Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 370 Human Transformation Project

Chapter 370 Human Transformation Project

Now Yuan Chen's villa is full of excitement. Not only are there a bunch of small animals, but also the intelligent little Jiji, the black-winged eagle, the silver charm, the big wolf, and even an evolved tiger tooth!
These are nothing, there are two robots at home, an earth version of garbage equipped with a lifting robot and a new alien plant detection robot Eve, these two robots have also been reunited in this "different world" earth, Although nothing happened to the two of them!
The most important thing is that there are three people from different dimensions, Lin Qi, An Caier, and codename Seven. These three people also have different personalities. One is taciturn and knows how to practice all day long. Don't stop!
An Cai'er and a girl named Seven, the former is lively and mischievous, while the latter knows how to research technology every day without going out, so she is obviously a tech geek!
Yuan Chen looked at the room full of people and animals, and shook his head. There are so many, and the food expenses are very unbalanced. They are all delicious and lazy. The code name is better, and it can help him research some new technology products, but The other two are simply living for nothing!

"No, I have to find something for them to do!"

Yuan Chen looked at the two Lin Qi and An Cai'er who were arguing to play the piano by themselves early in the morning, and then fell asleep right here. Two playing the piano, why, why?
Lin Qi and the two can't hear it now, even if they heard it, they would not take it seriously. After all, they also mentioned to help Yuan Chen's restaurant before, but after only going there for a day, Yuan Chen asked them to stay at home and have a good rest. So don't blame them for this kind of thing!

If Yuan Chen knew what they were thinking, he would definitely spit out a mouthful of old blood. You must know that it was because the two broke so many dishes in the restaurant that day, and even injured a customer and broke two ribs. Things have to praise Linqi!

Originally, An Cai'er was going to beat someone to death, but Lin Qi stopped her and told her that this is a society ruled by law, so don't cause trouble for brother Yuan Chen, just break two ribs!
The guest thought that the two were trying to scare him, so he was still in a daze, and then... of course, An Cai'er broke two ribs, one on the left and the other on the right!

Later, Yuan Chen had to clean up the mess for them, so he took the two of them to apologize to him, but he refused to accept it, and insisted that he would sue Yuan Chen to his Chenxuanlou. Yes, it's a good thing to sue Chenxuan Building now!
Later, I had to praise An Cai'er for this matter. She refused to reconcile. This An Cai'er broke his finger bone abruptly. That person was also stubborn, and he didn't agree to reconcile until the third root, and then Yuan Chen paid for it. A few million, this matter is over!

Because of these two incidents, Lin Qi and An Cai'er deserved the most credit, so Yuan Chen let the two of them rest at home and stop helping at the Chenxuan Building, otherwise they won't be able to earn enough to pay for it!

"Brother Yuan Chen, this is for you!"

Just when Yuan Chen was thinking about how to send the two of them to work, Sister Qiqi came to Yuan Chen's side and handed over the stack of materials in her hand to Yuan Chen!

Yuan Chen took the materials and took a look. It was about virtual projection. The last time Huang Wei asked Yuan Chen questions, Yuan Chen came back to ask Qiqi, and after Qiqi sorted out all night, he put these things into Finished and handed over to Yuan Chen!

"Thank you, Qiqi!"

Yuan Chen said, although people eat and live in their own homes, they still have to be polite!

"It's okay, it's all my favorite field anyway, if you need anything in the future, just tell me directly!"

Sister Qiqi smiled very charmingly, and then said that she would never refuse any technological things. She repaired many broken electrical appliances in Yuan Chen's house, ranging from clocks and watches to computers, refrigerators, and air conditioners. As long as it is a little broken or has signs of being broken, it will be repaired by the girl in front of me!
"It's really nice to have a tech-nerd girl at home!"

Yuan Chen sighed, this is what he said from the bottom of his heart. Before, he was exhausted, but now that he has a sister Qiqi at home, his waist is no longer sore, and his legs are no longer hurting. What does it matter, hehe, the massage chair Yuan Chen is sitting on is made by her!

"If there is nothing else, I will continue to study the helmet!"

Qiqi saw that Yuan Chen had nothing to do, so she was going to continue to study the helmet. After all, Yuan Chen made it harder for her. These days, she is also studying the use of low-level materials on the earth to create a virtual reality for this world. projector!
"Don't worry about that. I have something here to show you first. It's also about technology, but the difficulty is a bit high!"

Yuan Chen thought for a while, and said to Qiqi, he hadn't planned to show it to Qiqi, but now he suddenly changed his mind, because he felt that something seemed to be happening recently!
"Huh? What? High tech?"

Hearing that Yuan Chen said it was high-tech, Qi Qi, who was just about to leave, looked back again. Before Yuan Chen gave her things, Yuan Chen would first tell her that the technology was a bit low-end, but now Yuan Chen What I told her was that this thing is a bit difficult, so Qiqi is also a little curious!
"That's it!"

As Yuan Chen said, he ran to the room, faxed the materials of the virtual reality projection technology to Huang Wei, and then took out the materials that Huang Wei had handed back earlier, which was the data of the artificial human technology!

"This is...the human transformation plan?"

Qiqi looked at the stack of documents in Yuan Chen's hand, at first she just looked at it a little bit, then the more she looked at it, the more frightened she became, and finally she showed shock for the first time!

"Human transformation plan? What?"

Yuan Chen was taken aback. This was the first time he had heard of this thing. Could it have something to do with artificial human beings, a black technology?
"It is to transform part of a person's limbs into a machine, or the whole person, except for the head, everything else is transformed into a machine. After this transformation, humans can truly achieve longevity, and it also greatly strengthens the human body. various functions!"

Qiqi thought for a while, then continued!

"However, after transforming people, many people gained abilities that they didn't have before, so many people used their special abilities to commit crimes, so later on our planet, this technology of transforming people was also banned. This technology has also been lost, Brother Yuan Chen, why do you have such a thing?"

Qiqi asked, this kind of thing happened on her planet more than 500 years ago!

(ps: Thank you Xiaoshuai for the reward of 1000 coins, by the way... how nice it is to reward me with the money from the monthly ticket package, woo woo woo, haha, thank you all!)

(End of this chapter)

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