Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 375 Deciphering

Chapter 375 Deciphering
Of course, now Huang Wei is just explaining the working principle of this brain wave encryption helmet, and some professional anatomy, anyway, these Yuan Chen can't understand, but he has to pretend to understand, and the most important thing is now His memory is very good, it sounds like he has memorized a lot!

"If only I could have such a good memory when I was studying in high school!"

I found that I could basically remember what Huang Wei said. If Huang Wei could say it again, he could write down almost every word. This is the benefit of having a strong mental power, plus the double special effect of meditation crystal Added together, the current Yuan Chen is simply slipping away!

"...Okay, now we invite a few volunteers to come up and test whether the function of this brain wave encryption helmet is as amazing as I said!"

Huang Wei said some basic things to be introduced, and then he was ready to start demonstrating the helmet. This is the most important link. Whether the helmet can withstand these tests is the most important thing to see. Successfully broke through!
Then there were ten volunteers who came to the stage. These volunteers were arranged by people from the Ministry of Information. Among the ten volunteers, five were technicians, and three of them were hackers before they were discovered. He has never done anything that endangers the country, and his skills are very superb, so he was recruited!
The other five are also technicians of the Ministry of Information, but the role of these five people today is consumers, ordinary people. They have registered many accounts on some websites and other places, and these accounts It was used to test the helmet this time!
Among the three hackers was the 25-year-old woman, which made Yuan Chen not expect that besides Yuan Chen, there was only that person who was the youngest here, and she did not expect to be the one who went up!

In fact, Yuan Chen didn't know that the woman's name was Zuo Yuyu, and she was the most skilled among the three hackers. If she really counted, her technology could be ranked among the top five in the entire information department!

The reason why she was discovered before was because she didn't have time to leave in order to cover her companions, so her IP was checked, but at that time she attacked a certain neighboring small country!
And this time, she is the least trusting of the brain wave encryption helmet developed by Yuan Chen's Future Technology Research Company. In her heart, as long as it has a password, it can definitely be cracked!
"Are you all ready?"

Huang Wei looked at those people wearing helmets, and believed that they had encrypted their passwords with brainwaves!
"Well, it's alright!"

Those people also put down their helmets and waited for the other five technicians to decipher. Some of them knew the codes, some of them were known by a few deciphering technicians, and some of them were only known by themselves!
"If you can, let's start!"

Huang Wei said a word, and then he got off the stage, watching the demonstration above with confidence. He has 100% confidence in this brainwave encryption helmet, and he is not afraid of them deciphering it at all, because it is impossible to decipher it. It was successful, moreover, this helmet has another function that he didn't mention just now!
The deciphering time is one hour. As long as a password can be deciphered within an hour, including those that people already know, even if there are loopholes in the helmet, if an unknown password can be successfully deciphered, then the brain wave Encrypted helmets cannot be listed!
Time passed by every minute and every second, and almost everyone watched nervously as the five technicians on the stage were cracking the code. Of course, except for two people, that was Yuan Chen and Huang Wei, because the two of them were brainstorming. Confidence in the radio encryption helmet is full!

"At what point do you think they will give up!"

Huang Wei suddenly turned his head to look at Yuan Chen and asked!

"Ah, can this be given up?"

Yuan Chen was taken aback, didn't it mean that the more difficult to crack the code is the most attractive to the cracking technicians?
Before Yuan Chen heard Huang Wei introduce those people on the stage, because those technicians were really outstanding, so Huang Wei also heard about them, and just after he stepped off the stage, he briefly introduced them to Yuan Chen , but he didn't know the details, including Huang Wei didn't know that they were hackers!
"Of course you can give up. Although the more difficult passwords are very attractive to technicians, an encryption system that you can't crack even if you know the password will make people collapse!"

Huang Wei smiled and said, if you clearly know the password, follow that route, as long as you can decipher it through the computer and show a deciphering process, but if you can’t decipher it, and you can’t get the result number, then that’s true. Will be driven crazy!
Three and 10 minutes passed, and finally one technician couldn't stand the watch and gave up because he really couldn't decipher it. After 35 minutes, the second technician also chose to give up, and now there are only three people left on the stage. , Those three people are the original hackers!

"Those three people are really able to persist. It has been 45 minutes and they are still persisting. If I had given up already!"

Huang Wei said with a smile, the perseverance of these three people was beyond his expectations, especially that woman, who is not in a hurry to decipher it now, it seems that the quality of her heart is really very good!
"Well, yes!"

Yuan Chen couldn't help but look at the three of them more. He really wanted to take them to his company, but he just thought about it. He didn't want to poach the staff of the Information Department, otherwise, the minister of solution would have nothing to do with him. !
At fifty minutes, the other two also gave up, only Zuo Yuyu was still holding on, and some old professors who were watching below also shook their heads. Crypto didn't believe it, but now, it seems to be true!

Because four of the five people on the stage have given up, and these four people have not been able to decipher even one of the passwords that they know. The result can be imagined, even if Zuo Yuyu can decipher the password that one of them knows. , that can only show that this helmet has a small loophole, because the password is known in advance, so there is no loophole at all!
If an unknown password can be deciphered, it can be called a real loophole!

Everyone looked at Zuo Yuyu nervously, the time passed by every minute and every second, and finally the time stayed at twelve, that is, one hour passed!
"I failed!"

When the time came, Zuo Yuyu also stopped what he was doing, stood up, and said calmly!
(ps: Ahhh, so fast, Chapter 399!)
(End of this chapter)

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