Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 87 The debt collector is here

Chapter 87 The debt collector is here
After hanging up the phone, Yuan Chen whistled, and then a pink line flew over from a nearby tree, and then circled around Yuan Chen again and again. This group of lovesick birds was raised by Yuan Chen later. The dozen or so before had been kept for a long time, and now they are used as mobile cameras at home, so Yuan Chen is really reluctant to sell them!

So later Yuan Chen simply raised a batch of more birds, exactly ten of these birds, Yuan Chen didn't feed too much monster meat, just let their feathers turn pink, and then used his mental strength to follow them Communication, because they ate monster meat, although they are still low-intelligence birds, they can still understand some of Yuan Chen's words, so now these ten lovesick birds can also perform some performances, and Yuan Chen not only trained them collectively. Performances, and each pair of lovebirds is equipped with an independent performance!

Because Yuan Chen considered that maybe no one would buy all the lovesickness birds directly, then there would be no way to perform, so this independent performance will play a role, and it can be performed well when separated, and together it is a large-scale performance. Performance!

And the pets that Yuan Chen brought back from Xiaguang Zoo before, because Yuan Chen feeds them with monster meat every day, although there are not many of them, they all become very spiritual, as if they have human feelings, So Yuan Chen is not willing to sell those small animals to Xiaguang now, because they are pets with feelings, and they also have spirituality, so Yuan Chen plans to keep those ten dogs as guards for the villa. Six cats and four pink rabbits, Yuan Chen, are going to give to those who really like small animals!

Moreover, Yuan Chen also decided that in the future, the pets will not be fed too much monster meat, and they should be fed appropriately, and then trained, so that they can be sold. Otherwise, once they have a relationship foundation, they will be reluctant to sell them. Yuan Chen doesn't want to be like Xia Guang, who adopts some pets and then raises them all by himself. Then his yard will become a zoo. Yuan Chen doesn't want such an ending. Once the monster meat is eaten, there will be nothing left !
When it comes to monster meat, Yuan Chen feels that the amount of monster meat in his house is decreasing rapidly now, because now there is not only himself, but also Lin Qi in the family, and there are many more small animals. In a few days, Yuan Chen plans to Once the contract expires, Liu Yuxuan will no longer be provided with beef. Now Yuan Chen regrets signing that contract with Liu Yuxuan, because at that time, he felt that there was so much monster meat that he couldn't finish it anyway, so he just He planned to sell it, but now Yuan Chen realized that no matter how much monster meat there is, it would not be enough to eat, and now that his body is getting stronger and stronger, he eats more and more monster meat!

Before, Yuan Chen thought that the different-dimensional garbage would be thrown over every few days, and that there would be some monster meat at that time. Even if it wasn't monster meat, some small animals would be enough to eat for a long time, but he didn't expect it to happen. There was only one time, although there was another tiger from the dimension of devouring the starry sky later, Yuan Chen did not dare to eat that tiger, because it was not a monster, but a beast that only carried the RR virus. Eating it would not only do no good to his body, You may also infect yourself with the virus, so the loss outweighs the gain!

Although the income from selling Warcraft meat is very considerable for Yuan Chen, but if you choose between income and a healthy body, others may hesitate, otherwise there will not be so many people working so hard to make money In the end, it turned out that all the money he earned was given to the people in the hospital, and Yuan Chen obviously didn't think too much about it. Now he has tasted enough of the sweetness of being completely healthy, so naturally he won't give up his health for the money. , so as long as the contract expires, Yuan Chen will terminate it without hesitation!
As for those wines from the Dionysus World, Yuan Chen does not plan to sell them anymore, because they are considered non-renewable, so use a little less. Now Yuan Chen plans to wait for these fruit trees to mature, and use these fruits to brew some fruits himself. Wine, Yuan Chen believes that the wine made from these fruits with a hint of aura will definitely not be bad, and this fruit tree is planted by Yuan Chen himself. Although there is no way to grow too many things on this black soil, the fruit of a fruit tree It is enough to make wine, Yuan Chen doesn't plan to sell it in large quantities, because then he can't provide a lot of fruit for wine making, so he still plans to take the high-end route!
Moreover, Yuan Chen also intends to sell it at Chenxuan Building, not to other restaurants, so there is no need for too much, and it should be able to supply. Of course, these are all after death. Yuan Chen's current task is to give the lovesickness bird to After selling it, he will look at what the market needs and cultivate another batch himself. Yuan Chen believes that the pets he cultivated with monster meat will be the best pets of the same type!

And I'm still a quick one. Using monster meat to change the physique of small animals, and then training with mental power, it is not difficult to train a pet well, so even if it is only now to see the market demand, it is possible to provide finished pets, maybe for others. It’s too late to say, for example, people love parrots now, you only go to train them now, and then wait for more than a year to train parrots very well, but when you get them to the market again, you find that everyone likes raising pigs now , and even if your parrot is sold, the price will not be too high. No matter how well you cultivate it, it will not be the price it was a year ago!

And Yuan Chen doesn't have to worry about this problem. I know you like parrots today. I can breed parrots that are better than the best parrots on the market in a month, half a month or even a week. After a year, you I like raising pigs, and I will raise another batch, and it will take less than a week!
And when Yuan Chen was still thinking about some future layouts, there was a ringing of the doorbell, Yuan Chen could only stop thinking too much for the time being, let those pink lovesick birds fly back to the tree, and then Turning around to open the door, Yuan Chen knew it couldn't be Lin Qi, because that guy always jumped in from the fence when he came back, because he thought it was troublesome to open the door with a key!
And it can't be Song Wei, Lin Hao and the others, because they usually call before they come, so Yuan Chen is still guessing who is coming now. After opening the door, the one who appeared in front of the door this time is A girl, the girl is wearing a white dress, her face is very delicate, but she doesn't seem to be very old, she is not Yuan Chen's favorite!

What really caught Yuan Chen's attention was not this strange little girl, but the dog that the little girl was holding. It was a Shih Tzu, and if Yuan Chen remembered correctly, it should be that dog. The dog who was raped by Xiao Jiji saw that this dog Yuan Chen had black lines all over his head, hey, the debt collector is here!

(End of this chapter)

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