact that, according to the contents of the book, it is indeed possible to create Artificial people come!
However, in order to cover up some things in that book, Yuan Chen definitely couldn't show Huang Wei the whole book to read, but turned the affirmations in it into theory, but this theory is still affirmative!

"You came up with this kind of thing?"

Huang Wei was very surprised. The more he looked at the theories on the table, the more startled he felt. He was originally a talent in this field. He understood many things, and it was because he understood that he felt even more shocked. Shocked, these things can be like this. In this way, it is indeed possible to keep people's unique things after being transformed into robots, such as being able to reproduce!

Of course, you can also have some things that ordinary people can't have, such as flying, weapons, etc. Well, maybe it will be a bit like Iron Man, but Iron Man is worn outside, and this kind of thing is made by itself. , that is, a part of the body!

"Well, I just came up with it suddenly, and I don't know if it's feasible, so I'm looking for you!"

Yuan Chen nodded shamelessly. Although this thing does not come from another dimension, its existence is also related to the whirlpool, so he thinks it is better not to expose it. One less person will know it, and it will be less dangerous. !
"But... I knew it would be against the law to use humans to transform, so... this experiment may not be possible, and even if we use animals instead, the transformation of humans will involve some government security issues, even if it is researched, it will be useless , and will not be accepted by the public!"

Huang Wei was very excited at first. After all, if the research on this kind of thing is really produced, his reputation will definitely increase, but at that time, there will definitely be more scolding than praise. Moreover, even if the research is done , and will definitely be blocked, so Huang Wei can be said to love and hate this thing!
Love, because this research is so great. If the brain wave encryption helmet is a high-tech product that is more than ten or twenty years ahead of human beings, then if artificial humans are really manufactured, it will definitely be a technology that is hundreds of years ahead of human beings!

I hate it because the research on this kind of thing is inherently against morality. After all, it is based on living people, and it is transformed on the body of a living person. It is good that the experiment succeeds. I went to see Lao Yan, then I would be a murderer by then, so what research is there to talk about!
"Well, I've thought about this too, so when we did our research, we didn't intend to use humans as our research objects. We chose animals as our research objects, and we only used animals with disabilities!"

Yuan Chen nodded. He had also thought about this issue. Using human beings for research will definitely be strongly condemned by all walks of life, and even if the research is successful and artificial humans are made, the government will definitely not be happy. Maybe he will be arrested for endangering the security of the government, that's why Yuan Chen decided to use animals!

"Animals? Disabled animals?"

Huang Wei was also taken aback. Aren't you all introducing how to make artificial humans?
"Well, we don't do artificial humans, we're just porters of nature... Ahem, we just help those small animals with disabilities. We can use this thing to put on those disabled animals and transform them into half Mechanical animals, so that they can live like ordinary small animals!"

Yuan Chen said that this idea was obtained from the semi-mechanical wolfhounds he saw in the alien creature research center before, but the research used the complete and strongest wolfhounds as the basis for transformation!

And what Yuan Chen wants is to adopt those abandoned and disabled animals, and then use these technologies to make them look like normal animals!
Of course, some people may say that animals are good friends of human beings, and they cannot be used for experiments, etc., but Yuan Chen is not worried about such things happening, because he can ensure that this research is foolproof!

Why, because these things of Yuan Chen are not theoretical things, but real things that can be produced directly. Yuan Chen changed the difficulties encountered in the manufacturing process into possible difficulties, And offer some insights of your own on this difficulty!

It can be said that Yuan Chen's work is actually a "pseudo-theory". In fact, this work is not theoretically possible, but as long as it is based on the practice of this work, and then has some basic professional knowledge, It can be manufactured!
"Using disabled animals? Restoring them? That's possible, but what is the commercial value of this? It will take a lot of manpower and material resources to make this kind of thing, so even if it is finally researched, the price will definitely not be low. Ordinary people, even if their pets are disabled, wouldn’t spend so much money to buy such things for their pets!”

After listening to Yuan Chen's words, Huang Wei pondered for a while, and began to analyze various interests, and finally came to this kind of result. Most or no one would spend hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars to install it on their pets. Prosthesis, even if this prosthesis can restore his pet to its original appearance, Huang Wei has learned something after staying here for a long time!
And he also knows that Yuan Chen's company is first and foremost a commercial company. What a commercial company does is, as the name suggests, it is engaged in business. Let's not talk about who the business is. Making money, is it still to boost GDP?
And as a company that does business in order to make money, it must start with whether it can make money, not whether it can cultivate a large number of outstanding scientific and technological talents. Yuan Chen does not have this ability, nor does he have this business, and he has been here for a long time. Huang Wei is also well aware of this, so he is also starting with business now!

Yuan Chen shook his head with a smile. Huang Wei was thinking about one aspect, but there was another aspect that he hadn't thought of. Although Yuan Chen admired Huang Wei's technological acumen, his business acumen was much worse. She must have thought of it here, she didn't even need to say it herself!

"If this kind of thing is researched to help those small animals recover, and our company advertises that this technology can be used on humans?"

Yuan Chen said, do you still need to think about this kind of thing?
"Then I'm willing to spend any money!"

Huang Wei blurted out, and then he was stunned. That's right, why didn't I think of it? As long as this kind of thing can be applied to people, it can make the handsless have hands again, and make the amputee regain the same as normal human beings, even They are limbs that are stronger than normal human beings. Who doesn't want them? As long as the money is enough, let alone tens of millions, they will definitely want them. Why didn't I think of it?
"Mr. Yuan still has a business mind, and this technical mind... well, I can't match it!"

Huang Wei looked at the documents on the desktop, shook his head and said with a sigh!
Yuan Chen shook his head, what kind of technological mind, we do not produce technology, we are just porters of technology!

 Hmm... now the author's words can be seen in the APP, no need to write in the text, happy ing!Hmm... Thank you, sister Ye Zi, for your reward of 1000 points, thank you for always giving me rewards, friends who have subscribed, huh!Well... 2333 is free of charge here
(End of this chapter)

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