Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 373 Information Department

Chapter 373 Information Department

Today is the day when Yuan Chen and his group went to the capital. There were three people who went this time, Yuan Chen, Huang Wei, and a company employee. He was also the youngest researcher in the company before, although he was younger than Yuan Chen. Much bigger!

This time it was just a presentation to the relevant departments in the capital, so Yuan Chen felt that there was no need to bring too many people, so now he only brought two people this time, and they must be asked to demonstrate and explain. As for Yuan Chen himself Well, just watch from the sidelines!
It took several people a day's flight to arrive in the capital. Fortunately, Tao Qiong had already reserved rooms for them, so Yuan Chen and the others took a taxi and went directly to the hotel to rest!

The next day, Huang Wei contacted the Minister of the Information Department, because this encryption system is mainly for information, so this brain wave encryption helmet is also under the control of the Information Department!

Huang Wei also greeted the people from the information department before, and then confirmed that he would wear a helmet to demonstrate today, so a few people came here in such a hurry!

"Minister Xie, I'm Huang Wei. Yes, we're here with the latest brainwave encryption system. I wonder if you're free now!"

In fact, Huang Wei is quite famous in China. When he just returned to China, someone from the government approached him. However, he is used to living a free life abroad, and he really doesn't like being restrained by others, so he refused. No, it's just a professor's reputation!

"Professor Huang, are you here in person this time? Just right, I also have something to ask you. The demonstration is scheduled for today, and you can come here later!"

The other party was also polite, and directly called Huang Wei Professor Huang. Yuan Chen did not expect that Huang Wei is still a professor-level figure. In fact, if it is related to his age, the professor is really very young. After all, many professors are now He is in his seventies and eighties!
In fact, Huang Wei's qualifications are more than enough to be a professor in China, and people from the information department had invited him before, but he was also declined. The minister of the information department also has a little friendship with Huang Wei!

But Yuan Chen didn't know about this, because Tao Qiong was busy with recruiting and so on, Yuan Chen didn't pay attention to these at all, so he didn't know many things, and he didn't expect his staff to be a professor. character!

"Hey, I need my boss's approval for this!"

Huang Wei smiled and said, now he has Yuan Chen as his boss, so he can't just help out by saying help!

"Hey, you are serious. Our information department is looking for you to be the deputy minister. If you don't come, you will go to a small company. I don't know what you think. What is better there than here? But it can bring you a lot of technological assistance!"

Minister Xie said that he was the one who asked Huang Wei to go to their information department before, but Huang Wei refused directly. If the two of them hadn't had some friendship, they might think that they had offended him in some way!
"Hey, there really is, you don't know, this time my boss has tinkered with it, and our team just perfected this technology and developed it as an independent technology!"

Huang Wei said proudly, yes, he is very proud. He is very satisfied to be able to follow such a boss. He was recruited by the company before because Yuan Chen's helmet attracted him, but now that helmet has become his boss. Show off the capital!

Of course, the inventor of the helmet was directly upgraded to Huang Wei's idol, but he was too embarrassed to say it out. After all, a man in his teens told a young man in his early twenties, I admire you very much, you Sign me up!
Maybe someone can do it, but Huang Wei can't do it, so now I can only regard Yuan Chen as my idol in my heart!

"Is that so? Then I have to meet you today. What kind of professor-level figure can develop something that Huang Wei didn't even think of!"

The person over there smiled. He knew that Huang Wei would never praise others easily, let alone work under someone he thought was incompetent, so he must have his reasons for praising his boss so much!
"Well, you'll see later!"

Huang Wei smiled, and then hung up the phone after talking to Minister Xie a few words!

"President Yuan, there is no problem over there, we can go directly there later!"

After Huang Wei hung up the phone, he said to Yuan Chen!

"Okay, sorry to trouble you, by the way, you are very familiar with that Minister Jie?"

Yuan Chen asked casually, just now Huang Wei called in front of him, so Yuan Chen heard many things, a little curious!

"Well, that's right. We were all classmates in high school and university. It's just that I went abroad to develop, and he still stayed in China. Later, I didn't have much contact with him. There were some technical matters. Now he's mixed up with the minister of the information department. , I was also invited to come to the Ministry of Information when I returned to China, but I like freedom, so I refused!"

Huang Wei nodded with a smile. He has nothing to hide about this kind of thing!

"So it is!"

Yuan Chen nodded, a little surprised that Huang Wei was a classmate with the head of the information department, which he had never thought of!

In fact, Huang Wei did not expect that this new technology was actually under the control of the Ministry of Information, and the current head of the Ministry of Information is his old classmate, so Huang Wei directly called him and made an appointment for a demonstration time!

Yuan Chen and the others also came to the Information Department, and met Minister Xie of the Information Department. Yuan Chen was a little surprised when he saw Minister Xie. He looked at him, and then at Huang Wei!
Comparing the two, are they really classmates?Huang Wei's appearance has been described before, so I won't describe it anymore, and the Minister Xie, who looks so talented, can't tell that he is in the same class as Huang Wei!

"We met our old classmates again!"

As soon as Yuan Chen and the others arrived, Minister Jie greeted Huang Wei warmly. Huang Wei also gave him a hug. It turned out that they were really classmates!
"This is your boss, so young and promising!"

After hugging Huang Wei enthusiastically, Minister Xie looked at the younger researcher. In fact, he was younger than Huang Wei and the others!
"Hey, this is my boss, Mr. Yuan Chen and Mr. Yuan!"

Huang Wei shook his head with a smile, moved away, and introduced Yuan Chen to Minister Xie!
"Ah, I'm really disrespectful and disrespectful. You are so young. Old Huang kept mentioning you before. I thought you would be around [-] no matter how young you are. Unexpectedly, you are really a hero!"

(End of this chapter)

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