Chapter 146

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere changed.

Full Moon's eyes widened, as if she had seen a ghost.

"You, are you Shi Cong?"

She resisted the urge to pull his face, and stammered a little: "You, you didn't take the wrong medicine, did you?"

Shi Cong blushed, suddenly furious, got up and flung his sleeves away, "I don't know what to do!"

When he arrived at the door, he ran into a person head-on. He was stunned for a while, then sneered, and turned back to Yang Manyue and said, "Shameless!"

"what are you doing here?"

Leng Yun pretended not to see Shi Cong, walked past him, and walked straight in, with no expression of joy or anger on his face, "How many times have I told you? Don't associate with messy people, lest you lose your identity."

"Who do you say is a mess?!"

Shi Cong stopped in his tracks, looked at Leng Yun and said with a sneer, "Master Leng, are you here all right?"

"Thanks to your concern, I can't die."

Leng Yun said indifferently, walked to Man Yue, sat down, threw the water glass that Shi Cong drank on the ground, and said: "What is it, so dirty."


Shi Cong was angry, but he calmed down.

Leng Yun is a person who is used to provocative methods, don't get angry with him, or you will only make a fool of yourself.

He calmed down, and said: "Miss Yang's restaurant opened today, Shi came here with grandpa to congratulate..."

He paused, and said again: "Didn't you mention it to Master Hou at the banquet just now? Why did Master Hou still ask knowingly?"

Yang Manyue, take a good look, this guy is small and not a good match.

It's a pity that he couldn't see anything from the full moon's face, but he just put on a hellish expression to himself, which seemed to say: "You congratulate me? Why do you look like a weasel giving a chicken New Year's greeting, uneasy and kind Woolen cloth?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, he turned his head away from the girl's slightly suspicious and mocking face, and took out a round box from his arms.

Man Yue's eyes widened, he really brought a gift!

When did this person become so kind?Didn't he always hate himself?

The round box was opened, and Man Yue almost popped her eyes out again!


It turned out to be a mirror from the West!
A palm-sized piece would cost at least a hundred taels of silver, not to mention that the workmanship was exquisite, and it was inlaid with beautiful jewels.

He handed it to Man Yue, and returned to his handsome appearance, saying: "You are not afraid of power, you have endured hardships, and finally created a career. Be careful, I wish your restaurant a prosperous future and become the number one building in the world."

He was so polite, Man Yue felt embarrassed to give a cold face again, blessed her body, and said: "How dare you accept such a precious thing?"

"Take it."

Shi Cong looked out the window, his face blushed suspiciously, "I heard about your work in the yamen, you didn't embarrass your ancestors."

What the hell?

What does this have to do with you?
She was about to take a closer look at this guy's expression, but she heard Leng Yun say: "I have also prepared a congratulatory gift."

It was only then that Man Yue realized that Leng Yun was carrying a box in his hand. He opened it slowly, but saw a metal lion inside, the shape was lifelike and very delicate.

Full Moon's eyes lit up immediately, and the realistic style, which was very different from the Chinese style, looked like an imported product.

Different from the mirror that Shi Cong gave, the surface of the mirror is Western, but the decoration on the outside looks like it was reprocessed in China.And this lion, especially the silver box inside, exudes a Western atmosphere from the inside to the outside.

Shi Cong looked at Leng Yun and snorted coldly in his heart, is this trying to compete with himself?
Although he was disdainful in his heart, his eyes still did not move away.

The lion is beautifully made, but if it's just that, it's too boring.Although this kind of thing looks like something from overseas, but other than that, there is nothing else, and the craftsmen of Ming Dynasty can also make it.

Leng Yun took the lion out of the box, turned the lion upside down, and the full moon became excited.

It really is clockwork!
I saw him twist a few times, and then put it down, the lion walked up on the table, shaking its head, which was very amusing.

Shi Cong's eyes widened, and a trace of surprise flashed through his eyes, but he had never accepted Leng Yun, so how could he ask such things that seemed ignorant to him.

"Is this from the West?"

Man Yue took the lion over in surprise, and looked left and right in her hand, "It's so delicate! It can move by itself, there should be gears inside..."

Agitated and bald again, a trace of surprise flashed in Leng Yun's eyes, "How do you know?"


Man Yue was taken aback, and then said: "Shen Kuo wrote about something similar in the Mengxi Bi Tan. It is said that there is also a big clock that can move automatically in the Bianliang Imperial Palace in Tokyo. It was mentioned in it, and I guess it should be similar. "

Leng Yun nodded, "It's true."

Seeing that Man Yue completely ignored his own mirror, Shi Cong felt very uncomfortable, and snorted coldly, "Kind of skill, what a fuss!"

Then he turned and left.

Man Yue watched his leaving back, and murmured: "Sitting in a well and looking at the sky, how would you know that if this thing is magnified, it will be a weapon that benefits the country and the people!"

Seeing that Man Yue didn't want to see Shi Cong so much, Leng Yun felt relieved.

