Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 353 Dude, I sympathize with you

Chapter 353 Dude, I sympathize with you

After working for a long time, the three of them finally finished shooting all the clothes. Yuan Chen is fine, after all, he is a man, and his physical strength has also been improved due to the effect of monster meat, so he is not so tired!
The two girls, Chen Jiayuan and Gao Enxing, were already out of breath and sweating profusely. After all, their work was much more tiring than Yuan Chen's. The photography and lighting were actually quite tiring!
"Finally it's all done, hoo!"

Chen Jiayuan disregarded her image and sat on the sofa. Yuan Chen was speechless in a BJ paralyzed posture. On the other hand, Gao Enxing's posture was much more graceful... Well, it's almost the same, it seems that the two are really close exhausted!
"How about going to have a meal?"

Chen Jiayuan slumped on the sofa and looked at the time. It was already past eleven o'clock. The two of them hadn't eaten since morning, and they had been busy for so long, so they were already hungry!
"Yeah, eat, eat, I'm starving to death!"

When Gao Enxing heard eating, she nodded quickly, touched her stomach and said, and then her stomach made a cooperating sound of gurgling!
"Pfft, your stomach is cooperative!"

Hearing Gao Enxing's stomach growling, Chen Jiayuan also laughed out loud, how well this stomach fits her master!

"It also feels a strong sense of hunger!"

Gao Enxing didn't feel embarrassed, but said with a smile!

"Okay, so what do you want to eat?"

Yuan Chen said that although he ate something in the morning, he only ate a little bit to fill his stomach, and he is already hungry now!

"Well, I want to eat skewers!"

Gao Enxing said that Yuan Chen doesn't know why she likes to eat barbecue so much, but eating barbecue on a hot day is easy to get angry!

"Well, I've been getting angry recently, and I've got pimples, so let's eat something else!"

When Gao Enxing said that she was going to have a barbecue, Chen Jiayuan shook her head. The weather is so hot, and she has been on fire recently, so she refused!
"Well, why don't we go eat steak, I haven't eaten for a long time, I know one that does a great job!"

When Gao Enxing saw Chen Jiayuan shaking her head, she gave up the idea of ​​eating skewers, and she also thought about it, in this hot day, eating barbecue is easy to get angry!
"Steak? Well, yes, let's have steak!"

Chen Jiayuan thought about it, and she hadn't eaten steak for a long time, so she nodded!
"Okay, then it's decided, let's go eat steak!"

Seeing Chen Jiayuan nodding, Gao Enxing shouted happily, so the two of them made a final decision, now go eat steak!
"Why don't you ask me?"

Yuan Chen, who was sitting next to him, looked at the two people who had made up their minds after a few words, and silently interjected, and then the two girls rolled their eyes!
"You don't have to go if you don't want to!"

Chen Jiayuan said contemptuously!

"That's it!"

Gao Enxing also nodded cooperatively!
When Yuan Chen heard it, that fire, I have a bad temper, it's a big deal for me... just don't talk, if you eat steak, you can eat steak!

Ever since, the three of them drove towards the western restaurant that Gao Enxing mentioned. Of course, the driver was Yuan Chen, and they were driving Gao Enxing's car, because Yuan Chen's car was a two-door, two-seater sports car. There is no way to bring two!

Soon, the three of them arrived at the western restaurant that Gao Enxing mentioned, ordered three steaks, and the steaks came out very quickly. Yuan Chen had never eaten steak before. In western restaurants, they all eat pork chops and chicken chops. Now that they are rich, monster meat, monster meat is much more delicious than this steak!

"Huh? Left fork and right knife or left knife and right fork?"

Yuan Chen looked at the knife and fork in his hand for a moment, but he didn't pay attention to these details. Seeing that Gao Enxing picked up the knife and fork first and was ready to eat, while Chen Jiayuan was still pressing the phone, Yuan Chen had an idea, took out the phone and pretended to eat. I was playing with my mobile phone, and then secretly observed Gao Enxing!
"Left knife and right fork? Hey, I'm so witty!"

Yuan Chen sniggered in his heart, then put down his phone, holding a knife in his left hand and a fork in his right, and started eating!
At this time, Chen Jiayuan also put down her phone, picked up the knife and fork on the table, and started eating!

"Hey, you got it wrong. It's your first time eating it. Fortunately, I'm smart, so I observed it first!"

Seeing that Chen Jiayuan took it wrong, Yuan Chen secretly laughed in his heart!
"Hey, Yuan Chen, are you left-handed too?"

Just when Yuan Chen secretly rejoiced and could finally see Chen Jiayuan's embarrassment, Gao Enxing asked suddenly!
"Huh? What?"

Yuan Chen was taken aback, what?Am I not left-handed?what happened?
"Then why do you have the same knife and fork as I do?"

Gao Enxing looked at the knife and fork in Yuan Chen's hand, and asked curiously!

Hearing this, Chen Jiayuan burst out laughing, and at this moment Yuan Chen also realized that he had taken the wrong one, so he quickly changed it, Emma, ​​it's so embarrassing, you are left-handed, so tell me earlier!

Honey juice finished eating in embarrassment, Yuan Chen was also helpless, why is he always getting embarrassed, no, he must save face!

"Beauty, could you please give me your contact information?"

Just when Yuan Chen was thinking about how to save face, a figure appeared near their table and said to Chen Jiayuan!
Yuan Chen looked up, it was a tall foreigner, his appearance... Anyway, it was just a foreigner, Yuan Chen didn't want to mention him, didn't you see me here?Didn't you see we were dating?You just leaned over and asked for a phone number?
"That... I don't know you?"

Chen Jiayuan was also taken aback for a moment, then shook her head and said!
"Oh, I'll get to know each other more after I keep in touch with you. Once you're acquainted, you'll be acquainted the second time!"

The foreigner said in not very standard Mandarin, Yuan Chen has a bad temper, don't you understand?If they don't give you your phone number, you can leave!

"Otherwise, how about this, I'll play a piece of music for you first, as if we know each other!"

The foreigner didn't know whether it was a sudden reaction or what, he said suddenly, before Chen Jiayuan agreed, he went directly to the piano in the center, and after exchanging a few words with the piano player, the piano player came down, and The foreigner just sat on the seat, ready to start playing the piano!
I saw the foreigner pressed his hands, and then played quickly. The melody was very light and pleasant to hear. The young couples eating here also turned their heads and listened carefully!

Those girls listened quietly, as if they were all intoxicated by the sound of the piano, while their boyfriends cast a sympathetic look at Yuan Chen!

Yuan Chen clearly remembered that they cast jealous glances before, but now they can change whatever they say, what are you going to say?
"Dude, I sympathize with you!"

 Cough cough, thank you Xiaohuang Rong and Yanhuang Yeshao for your big rewards this week!

(End of this chapter)

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