Chapter 340
Yuan Chen rolled his eyes at An Cai'er, do I need to envy him?Should I be jealous of him?Let me tell you, that is impossible, even if he has reached the Nascent Soul stage, but let me tell you, I, Yuan Chen, am not envious or jealous... I just hate it!
Well, just kidding, Yuan Chen just wanted Lin Qi to improve her strength, he was just surprised that Lin Qi could cultivate to this level by relying on internal strength, but having said that, internal strength is something passed down from the ancestors, so it must be good Well, it is not impossible for those who are talented to cultivate to this level!
However, since Lin Qi came from the world of Xianni, it is natural to follow the situation of the world of Xianni, so Yuan Chen instantly thought of what he saw when he watched "Xianni" before. The most exciting and most memorable one, transforming into gods before transforming into mortals, how many people are excited because of this episode!

"Turn into gods first!"

Lin Qi took Yuan Chen's words and murmured to himself, of course he had heard of this sentence before, he had read "Immortal Rebellion" several times before, and when he saw this passage, his whole body felt It's all ignited, but because he is cultivating spiritual power now, he didn't think about it!

"Well, don't rush to hit the bottleneck, take your time, you have been retreating for too long recently, it's time to take a good rest!"

Yuan Chen nodded and said, since Lin Qi cultivated her inner strength, she has been cultivating at home day and night, and has never gone out at all. It was not until recently that she encountered a bottleneck that he appeared more frequently!

Lin Qi is not actually an otaku, he is mainly too eager to go back to his own world, and the way back is difficult and dangerous, so he needs a lot of strength, otherwise he is too weak, his own I can't even go home!
"Turn into gods first? Go out more? Okay, I got it, Brother Yuan Chen!"

Lin Qi listened, thought, and finally figured it out. That's right, she was too eager for success, which ended up like this. Yesterday, she was forced by Yuan Chen to listen to Peiyuan's meditation, so he I didn't think about cultivation, but I didn't think about it. After listening to it, my whole body was relaxed, and the bottleneck was naturally loosened!

Today, however, he hopes to use the Peiyuan Meditation Song to improve his cultivation and break through the bottleneck, because it is too deliberate, so there will be no effect, and the originally loose bottleneck will no longer be opened!

"Well, it's good to know, don't be too eager for success, maybe the bottleneck will be opened!"

Yuan Chen nodded. He felt very relieved that Lin Qi could listen to his own words. If he really couldn't listen to a word and was too eager for success, there might not be much room for improvement in the future, but now he can listen to himself. If it is said, it also shows that he may have a bright future in the future!

Afterwards, An Caier pestered Yuan Chen and said that she wanted to listen to another song, but Yuan Chen refused. I worked so hard to play the piano here, and you all slept there.
After breakfast, Yuan Chen couldn't hold back An Cai'er, so he could only help them play Pei Yuan's meditation again, and when they fell asleep, Yuan Chen took the guqin and left. He didn't want to spend the whole day alone To stay here and play the piano for the two of them!

He drove around the city in a car. To be honest, he really had nowhere to go, so he could only drive around. In the end, he could only come to Xiaguang Zoo. Now it is because of the cooperation with another amusement park. , and won the champion of the animal exhibition, it can be said that in this East Guangdong Province, everything is going well!
At the entrance of Xiaguang Zoo, Yuan Chen can go in directly without buying a ticket, because Zhou Mingxia has already ordered her to show everyone the photo of Yuan Chen. You can go anywhere, and if you want to take away any animal, as long as he says, the staff will help him pack it and deliver it to his home!
To put it bluntly, as long as Yuan Chen thinks about it, it is an animal performing on the stage. As long as he says a word, the animal performance will end immediately, and the animal will follow Yuan Chen!
This is Yuan Chen's position in Xiaguang Zoo, because Yuan Chen is Xiaguang's benefactor. It can be said that without Yuan Chen, there would be no Xiaguang today, so Yuan Chen can't ask for anything too much. He would go with him without saying a word... This has nothing to do with benefactor or not, because Zhou Mingxia likes Yuan Chen!

But just today, Yuan Chen, the great benefactor of Xiaguang Zoo, Yuan Chen, the sweetheart of the director of Xiaguang Zoo, was stopped at the door!

"Sorry, it's closed today!"

Yuan Chen had just walked to the gate of Xiaguang Zoo when he was stopped by a man who looked like an orangutan who had sneaked out. Yuan Chen really doubted that he really evolved from an orangutan in the zoo!
"Not open today? Why? Isn't it Monday? Why is it closed today?"

Yuan Chen thought for a while, isn't today a Monday?How could it not be open? It would be a fool to have money and not make money, but this is how it is today. Is Zhou Mingxia really rich and not making money?That is absolutely impossible, something must have happened!
"Yes, we are closed on Mondays, please come again next time!"

That orangutan was quite polite, and his manner of speaking was also good, but it was this that made Yuan Chen feel even more strange. He was polite, but there was a little impatience in his eyes!

And don't look at the orangutan in front of you, it looks like nothing, but it's definitely not the case in detail, because this person doesn't look like a zoo employee at all, on the contrary, they look more like bodyguards, so, Now someone is here in Xiaguang, and that person is still bringing these bodyguards with him!

"Who is it?"

Yuan Chen thought to himself, if it is Zhou Mingxia's bodyguard, it is impossible not to know Yuan Chen, Yuan Chen knows Zhou Mingxia's personality, she is definitely not the kind of person who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges, so there must be someone else coming, who could it be? ?To be so arrogant on other people's territory is definitely not an ordinary person!

Thinking of this, Yuan Chen took out his phone and called Lin Hao, wanting to find out what was going on. Because of Yuan Chen, Lin Hao has now become the supervisor in Xiaguang, so he knows many things. , so Yuan Chen called him directly!

"Hey, Yuan Chen, it's not convenient for me to answer the phone right now, I'll call you later if I need anything!"

Just after connecting the phone, Lin Hao said in a low voice, there seems to be something on his side!
"What happened to Xiaguang Zoo?"

Lin Hao said that he was about to hang up the phone, and Yuan Chen asked quickly!
" know everything?"

(End of this chapter)

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