Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 392 Time Travel Version

Chapter 392 Time Travel Version

Yuan Chen frowned as he looked at the endless stream of zombies. He didn't expect that there would be so many zombies. He had already collected more than 50 heads, and the other party still didn't surrender!

He also felt that the zombies came a bit strange this time. If the vortex was used to receive garbage, then what was sent should be garbage. How could such a living zombie be sent?

And what puzzled Yuan Chen the most was that these zombies came slowly, that is to say, this vortex may be connected to another side, it may appear in a world full of zombies, and it has not disappeared until now!

"I don't know if I pass through this passage, will I travel to another plane?"

Yuan Chen looked curiously at the exit of the vortex. Of course he couldn't see the other side, but seeing the continuous stream of zombies and seeing them being headshot one by one, Yuan Chen also wanted to go and see what happened!

But his hands didn't stop, watching those zombies fall one by one, while picking up those zombies to die, and then the mental power entered the vortex!
When he first came into contact with the vortex, Yuan Chen's mental power was instantly smashed to pieces!

"This vortex seems to be quite powerful?"

Yuan Chen was taken aback. He didn't expect that when his mental power just came into contact with the vortex, his mental power would collapse. Although it was just a test, although it was only a small amount of mental power, it was enough. Among them, it is estimated that there is no scum left!
Thinking of this, Yuan Chen sat down directly, and then began to gather mental power wholeheartedly, and then controlled the mental power to enter the vortex. This time, the mental power did not collapse directly, but shuttled to the other side of the vortex!
The zombies along the way were all headshot by Yuan Chen's mental power, and the vortex was pitch black. Yuan Chen couldn't see anything, he only knew to let his mental power rush forward!
Until a certain moment, Yuan Chen's mental power seemed to penetrate the darkness and saw a piece of light directly, and then he saw a scene that Yuan Chen was familiar with. This place is too familiar. This place is not the time and space in Resident Evil, but A scene from the zombie uncaged movie!
But this is not what surprised Yuan Chen. What surprised Yuan Chen was that he saw two people. He was so familiar with those two people. They were the two people he saw in the whirlpool that night. Those two who let themselves be cleaners!

"What is this thought power?"

One of them suddenly said, Yuan Chen's mental strength is inaudible, so I don't know what he is talking about?
"Damn, it's that person, run quickly, how come you can shuttle through your mind without turning on the shuttle function?"

said another!

"Who knows? Didn't you say he was weak at the beginning? How did he become so powerful in less than a year?"

The person before said while running!
"Who knows? We assisted him to successfully activate the shuttle function this time. I hope that when we meet us in the future, we can live a more stable life!"

The other said, and then the two of them disappeared into a ray of light, and with the disappearance of the two, the vortex also disappeared directly, and Yuan Chen's spiritual power was also directly shattered!
"Cough cough!"

The shattering of mental power caused Yuan Chen's body to suffer some damage, but the damage was not serious!
"I'm going, why are there so many zombies?"

Yuan Chen woke up and looked at his yard. Now his yard is full of zombies, but none of them are complete, all of them have been headshot!

There is no way, this is his own yard, Yuan Chen can only clean it up obediently, there are still more than 50 zombie bodies, many of them have no heads!

Yuan Chen suppressed his nausea and cleaned up these zombies. It was not difficult to clean up, so Yuan Chen quickly cleaned up all the zombie corpses in the yard, and then left after planting a sunflower seed on the spot!


At this moment, Yuan Chen's cell phone rang with a rare ding. This sound was very special, not any kind of sound in Yuan Chen's cell phone, but Yuan Chen knew what it was and what it represented. ?
Yuan Chen heard this voice once before, and he never forgot it after hearing it once. This voice is the voice of the upgraded version of the mobile phone QQ!
"Why so fast?"

Yuan Chen was puzzled, originally he was going to upgrade, but because he was cheated by that fraudulent garbage to get more than 80 experience points, so there was not much left. Now it is only about 100 at most, and the upgrade requires more than [-] experience points. How can it be so fast?
Yuan Chen clicked on his mobile phone QQ, and was taken aback when he saw the prompt on it!
System prompt: Your other world version of QQ has reached the qualification for upgrading to version 3.0, are you sure to upgrade?

Below are two buttons, one is and one is OK!
Yuan Chen was speechless, isn't this just to upgrade himself?So he directly clicked the OK button, and at this time he also saw his experience bar: 145/100, that is to say, after he upgrades, he can still have 45 points of experience, and he also had 45 points of experience before!
"Fuck, that zombie only has 1 experience?"

Yuan Chen was speechless, just now he took in a hundred zombies, that is to say, those one hundred experience points were brought by those one hundred zombies.
System prompt: The upgrade is successful, your current mobile phone version is (time and space shuttle version)

"Uh, the numbers this time are quite a string, aren't they?"

Yuan Chen turned on his mobile phone QQ, and saw that there was not much difference in the interface, it was just...

"Damn, where's my Three Thousand Worlds exchange group?"

Yuan Chen was taken aback, his original Three Thousand Worlds communication group was at the top, but the chat interface he saw now is gone!

Yuan Chen quickly opened the contacts, and the five hundred continents on it were gone. Then he opened the group chat and looked carefully one by one. There was no three thousand world communication group, so he had no choice but to quit!
"Huh? This is?"

Just when Yuan Chen was disheartened, he found that on the top of his contact interface, it should have been a new friend, group chat, official account, but now it has become a new continent, group chat, time travel!

Yuan Chen clicked on Newland curiously. The interface on it was the same as the original QQ, and the upper right corner was also added. Looking for an official account turned into looking for a mainland!

"I'm going, is this a new function? How do I know their QQ number if I want to find mainland China?"

Yuan Chen had no choice but to return to the chat interface, hesitated for a moment, and clicked Time Travel!
(End of this chapter)

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