Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 358 Huya Evolution

Chapter 358 Huya Evolution
Yuan Chen looked at the news on his phone, and was also taken aback. It didn't seem long since the last time there was garbage from mainland China, no, it has been more than half a month since the last time!
No matter what, Yuan Chen is very excited. If there is garbage, there will be rewards. This has been a long-standing law. As for how much you harvest, Yuan Chen doesn't know. It would be great if you can harvest a girl!

In fact, most of those from different dimensions are the household garbage of that dimension, but when they come to the earth where Yuan Chen is, they become treasures. It is like saying that you lost a saw or lighter and went to the Stone Age. It is definitely an artifact-like existence!
If it weren't for being on the road now, Yuan Chen could not wait to download it. After all, he was cheated last time and spent [-] experience points, and now he has to earn it back bit by bit!
"Oh, it's so hard to be a cleaner!"

After Yuan Chen sighed, he drove towards home!

"I'm back!"

Back home, Yuan Chen parked the car and yelled in the direction of the house, but no one answered, but Yuan Chen wasn't worried, it was like this often before, if Lin Qi and An Caier weren't here, wouldn't they be here? Cultivation means going out for a stroll!

Yuan Chen went directly to the location in the backyard, and saw Lin Qi and An Caier were all around there, seeming to be watching something, fascinated by it, and little Jiji, the black-winged eagle, the silver charm and even the big one Where are the wolves surrounded?
"Huh? Is there anything interesting over there? How about Huya?"

Yuan Chen saw it from a distance, but he didn't say much, he just felt strange, what was he doing, and walked over slowly!
"What's the matter? What are you looking at?"

Yuan Chen walked over and patted Lin Qi, before he realized what he was looking at so engrossed, no wonder Yuan Chen yelled so loudly just now and no one paid attention!
"Ah, Brother Yuan Chen, are you back? Look at Little Huya!"

Lin Qi only came to her senses at this time. Seeing Yuan Chen, she hurriedly made room for Yuan Chen, pointed to Huya on the ground and said!
Yuan Chen heard that something happened to Huya, so he quickly looked over, and saw Huya lying on the ground without any movement, Yuan Chen's heart skipped a beat, could it be...how could it be possible, Huya was still fine when he left before, why did this happen? Will... This will... Is it going to evolve?

Yuan Chen looked at Huya, its eyes were tightly closed, and it was breathing evenly. The most important thing was that its body was still glowing slightly red, and the grass around the place where it was lying was all withered!

"Brother Yuan Chen, what's wrong with Huya?"

An Cai'er asked curiously. When he woke up in the morning, he and Lin Qi found that the grass around Huya was withered. At first they thought it was caused by Huya's practice, but after eating at noon, they discovered that Huya's body was actually There is a red light!
This caught the attention of the two of them, so they ran over to watch, but it has been two hours now, Huya is still the same, slapping lazily on the ground without any movement!

"It's evolving!"

Yuan Chen looked at it for a while, and then said, Huya told him before that it wanted to grow up, and this growth is undoubtedly evolution, so Yuan Chen let it practice here!
And seeing the changes in Huya now, Yuan Chen also... well, actually he didn't realize it, but it heard Huya's voice!
"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts...Yuan Chen, you're back? I'm going to grow up, so happy, but it hurts!"

Yuan Chen looked at the Huya lying on the ground and clenched his teeth, and felt a little unbearable, but he had nothing to say or do, he could only watch with Lin Qi and An Cai'er!
"Evolution? Brother Yuan Chen, will Huya become a human after it evolves?"

An Cai'er looked at Huya on the ground curiously, then looked at Yuan Chen innocently, and asked suddenly!
Hearing An Cai'er's words, Yuan Chen was also taken aback. He hadn't thought about this problem. Huya is so smart, with high intelligence and high cultivation. If Huya devoured the starry sky dimension, he would definitely not become a human, but Huya is different now, it is a Huya that can be cultivated!

"Huya, will you become a human after you evolve?"

Yuan Chen frowned, looked at the painful Huya on the ground and asked!
"Who wants such an ugly skin? I'm just an ordinary animal, not a monster. How could I become a human!"

Huya endured the pain and said, in fact, with Yuan Chen by its side, it will have an inexplicable feeling that it will be safe, that it can definitely survive and evolve successfully!
"That's fine, that's fine!"

Yuan Chen nodded. Hearing Huya's words, Yuan Chen felt relieved. After all, the government has regulations that animals after the founding of the People's Republic of China cannot become spirits. Since Huya said that they will not become humans, it doesn't matter!

As for things like talking, there is no problem with these, after all, there are two animations of Bears and Pleasant Goats, so being able to talk will not be a problem!

"Don't worry, Huya said it won't turn into a human, by the way, Lin Qi, why don't you practice today?"

Yuan Chen suddenly asked, let alone the evolution of Huya, it was Yuan Chen who evolved himself. As long as there is no life-threatening incident, Lin Qi will practice in it. I didn't expect Lin Qi to watch it outside today. With Huya evolving, when did he become so idle!
"Didn't I encounter a bottleneck last time? Didn't you tell me to transform into a god first? So now I only practice for a short time every day, and the rest of the time is free!"

Lin Qi smiled. In the past half a month or so, he has lived a leisurely life. He has nothing to do every day, except for occasional practice. Most of the other time he is doing other things. This is very different from his previous life. Same!
He used to practice every day, unless there was something else, he would practice in his room, but when it was time to eat, he would come out to eat, and he was practicing at other times!

But now I basically don’t stay in the room anymore. I just watch TV, drink tea, cook, and bask in the sun every day. The small life is quite nourishing, and it is more and more like the life of modern people, but Even though he "transforms the mortal" like this every day, after half a month, he still hasn't been able to transform into a god. If it wasn't for the bottleneck of his cultivation getting looser, he would be a little suspicious!

While they were talking, Huya, who was lying on the ground, stood up, the red light on his body was shining brightly, and Yuan Chen saw that its body was slowly rising, little by little. !

Until the end, its body was finally as tall as a normal tiger, but at this time, the red light shrank again, Huya's body shrank back to its original size, and then the red light disappeared!

(End of this chapter)

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