Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 337 Pei Yuan's Meditation Song

Chapter 337 Pei Yuan's Meditation Song

Half a month later, Yuan Chen was finally about to get in touch with more advanced things, that is, the music in this score. He had read this music several times before, and he had memorized all the playing methods. !
Now he can be considered to remember all of them, but if he wants to play it, it still needs some time to hone, so he is still in the stage of "abusing" small animals. As for whether he will not abuse it in the future, it depends on Yuan Chen The talent and the musical ability, and the latter can basically be ruled out!
Before Yuan Chen always thought that the second half was composed of several pieces of music, but after careful reading, he realized that the latter half was actually all one piece of music, but there were many explanations of this piece interspersed in the middle, and the explanations were very detailed. , how to use fingers, that is, fingering, and the changes of each note, as well as the use of mental power, how to express it through the notes, and the strength of mental power corresponding to each note, all of these are explained!

Everyone should be familiar with this piece of music. That’s right, it’s Peiyuan’s Meditation Song. This piece of music is very famous in Emperor Qin’s dimension. Its main function is to increase the cultivation speed of those who hear this piece of music. Quite a few, and at the same time, this Peiyuan Meditation Song also has the effect of consolidating the foundation and cultivating the source, so it is called the Peiyuan Meditation Song!
Moreover, this song can also let those warriors get rid of distracting thoughts in their minds, and prevent them from becoming obsessed with the speed of fighting energy. Therefore, this song of Peiyuan's meditation is super famous and extremely popular in Qindi's time and space!

Yuan Chen remembered that the main character in Qindi was Ye Yinzhu. The reason why he was able to become a qin heart was mainly because his master, the suzerain of the Qin sect, played this song every day when Ye Yinzhu was a baby. He listened to Peiyuan's Meditation Song, so it can also be said that it is the foundation laid down since childhood!
Yuan Chen carefully studied the piano score, and then started to play, controlling the sound of the piano with mental strength, carrying the spiritual power with the sound of the piano, Yuan Chen played a little rusty... well, it was very rusty , the movement was very light and slow, but every note was accurately grasped. Gradually, Yuan Chen also began to sink into it slowly, playing continuously!

This play lasted for one day, and Yuan Chen himself didn't know how many times he had played it during the day. Anyway, he was already very proficient in this Pei Yuan Meditation Song, and when he raised his head, it was already evening time!
"Hehe, this sitting is a whole day. If I had worked so hard at that time, I wouldn't have gotten into a bad university!"

Yuan Chen shook his head, and suddenly heard the sound of a bird calling from around him. He was taken aback for a moment. It was a good thing that a bird was not scared away this time. These days were not in vain. Which cute little bird was it? Where are the birds?

Yuan Chen turned his head away, then turned back quickly, rubbed his eyes, turned again, and found that it was still the same, his face was instantly filled with surprise!
On a big tree behind him, there are hundreds of thousands of birds standing at this time. It is really no exaggeration. Yuan Chen glanced at it, and there were a few birds jumping on the tree, but there were more The birds are all asleep in the trees!
"What's going on here? Could it be because of... Pei Yuan's Meditation Song?"

Yuan Chen was stunned for a long time when he saw this scene. Every time Yuan Chen played the piano before, he was able to scare the little animals away. How could he recruit so many little birds this time? If it weren't for those The little bird was still breathing slightly, Yuan Chen thought those little birds were tortured to death by him!
"It seems that this Peiyuan Meditation Song is really good!"

Yuan Chen murmured to himself that when he was playing the Peiyuan Meditation Song, he used his mental strength, but after he finished playing, he discovered that the Peiyuan Meditation Song actually has the ability to strengthen the spiritual power. Effect, that is to say, not only did Yuan Chen's mental power not weaken, but there was a faint tendency to increase, which surprised Yuan Chen. What's going on? Of course it's a good thing. The tea made from the leaves of the Dimension is almost drunk. I used to have a cup after dinner, but now I only drink a cup when I am mentally exhausted, and I usually smoke those shredded tobacco!

To be honest, although those shredded tobacco are good to smoke, they also have the effect of restoring mental strength, but it is impossible to enhance mental strength. If Yuan Chen's mental strength was weak before, it would still have some effect. But now Yuan Chen's mental strength is already comparable to that of a spiritualist, so naturally it has no effect on him!

And the current Peiyuan Meditation Song can restore the mental power when it is exhausted. During this period, Yuan Chen's spiritual power is also slowly increasing. This discovery made Yuan Chenbi discover his own strength. The sound of the piano will make the little animals more happy to escape!
Humming a ditty and returning home, Yuan Chen was in an extremely beautiful mood. After all, he also felt a small bottleneck in mental power recently, and what depressed Yuan Chen the most was that those tea leaves had no effect on him. It's not that big anymore, the only thing that still works is probably the suet jade that comes from the mysterious Fifth Continent that he is wearing now!

"Little Jiji, come here, I'll play a tune for you!"

Back home, Yuan Chen saw the little Jiji playing in the yard at a glance. Because he was happy today, he planned to play the piano to the dog once. Unexpectedly, little Jiji didn't hesitate at all when he heard Yuan Chen's words. The only thing is to run out!

"Hey, it's the best pork to eat tonight. If you go out of this door, you won't be able to eat it!"

Yuan Chen sat on the grass in the yard, put the guqin on his lap, stretched his waist, and said to himself, but he must have said this for little Jiji!
Sure enough, hearing Yuan Chen using food as a temptation, little Jiji's short running legs stopped. She hesitated for a long time, struggled in her heart for a long time, she really didn't know how to choose, eat meat, and suffer from the ears. Don't eat it, your stomach will suffer!
"Fuck, was it really that bad before?"

Seeing Little Jiji's extremely hesitant expression, Yuan Chen blushed. Little Jiji is a foodie who would die for food, but this time it hesitated for so long, which made Yuan Chen very embarrassed!
Therefore, before Little Jiji made a decision, Yuan Chen made a decision for it, that is, you have to listen to this song today, and you have to listen to it if you don’t, so Yuan Chen plucked the strings without hesitation!
As soon as the sound of the piano came out, little Jiji just stood there in a daze!
(End of this chapter)

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