Chapter 139
If someone flatters, someone will naturally make fun of it. In the Jianghu, how can anyone not be stabbed?
Thinking of Mrs. Hou serving him for dinner in the future, some people feel happy.

Man Yue doesn't know what these people are thinking, even if she knew, she wouldn't care. It's her job to be a chef, and it's her mission to satisfy the diners.

Water mats have been set up outside, these are to greet the neighbors, and these neighbors often come to help when the opening day is approaching.

The neighbors are naturally happy, and they are even more surprised when they look at the dish again. Isn't this too good? !
For ordinary people, chicken, duck and fish are considered a delicacy.It comes up with eight big bowls, plus a few vegetarian dishes, and it makes me happy when I look at it.

In places near the sea, seafood is of course indispensable, but eating too much will inevitably be boring. In the years when supplies are scarce, many residents near the sea still want to eat meat, because meat is much more expensive than seafood.

Man Yue still understands these people's thoughts very well, so the eight bowls are full of meat and fat!

For example, her signature dish stewed in stew is indispensable. In addition, there are other dishes such as braised hoof with rock sugar, big bone in sauce, and roast duck.A group of neighbors were satisfied with their meal, and seeing so many officials, they all made up their minds, and they wanted to build a good relationship with Guilaiju in the future, maybe they would ask for their heads in the future!

At this time, Mei Sanniang used her astonishing diplomatic skills to amuse the neighbors in these workshops. Even if someone from the other workshop came over, she would proudly send some dumpling and steamed stuffed buns. Add some happy money, after half a day's work, he has gained a good reputation among beggars.

Outside, Mei Sanniang and He Daniu took care of them, and inside, Ji Zhongtong led several Mei family children to help. As for the other two scholars, one was in charge of the guest room registration, and the other was in charge of the tea money records in the chess and card room and Hospitality for private room guests.

Yes, there is a chess and card room here at Manyue, which is opened on the first floor, and four or five rooms are used as a chess and card room. Mahjong is booming now. How can such a big restaurant lack such entertainment?
In addition, these three people have to be responsible for the records of the novel. That's it, Man Yue still feels that there are not enough people, and there are too few people who can read.So I simply mentioned it to my aunt, which can be regarded as repaying her maintenance at home.I believe that soon there will be children who have no hope in the imperial examination...

When these bigwigs came, they immediately filled the private room, which made a group of gentry who came to watch the fun a little unhappy. Occupying my own position, I felt very upset.

Fortunately, there are still many old diners who came here from Chaiqiao. They came here for Man Yue. They don't care about the heat, but the decoration of the store makes them curious.I was even more surprised when I saw these big guys coming over.

After being amazed, I couldn't help but secretly proud. Our Yang Rener's poem is destined to be famous through the ages. How can these people not curry favor?
Well, after a period of fermentation, these people have completely become fanatics.

Everything was in order, Man Yue went into the kitchen and put on an apron to get ready to work, but Leng Yun followed in and said, "Didn't you instruct them to cook? You don't need to do it."

Without raising her eyelids, Man Yue said calmly, "Uncle, do you think I've embarrassed you? Do you think your daughter's family shouldn't show their faces?"

He was stunned for a moment. Although her tone was light, she could hear that she was full of emotion. Seeing the alienation in her eyes, her heart tightened, and she said, "I just don't want you to mess with the rich."

She shook her head helplessly and said, "Uncle, you are too narrow-minded."

After a pause, he continued: "They are diners, and I am a cook. I rely on diners to survive. You already knew I was like this, didn't you?"

He suffocated, knowing that his actions had hurt her self-esteem, and the alienation in her eyes made him uncomfortable, so he pulled her over, ignoring the surprised gazes of a group of chef apprentices, and hugged her tightly: "You are mine, you are mine." do not forget."

Feeling his concern, she felt warm in her heart, but she didn't approve of his overbearing, and said softly: "These people don't look good. Don't you believe me? I'm a craftsman, you know me That’s how it was all the time, uncle, you said I’m not strong enough here, so it seems you’re not strong enough either. I didn’t steal or rob, and relying on my craft to make a living is not shameful.”

Leng Yun stood there in a daze, "Do you know someone came to see you laughing?"


She chuckled, "When you walk in the officialdom, some admire you, and some don't like you. It's not so much to see my jokes as to see your jokes. Do you think I'm right?"

She blinked suddenly, and whispered: "Do you want to deal with them?"

He raised his eyebrows and said, "How?"

"Hey hey hey..."

She smiled sinisterly, "Uncle, you still like spicy food, right? I'll give you a whole table today, how about it?"

There was a flash of light in the man's long and narrow black eyes, and he curled his lips, showing evil on his face, "Well, yes, I like spicy and numbing ones!"

After speaking, he patted Man Yue, and said: "They didn't know Shi Ge would come, but the old man is not bad, so I specially made some edible dishes for him."

"Shige old is coming?"

She was a little surprised, "You invited him?"

