Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 382 Orchard Conception

Chapter 382 Orchard Conception
After Qiqi built the dog army, Yuan Chen tossed those dogs at home every day. After more than a month of training, these dogs have been able to fully adapt to the extra things on him !
And I don't know why, it seems that these dogs have lost their legs before, so now they are abnormally protective of those mechanical legs. Before Yuan Chen asked the two dogs to practice sword skills with each other, and one of them was more familiar with it. It was cut on the other's foot, but that dog used its own foot to block the knife for the mechanical foot!

Fortunately, Yuan Chen was present at the time, otherwise, an extra leg would have to be made, because those knives were all made by Qiqi with the metal from her world, they were extremely sharp, but compared to Yuan Chen's, they could be devoured Starry Sky's dagger is naturally worse!
But it can be regarded as cutting iron like mud. If the dog's fleshy feet are cut off, they will definitely be broken, so from then on, Yuan Chen no longer let them train each other, just let them adapt themselves, anyway It is controlled by a program, and there will be no major problems at all, as long as the body can keep up!

Now Yuan Chen's life is very nourishing, every day he grows vegetables at home, feeds the dog, and lives carefree like this!

"This apple doesn't taste very good!"

Yuan Chen is eating a freshly cultivated apple. Yuan Chen recently planted trees and vegetables when he was bored at home. Of course, the seeds of those fruit trees are the cores of the fruits grown from the fruit trees he planted before!
"Which generation of fruit trees is this, it seems to be the ninth generation!"

Yuan Chen said while biting the apple, this apple tree is the ninth generation of the fruit tree he planted, of course, the fruit trees behind this must not be planted on the black soil, because the area of ​​the black soil is not big in the first place !
So these fruit trees, Yuan Chen, were all planted on ordinary land, but because they were cultivated from the stones of those fruit trees planted on black soil, these fruit trees also have aura!

It’s just like the white fish in the cold pool, each generation carries less and less spiritual energy, but I don’t know if it’s because these fruit trees are plants, or because these fruit trees are directly planted on the black soil, the spiritual energy is actually It can be passed to the ninth generation. Only the ninth generation apples are similar to ordinary apples, and even less delicious than ordinary apples!
But the taste of the previous eight generations of apples was good, so this gave Yuan Chen a new idea, that is to open an orchard!
It is impossible for Hantan fishery to develop much for the time being, because it needs to be fed with silkworm excrement, so it will be greatly restricted!
The same is true for Future Technology. Although the brain wave encryption helmet is now launched, because it is a high-tech product, many people are still skeptical and are waiting for the experience of those who bought it before. Therefore, it is temporarily impossible to make the market. It's too big, and Yuan Chen doesn't plan to get involved in the foreign market for the time being!

But if it's fruit, it's different. The seeds Yuan Chen has collected now are enough to open a large orchard, and besides the first generation, the second to third generation of these fruit trees can be sold!

"However, this site selection is a problem. There is a small piece of woods next to Hantan Fishery. Even if we cut down all of them and plant them, there will not be enough space!"

Yuan Chen muttered to himself, even if you want to make this thing, it is not easy. After all, you need a large area of ​​fruit trees to be able to see it. If you only have a small area, you can't do it at all!

Don't say that rare things are expensive, no matter how rare things are, an apple costs 50 million, who would buy it? Even if they know it's good for their health, but such an expensive thing, no one would be willing to buy it!

And if it's an apple of four or five hundred, eating it is obviously good for the body, and there will definitely be a lot of people buying it, so Yuan Chen must have a large enough forest so that he can manage it well. stand up!

Unexpectedly, Yuan Chen could only call his uncle. Guolin must be booked in the countryside. After all, there is not so much land in the city now, and even if there is a price, it will not be very cheap, so Yuan Chen Decisively booked in the countryside!
As for the country, even Tao Qiong is not familiar with his uncle, so he can only find out about it by asking his uncle. As a person who has lived in the countryside for decades, he knows where there are peasant women, where there are mountain springs, and where there are some fields. It's crystal clear!

So it's much better to find him for this kind of thing than Tao Qiong, Huang Wei and the others!

"Hey, Xiaochen, how can you call uncle when you have time? Isn't the company busy recently? I heard that the company just developed a new thing a while ago, so it must be very busy recently. Pay more attention to rest!"

As soon as the call was connected, the uncle was concerned about whether he had a good rest, which moved Yuan Chen a little!
"Yes, I have been resting for more than a month recently, and Huang Wei and the others are busy with those things!"

Yuan Chen said that he himself does have enough leisure, and he just lives leisurely every day, because he doesn't understand anything, he doesn't know anything, so he can only make money leisurely!
"That's good, let Huang Wei, Tao Qiong and the others rest more. After all, they are all human beings. Although they are part-time workers, they should also take a good rest. The old Yutou in the next village goes to sea every day to fish, and he still needs to go home. I went to work in the fields, and I was exhausted in the end, and now the hundreds of acres of land at home have been abandoned!"

Yuan Chen's uncle sighed and said!
"Ah, hundreds of acres of land, how can there be such a big place, if there is such a big place, just plant things directly, why do you still have to go fishing?"

Yuan Chen was taken aback, he was a local tyrant who owns hundreds of acres of land in this country, and even went fishing, why was he exhausted to death in the end!
"That land includes a hilltop, left by his grandfather, it's worthless!"

Uncle Yuan Chen said!

"So it is!"

In Yuan Chen's village, the most worthless thing is the mountain top. Surrounding the mountain and the sea is a bit interesting, but the transportation is not developed. If there is a railway or something passing through there, it is definitely valuable, but unfortunately there is no such thing yet!

"By the way, why did you call me?"

The uncle just sighed, and stopped talking, thinking that Yuan Chen must have something to do with him, so he asked!
"I really have something to do. Uncle, I wonder if you can contact the old Yutou's family. I want to rent the hundreds of acres of mountain land from his family!"

Yuan Chen smiled and said, "It's really hard to find a place through iron shoes. It doesn't take much effort to get here. Before, I was still asking my uncle to help find the land, but now I don't have to look for it!"
(End of this chapter)

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