There was a little more smile on the faint face, and he said: "Their family members have always had high-mindedness and low-handedness, so there is no need to be angry."

Full Moon sat down, held the lion in her arms and couldn't put it down, "Is this given to you by the French?"


He nodded, "They called their knowledge natural science, and said similar things."


Man Yue twisted the clockwork, feeling itchy in her heart, and wanted to take it apart to have a look. By the way, she also began to wonder, should she also find some down-and-out missionaries to help her work?
With the help of these people, many things can be realized.

"It is the words that can benefit the country and the people."

"Ha ha."

The full moon laughed, "When the ancestors drank blood and were naked, Suiren drilled wood to make fire. From then on, we bid farewell to the days of savages; later Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs and invented pottery. What do you think all this explains? "

"What did it say?"

"This shows that human progress actually relies on tools! We humans are not as fast as horses, and we are not as fast as tigers alone, but why do we become the masters of all things? Probably because we use the power of nature to make tools, you say If the device inside is enlarged many times, can our loom weave automatically? If it is placed on a chariot and horse, can the chariot and horse walk automatically? If it is placed on a large ship, can it sail without wind and waves? ?”

Leng Yun fell into deep thought. This idea is bold, but not incomprehensible.

After all, the little lion in front of him is walking away automatically.

"Of course, I want to put things on cars, boats, and looms. It's definitely not that simple, and I still need to think about it, but if my scholars in Daming are less boastful and more practical, I will also put my mind on this ingenious skill. , Do you think my Ming Dynasty will become the world's largest country? Why should I be afraid of Jinren? The whole of Asia will be ours!"

"Have you seen the map of the world?!"

Leng Yun was not calm now, "How do you know Asia? That's what those people in Europa call our land!"

"It's also from the foreign monk."

Full Moon said with a guilty conscience: "They once wanted to recruit me to join the religion. I thought it was fun. Although I didn't agree, I also learned a lot of things from them."

As he said that, there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes, "It turns out that we are not in the center of the world. It turns out that the world is so big. There are still large tracts of land in America waiting to be conquered. At Twilight, you said that in this age of great navigation, I, China, Wouldn't it be a pity if the descendants couldn't participate?"

Leng Yun thought for a moment, and said: "Your strength is that you are good at thinking. It's a pity, if you are a man, you will definitely have some achievements."

"Ha ha."

Full Moon laughed, "I think my daughter's home is also good! Don't worry about Si, and I don't want to do any big things. I just want my family to have a good life and grow old safely."

"Under the torrent, how can we talk about self-protection if we don't have the strength?"

A trace of confusion flashed in Leng Yun's eyes, "Now that the sea is open, life should be easier, but you are looking north at the capital, and you don't know when you will be able to regain the rivers and mountains."

Man Yue was a little overwhelmed by his fragility at this moment. Is the uncle so worried about the country and the people?

"As long as we set a goal and work towards it unswervingly, there will always be a day when we will achieve it."

After thinking for a long time, she only said this chicken soup.

The confusion dissipated in the man's eyes in just a moment. Hearing what she said, he couldn't help nodding, "After the popularity of Neo Confucianism, many people forgot about attacking things. In my opinion, Zhu Cheng's Neo Confucianism is enough to cultivate oneself. Be Lu Jiuyuan's knowledge of meritorious deeds."

Man Yue was not in a hurry to reply, this was an academic dispute, and a bad answer might bring criticism.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty abolished a hundred schools of thought and only respected Confucianism, and it has been handed down for thousands of years. It seems that they are all Confucianism, but there are also different schools in Confucianism.The most familiar to future generations is Zhu Cheng's Confucianism.

In addition, there is the study of mind, of which Wang Yangming is the representative figure.

Speaking of Wang Yangming, he is really a figure like Confucius and a god.This person is capable of both literature and martial arts, and found a way from Lu Jiuyuan's theory. Since then, learning from the heart has been very popular among the lower class people and officials.

For this reason, the two factions of scholars in the former Ming court fought, but in the end Neo Confucianism was an officially recognized theory with huge influence, and few of the School of Mind became high officials.

The School of Mind is disharmonious internally, and it is also divided into several schools, adhering to the unity of knowledge and action and insisting on meritorious deeds, while other theories that are close to Zen are divided into several schools.

This is also the reason why Yang Manyue was more vigilant when she heard about it.Although he knew that Leng Yun would not tell the matter, but on this issue, it is better to be cautious.

Seeing that she was silent, Leng Yun said: "You have been silent for a long time, but do you have doubts?"

Full Moon nodded, "I'm afraid that the walls have ears and attract criticism."

After a pause, he lowered his voice and said, "Since you and I have the same ambition, why do we need to unite knowledge and practice more and talk less?"

Leng Yun was surprised, raised his sword eyebrows, and said in a low voice: "Do you also feel that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages?"

This is no nonsense!
Full Moon smiled, and ended the discussion with a sentence from later generations.

"True knowledge comes from practice!"

(End of this chapter)

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