Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 378 I want the protruding point on you

Chapter 378 I want the protruding point on you
Sitting on the return plane, Yuan Chen chatted with Zuo Yuyu. The biggest achievement this time was not the approval of the brain wave encryption helmet, but getting such a high-tech talent, mainly because he is also beautiful!

There were three people in the team when we came here, but now it is a foursome. It is also a lot of fun to have a beautiful woman as a companion. Although Zuo Yuyu looks cold on the outside, it is actually quite good and can be very We can chat!
After returning to his hometown, Yuan Chen asked Huang Wei to take Zuo Yuyu to the future technology company to go through the entry procedures, and then quickly set about finishing the press conference!

Then he went home alone. He was a little tired from running around these days. After all, after getting used to eating cold pond white fish, monster meat, and melons, fruits and vegetables with aura, eating those things really You will feel that it is not so delicious, it is okay to eat less, but you will feel a little uncomfortable if you eat too much!

"I am back!"

Yuan Chen yelled, but no one answered him, last time it was because Huya evolved, and this time it was because of what?
Yuan Chen walked towards the house with doubts, but found that things were not as simple as he imagined, this time... nothing happened, everyone stayed at home, busy with their own work!

Qiqi is still tinkering with the artificial human technology, it seems that he wants to research that technology!
And Huya is still lying on the ground, it seems that it wants to evolve again!

Needless to say, Lin Qi, when he heard Yuan Chen asked him to go to work, he started to practice again, hoping to break through the original bottleneck. It has been a few months since he transformed into a fan, so naturally he will start to transform into a god!

And An Cai'er is... sleeping...

And little Jiji... is also sleeping...

"Brother Yuan Chen, you are back, why have you been there these few days?"

Seeing Yuan Chen coming back, Qiqi also got out of the car, and now that car is her studio, because many things cannot be moved outside, so she works directly in the car!

Because her car is a modified car, in her world before, she sometimes treated the car as her own studio, so there is a lot of space inside, even if she is working in it, no one will be crowded. It's okay for two people to drive in it!
"Well, I went to the capital to test this helmet recently. I said it was absolutely encrypted. They didn't believe it, so they took it and tested it. The result was still the same. They couldn't crack any of it!"

Yuan Chen said that he also took back the five helmets that were used for testing. Although they could be used after deleting the data, Yuan Chen felt that the production cost was not high, and there was no need to spend time deleting them, so he brought them back directly. up!
"Oh, it's so powerful, let me see!"

Qiqi picked up Yuan Chen's helmet with great interest, looked at it carefully, then picked up her tool that looked like a mobile phone, connected the helmet to it, and tapped it a few times!
Yuan Chen could see a paragraph displayed on the screen of her "mobile phone", and she was in the process of cracking the password. Yuan Chen smiled and didn't care!

When he was standing by the side with the mentality of taking a look, he saw the display on the "mobile phone": Cracked successfully!
"Zuo Yuyu, 25 years old, codenamed Mei, a top hacker in the world, once invaded the military defense system of a small country by himself..."

Isn't this the information about Zuo Yuyu that I saw yesterday?This helmet seems to be the one Zuo Yuyu cracked, but why so fast!

Yuan Chen saw that Qiqi's "mobile phone" also showed the cracking time: 00:03:50!

"Do you want to crack it so soon?"

Yuan Chen's heart is desperate. Just a second ago, he was giving a demonstration at the Information Department in Kyoto. He was still doing well, and he was still slapping others in the face. Now at home, he was being slapped in the face. Isn't this transition too fast?

"This isn't too powerful, is it?"

After Qiqi cracked the brain wave encryption helmet, the more than 20 passwords registered by the test participants were all analyzed. Yuan Chen didn't know if it was right or wrong, but I believe the chance of being right is quite high. After all, it was Qiqi!
"This thing is definitely not good for your technology. Even if it is encrypted, you can crack it in a few minutes. But for us, this thing is absolute encryption, a high-tech epoch-making product!"

Yuan Chen explained that this thing comes from the future time and space. For people of this era, it is a very high-end thing. Even if it is not so easy to crack within ten years, it is called an epoch-making technology!
But this epoch-making refers to the epoch-making of this world. For Qiqi and their high-tech planet, it is not epoch-making. It is just a very old encryption technology, so Qiqi can also be very fast. Cracked!

However, these ten years are enough for Yuan Chen, and he doesn't know what kind of science and technology it will be after ten years. This brainwave encryption may have been eliminated long ago!
"So that's the case, then the science and technology of this planet is really backward!"

Qi Qi said, but she wasn't disappointed at all, because as long as she had something to play with, even in this short 3 minutes, she could still kill it!
Moreover, she picked up the other four helmets very bored, and slowly cracked them one by one. The time spent on each was about the same, but it seemed that they were all a few or ten seconds shorter. , The time has changed from the three minutes and 50 seconds at the beginning to the current three minutes!

It turns out that the "mobile phone" in Qiqi's hand can also automatically memorize some things, which means that the "mobile phone" also has a learning function, and every time it is cracked, it can learn something slowly, and then slowly improve!

"Qiqi, does this thing of yours have an automatic learning function?"

Yuan Chen looked at Qiqi's "mobile phone" curiously and asked, this thing looks pretty good, if only he could get one himself!
"Well, this thing was invented by me. It can be used completely... Well, it should be called solar energy. This is a charging device. It can fly directly to the top of the clouds. Don't worry about cloudy or rainy days. It can be used directly. Absorbing solar energy!"

Qi Qi said!

"Then can you make me one too?"

Yuan Chen asked, how could he not like such a good thing!
"Ah, it's possible, but the materials here are simply not enough to make this kind of detector!"

Qi Qi nodded, then shook her head again, it's not that difficult for her to do it, but there's not enough material here, she can't help it, a clever woman can't cook without rice!

"Um, I mean I want this protruding point on you, the one that receives solar energy!"

 Thank you Xiaoshuai's Qi, Yanhuangye Shao, Hua Xiaofeng Wuchen for your reward this week!
(End of this chapter)

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