Chapter 587

However, the problem of manpower has just been alleviated, and the matter of raw materials is still not resolved. For this reason, Deputy Factory Manager Chen went out for a trip in person, and took the newly appointed salesman Meng Da to seaside cities to collect fish bones, dried shrimps, and grain. Collect coarse grain leftovers in high-yield areas...

One month later, the problem of raw materials was resolved, and Deputy Director Chen also developed several long-term suppliers of raw materials.

Just after September, the feed factory moved forward bravely again and became busy again. Every day, I could hear the sonorous and powerful broadcasts and inspiring publicity on the radio.

Orders from the feed factory are coming in like snowflakes. Raw materials come into the factory every day, and it looks very busy.

This factory has only been in operation for seven or eight months, yet Deputy Factory Manager Chen is actually worrying about the affairs of the branch factory, saying that a factory cannot be fully utilized at all.

Sometimes Xie Linlang would like to say that you should not work so hard and pay attention to rest. I have arranged an eight-hour system for you!
As a modern person, sometimes she really can't understand the mentality of people working overtime for free to fifteen or sixteen hours a day for the so-called honor and dedication. After all, the individual employees of later generations, nine nine six It's about to turn upside down.

But she respects it.

Since you can't change it, let yourself try to understand it.

When the National Day was approaching, a sum of money was approved to ask Deputy Factory Manager Chen to arrange some entertainment for everyone to relax their nerves a little.

Deputy Factory Manager Chen thought for a while, and asked the front desk for help. In his spare time, he stuffed money in red envelopes, and ordered gift bags in person. There were coconut sugar, Aunt Zhou’s pickles, and canned fruits. Both, the management and the front broadcast room and so on are doubled.

This made the people in the feed factory very happy. When they were happy, they would go out and twitch, twitch, that's it!Many people knew that the feed factory had good benefits, and people asked the feed factory if it was still recruiting people all day long, and they even went to Wang Chaoyang to find a relationship.

Because of this matter, Wang Chaoyang asked Xie Linlang himself; "Do you plan to open a branch factory?"

Only then did Xie Linlang know that someone wanted to leave the relationship she led, and there were more or less vacant positions. Who doesn't have a few relatives who are looking for jobs? The benefits are good, and the immediate boss is a famous celebrity, who wouldn't want Do things under her hands.

"I have no such plan this year. As you know, I have been busy for so long just preparing for a factory and a base. If it weren't for the ability of Deputy Factory Manager Chen, how could I, a mortal with two positions, To solve the problem of the overwhelming number of orders, and the exclusive base of the feed factory has just begun to supply materials to the feed factory, opening a branch factory at this time will definitely cause problems."

Wang Chaoyang also understands the pressure and the difficulty of implementing it. He is not really rushing because of others' pleas, but just chatting and listening to the young people's plans.

Then he said: "This factory was established because of you. It mainly depends on your own ideas. If there is a shortage of manpower, there are also some experienced farmers in agriculture and forestry who are about to retire or have already retired. If you don't mind, you can hire a few. Go and take the disciples."

Xie Linlang nodded: "I am willing to accept those with professional knowledge and culture, and accept as many as you come, but Mr. Wang, you also know my temperament, and I must have real materials. If the temperament of relying on the old and selling the old is too rigid and unreasonable Yes, there is nothing I can do."

For example, Ma Jiaojiao's grandfather.

It's just that she can't accept it.

Obviously, Wang Chaoyang also thought of his old friend, nodded and said: "I understand what you mean, how about it, if you really want to, leave this matter to me, and I will help you select a few, sometimes people At this age, with a pension to support and no hunger, people may just want to do some work and don't want to be idle, slowly aging, and living a moldy life."

Xie Linlang asked him to choose: "I absolutely believe in your vision. Anyway, when the time comes, you will directly hand over the people to me. I don't think one or two are too few, and ten or eight are not too many."

Wang Chaoyang nodded in satisfaction, let her go to work first, and he had to think about it, those people are more suitable to send to her.

After Xie Linlang got off work, she went to the food street.

This month, she has already discussed with her old lady. According to the consumption capacity of the food street every month, she will purchase from Qiaojuan steadily, [-] boxes per month, [-] cans per box, which cannot be sold out in the month. , Xie Linlang will put it away when no one is looking for it, and if it is not enough to sell, then order again.

But there are only a few cans that can't be sold out every month, so there is no possibility of collecting a lot if they can't be sold out. After all, she buys goods at a [-]% discount and sells them here at a [-]% discount, and they only retail and not wholesale. I'm not worried that hundreds of cans of pickles won't be sold.

Now that the name of the trade fair is out there, the surrounding area has a faint tendency to become a tourist attraction, but it is more than ten years earlier than the tourism development she knows.

Speaking of tourism, Xie Linlang planned to ask a few local young people she knew if they were interested in working in the local tourism industry.

These few people are one of the graduates who came to practice at the end of last year. Later, many people went to the base of the feed factory and the experimental site by the sea. The salary of the experimental site by the sea is not high, but it is very leisurely. Some tall people like to communicate with others, but they are very interested in what Xie Linlang has to say.

Xie Linlang recruited four men and two women, and set up the Siya Tourism Studio.

Xie Linlang didn't frame the specifics of what to do, but just gave an approximate business scope. Specifically, the six young people gathered together to discuss.

A week later, Xie Linlang was given some prototypes of studio development.

The first thing to bear the brunt is open source, and it is a stable open source, such as receiving travel and entertainment from public units and large private enterprises and factories.

Secondly, it is to make a name and make a sign. This is inspired by Xie Linlang. which ones.

I even gave you one more suggestion: there must be a signboard, and the studio should have a loud and memorable name. Gifts, whether they are handed out when doing publicity, or when talking about receiving orders, are all small items that are handy.

Good guy, these young people really didn't think about it, so they went back to discuss it.

Two days later, the group of young people finished their proposal again and looked at Xie Linlang expectantly.

 Thank you book friends for your support all the time. I would like to inform you that there are still about 31 words left, and I will start a new one as soon as it is finished.Some passages seem to have collapsed. In fact, the plot has been harmonized several times, and the results are not very good. It has been decided that it will end on the [-]st of this month. The new article will choose a subject that is not easy to step on. To a certain extent, the signature has been harmonized, old book friends still remember, it was not this name at first), goodbye.

(End of this chapter)

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