"Naturally! Here, he is more useful as a former court elder than a governor, and you are considered acquaintances, so how can you not invite him?"

Full Moon said embarrassingly: "I think he has a noble status, and I might be rejected if I send it..."

He put his hand on her forehead, and said, "It's the wrong place to use cleverness. It's not surprising even if you don't come, but our post is going to be posted."

After a pause, he said again: "You are busy first, I will go and have a look."

"Not good!"

He just turned around, and saw Yang Lixin running in like crazy again, "Shi, Shige is old, here he is..."

Leng Yun and Full Moon looked at each other and smiled, nodding interactively.

Yang Lixin looked confused: What's the situation?Did you already know that? !Then, why not tell them? !

Yang Lixin is about to give his cousin a confession now, and in this short period of time, his three views have been refreshed.

Those bosses were scary enough, but now Mr. Shige is here, and this cousin is too scary!

Seeing them leaving, Man Yue couldn't help but pursed her lips and concentrated on cooking.

In fact, many things are prepared overnight, such as those cold dishes.But now what I can't do is to serve a whole table of Sichuan dishes.Someone helped her, and she was only responsible for cooking, which was also very light, and it didn't take long for a table of dishes to be served.

Although there are many bigwigs, but Zhengzheng and Leng Yun, there are not many people sitting at the same table in Shige, and a table of Sichuan cuisine is enough.

In addition, I also made a few local specialties, and after they were all prepared, they were sent up.

And other prefects, county magistrates, etc., naturally can't eat the same as those big guys.In the age of high and low, how can the younger brother be treated the same as the big bosses?

As a result, a group of petty officials had a good meal, and the group of people at the main table were almost cursing their mothers!


It really crushes people to death at the first level!
Leng Yun likes spicy food, so there are all spicy dishes!But the question is, can Leng Yun be considered the master no matter what today?Is there such a hospitality?
Oh?You said you don't like spicy food? !

Aren't there some non-spicy dishes there?

It makes perfect sense!

But, but the problem is that the dishes are all placed in front of Shige Lao, how can they dare to compete for food with a former Ge Lao whose disciples are all over the world?

It happened to be hell, it was so spicy that they almost jumped their feet, but they still thought it was delicious. Could it be that they were bitches in their bones?
This cognition made a group of bosses feel as uncomfortable as eating flies, but Mr. Shige and Leng Yun didn't dare to act presumptuously in front of them, so they could only bear it.

Those with dark thoughts were pondering again: Mahler is a master!This matter must have been explained by Leng Yun, this person has always been cautious, he must have seen us laughing...

Man Yue doesn't care what these people think, she is overjoyed to see Ke Ruyunlai, and the storyteller has also started to appear on the stage, there is only a "pop" and a loud voice, "Say a word, a sand, a leaf, a leaf!" Bodhi, there are gods in the Nine Heavens, and there are three thousand realms in the big and small worlds, overlooking the sorrow, joy and anger of all beings! Today I want to talk about things in another world... It is said that in the Shengyuan Continent, everyone enjoys reading, and that world can speak By killing people, all things can become enlightened..."

Originally, the diners came here to try something new after hearing about Man Yue's culinary skills. Some of them were even her old diners. They came here today purely to cheer, and the purpose of coming was to eat alone.

But when they heard the storytelling, they were immediately attracted.

What a strange beginning, the key is what a strange setting!

Scholars master the power of heaven and earth, not only can they call wind and rain, but they can also fight monsters?This is interesting!

Most of the people who come here to consume are educated, so Man Yue simply changed the online novels she had read before and used them.

At present, there are 15 manuscripts there, [-] words a day, or fifteen days.Man Yue stood at the foot of the hall and looked at the expressions of these people, the corners of her mouth slowly raised, she knew she had succeeded.

This book tells the story of how a down-and-out poor boy passed the imperial examination and how he became a saint.Although it contains fantasy elements, it can resonate with scholars in the Ming Dynasty.

When they heard that Zhujiao was humiliated because of poverty, they all shouted and scolded; soon the situation turned around, Zhujiao accidentally took a pill, vomited several liters of blood, and after narrowly escaped death, not only recovered, but also had the ability of a Jinshi: the ability to see clearly forget.

After looking forward to it, I was hooked. Everyone didn't eat. Instead, they asked for some tea and concentrated on listening to the book.

Xiao Shi was sitting at the counter with a small stool, listening to it fascinatedly. He felt that he was Fang Yu in the book.
He was full of anticipation in his heart, but when he came here, the storyteller stopped talking, and only said that tomorrow morning would be good, and the audience was so angry that they shouted and scolded. When Man Yue saw that it was not good, he immediately called Qing Yun over, which stopped the commotion...

Wiping the sweat off his head, he couldn't help muttering to himself: It seems that not only modern people love YY, but ancient people also liked it!The popularity of web articles is due to demand! ! !

 The last few chapters are a bit dull, and the author's writing is a bit stuck, so let me sort out my thoughts!
(End of this chapter)

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