Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 331 The old enemy

Chapter 331 The old enemy
Yuan Chen didn't expect that so many continents are spying on the screen, but what do you mean by this, everyone posts 88, and you, yes, it's you, you are mainland 88, you follow 88 Why, you said, is that the email you sent me?

Yuan Chen: Brothers, sisters, and aunts, what is going on, does this 88 have any special meaning, can you tell me?

Yuan Chen saw that they didn't say anything else, they only knew how to send 88, and he was very confused. Anyone would be confused, okay? A bunch of people sent 88 to you, and then they stopped talking. ?Hey, no, is it a password red envelope!
Yuan Chen: 88?

Then I waited for a long time, but I didn’t see any red envelopes. I looked at the QQ version. It was still the original version and the original flavor, and nothing had changed. Formation lined up here!

Yuan Chen: Tell me, what is going on?Is there any kind-hearted person, I will send you a red envelope, can you tell me?
Yuan Chen is so anxious, it's fine if you don't throw garbage here, what is the current state, so Yuan Chen used a unique trick, that is to give out red envelopes, this red envelope is of course a red envelope for experience points, the temptation is comparable to money How about a bigger red envelope?
However, what Yuan Chen didn't expect was that even if he used red envelopes as a big temptation, those continents still didn't open their mouths, and there was deathly silence. Yuan Chen gritted his teeth, tapped the red envelopes, and then clicked the password The red envelope, with the text in it: I want to tell the group owner the truth of the matter!

Then I entered ten in the amount field, thought about it and forgot it, changed it to one, and then filled in one hundred in the amount field, um, almost, and then clicked on the plug experience, yes, it’s not here Stuffing money, but stuffing experience!
Yuan Chen is distressed, his heart is bleeding, regretting, why did he act impulsively, anyway, he was going to receive that junk file later, why waste this experience now, anyway, they told him, he would definitely Go to order, 88 experience, now it has become 89, it hurts!

But I ordered everything, I can't... Hey, I need real-name authentication?After Yuan Chen kept regretting, that page popped up, and another page appeared, that is, the red envelope real-name system page. Yuan Chen was taken aback, and then laughed out loud. This red envelope can only be sent with a real-name system, so there is no problem Yes, because it has not been sent out!

Yuan Chen happily forked out the red envelope page, then switched to his friends, clicked on himself, and then looked at the sky-high priced junk file, hesitating a little, not sure whether to click on it, but This time it was really only a click, and Yuan Chen clicked accept without any hesitation!
System prompt: To receive special junk files, you need to spend 88 starting coins... No!
System prompt: Receiving special junk files needs to consume 88 experience points, are you sure to accept it!

Then there are two buttons below, one is to accept, the other is not to accept, Yuan Chen clicked the accept button without hesitation, and then a system prompt popped up again!
System prompt: Please confirm again whether to receive this special garbage after deducting 88 experience points!
"Hey! This system is quite user-friendly. There is actually a second confirmation. If you make a mistake once, you can still modify it. Alas, after all, 88 experience points. If you make a mistake and spend it all at once, it will be distressing!"

Yuan Chen muttered to himself, such high-consumption items usually have a second confirmation, so Yuan Chen also lamented the humanized design of this different dimension. It's okay to arrive, and the fee will be deducted after a second confirmation!
Below are the same two options, a button with the word Yes written on it, and a button with the word Receive written on it, Yuan Chen clicked the Yes word to confirm acceptance without any hesitation!

He himself is not a person who likes to hesitate, so since he chose to accept the file, he will no longer hesitate. Even if it is the second choice, he will click yes without hesitation. It is Yuan Chen, a person who will not be indecisive, this is Yuan Chen, a person who will not hesitate, this is Yuan Chen, a... wait, something seemed wrong just now?

After Yuan Chen clicked Yes, the system prompt appeared again, indicating that the deduction of the fee was successful, no, it was the deduction of the scriptures... Why is it so awkward, anyway, Yuan Chen's 88 experience points were deducted, and then the file began to be received!
The progress bar is very fast, as if you have opened a membership, jumping, 15%... 50%... 85%... 100%, 100% all at once, Yuan Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this high price The things I have are good, the garbage I received before, every time it is slow, unlike now, it will be fine all at once, but why is there no small video?
While Yuan Chen was thinking, the phone screen suddenly went black, followed by a water pattern spreading out, and slowly, the water pattern began to rotate around the center of the phone screen, gradually forming a small swirl!

Seeing this scene, Yuan Chen felt relieved, even though the experience point was deducted when he clicked in just now, Yuan Chen knew that this thing came from another world, not from MadeinChina, if it was a Trojan horse in the real world, it was It is impossible to deduct the experience value of the foreign world, and there is no such high-end technology!

And judging from Yuan Chen's question about those continents, and the responses from those continents, it is true that this thing must be a junk file from another world!
"This file is so expensive, it must be very good, show up quickly!"

Yuan Chen prayed silently in his heart, and his prayer seemed to be very useful. At this moment, the vortex slowly spread, beyond the scope of the phone screen, Yuan Chen could only put it on the ground!

Every time the vortex appeared in mid-air, or stood upright, this time it spread directly on the screen of the phone, which also told Yuan Chen from one side that this garbage is not ordinary!
And at this moment, a black light shot out from the vortex, rushed towards the sky and then disappeared, followed by a pile of garbage gushing out, full of it, like a hill!
After the garbage was sprayed, Yuan Chen watched the vortex slowly disappear, and then revealed the mobile phone inside. There was no garbage within one meter around the mobile phone. Yuan Chen ran to pick up the mobile phone. He really wanted to watch the short video. What dimension of garbage is it that is so expensive!

However, when he saw the short video, Yuan Chen was stunned, and six words appeared on it: Enemy, this is fate!

(End of this chapter)

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