Chapter 152 Breakfast Buffet
Without even raising his head, Leng Yun ate the last bite of small noodles, wiped his mouth and hands, and said flatly, "What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours, what's the difference?"

She opened her mouth wide and fell into a daze.

I really want to say "what's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine", but in this age of morality, I really can't say it when it comes to my lips.

Seeing her sluggish, with oily spots on the corners of her mouth, he smiled, stretched out his hand to wipe off the oily spots on the corners of her mouth, and said lovingly: "Eat more, you are too thin."

She pushed his hand away, shook her head and said: "I just can't get fat, I have eaten a lot today, I can't eat anymore."

He didn't speak, and after a while he said: "I just saw your eyes were red and swollen, what happened?"

She was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect him to be so careful, her heart suddenly warmed up, she lowered her head, and said in a low voice, "My grandpa is here..."


He raised his eyebrows, he was more or less clear about the matter of Man Yue's parents through conversation.Hearing the arrival of Yuan's family now, thinking of their actions, he was somewhat disdainful, and said with a displeased expression: "What are you here for? Now that you are famous in Ningbo, do you come to recognize your relatives again?"

She shook her head, "Grandpa came yesterday, but things don't seem to be what we thought..."

As she spoke, she told the ins and outs of the matter, then looked at him fixedly, and said with a wry smile: "What do you call this?"

"King Wu?"

He narrowed his eyes, "Ten years ago, he had a very loud voice..."

Then he showed disdain again, and said lightly: "This person is extremely hypocritical and hypocritical, it's not surprising that he would do this."

Seeing the surprise in her eyes, he continued: "I have had contacts with him a few times, and the first meeting is indeed quite attractive. As a prince, he has no pretensions, just a few words, and he feels that the city is very deep. , is a hypocrite."

After a pause, he comforted: "He is not the son of the first emperor. It's no secret in the court. Even when he is the loudest, he can't get things done. Now you don't have to be afraid of him. If he troubles you, tell me, I have my own way to deal with it." he."

"But I heard that King Wu's foundation is not shallow. Many people think that he is a virtuous corporal and supports reform..."

As she spoke, she lowered her voice, "And I heard that although the current emperor is young, but, but his temper is quite weird, a bit like Emperor Sejong..."

Sejong is Emperor Jiajing, who has been in power for more than 40 years. He has been obsessed with Taoism all day long, and the good empire has been turned into a miasma.

He even used a flattering minister like Yan Song, and Yan Shifan, the son of Yan Song, was under the party to fight against dissidents, blackmailing officials, Xia Yan, Yang Jisheng and other loyal ministers were all framed to death by him, and all of this stems from Jiajing's laissez-faire to them .

Yes, although Jiajing didn't go to court and cultivated immortals all day long, he had the most powerful control over courtiers except Taizu and Chengzu.

And Man Yue heard that the current little emperor has a temper very similar to this emperor. From Leng Yun's incident, she can see that she likes to play Jiajing's tricks, fool courtiers, and treat them as human beings.

Her tone became sad, "The emperor will get married soon, and the great government will be returned. He does not support the reform, and the voice of King Wu will definitely rise again."

"You did a lot of homework."

Leng Yun glanced at her meaningfully.

She smiled wryly, "Yesterday I deduced that King Wu might be the murderer who framed my parents, so I asked my uncle about the affairs of the dynasty. Knowing yourself and the enemy can win a hundred battles. I need to be prepared."

Leng Yun was silent.

How can it not be surprising that a 12-year-old girl has vision and strategy?
He thought of those great officials in history, and suddenly believed that there was a kind of person who was born a strategist and was born to be an official.


She is a woman, otherwise with her aptitude and careful cultivation, her future achievements would be incalculable.


He pursed his lips, and secretly proud of himself, wouldn't it be better for such a woman to be his wife?
"Then what are you going to do?"

he asked calmly.

"Maintaining the status quo."

She replied simply, "Even if I have the intention of revenge, there is no evidence for that incident, so there is no way to do it. The other party is not Xiaomin, but a prince, and he is a prince with a special status. He has someone in the court, so I have to be cautious. For the current plan, we can only wait for them to find us."

"What if they don't move?"

He raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you going to avenge your parents?"

She lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "If this is the case, isn't it lucky? My father kept his anonymity and didn't tell me about it. Doesn't it mean that he hopes that I won't take revenge?"

She said with a wry smile, "I'm afraid they won't let it go. If I'm unknown, maybe I can let them go; and my mother's leaving is simply a humiliation to people like King Wu. The more I care about face, knowing that I am their daughter may not make my life easy."


He nodded, "People's hearts are also counted, well done. Based on my understanding of King Wu, heh..."

The corners of his mouth raised, and there was a hint of sarcasm, "This kind of hypocrite has the best face, I'm afraid he won't give up. But you don't have to worry too much, he still doesn't dare to act rashly with me here."

After a short pause, he continued: "Furthermore, fame-seekers care about reputation the most. If he doesn't come, it's fine. If he comes, poke it out and make him drink a pot."

A trace of coldness flashed in Leng Yun's eyes, and then he regained his composure. He wiped his hands with a towel and said, "I'm going to the yamen."


She nodded, "I'll bring food at noon."


He laughed, his resolute face instantly softened, and he said in a low voice, "What are you going to do delicious for me?"

She blinked, made a face and said, "Secret."

"mock up!"

He rubbed her head affectionately, bent down and pecked her lips, and said, "Wait for you."

After all, he strode away.

Man Yue looked at his back, thinking that he would eat the love bento made by himself in the future, and her heart was sweet.

Who said that love can only be happy if it is harvested?Sometimes giving is also a kind of sweetness!

After eating breakfast, I started another busy day.

Last night's guests also got up one after another. Although they were distinguished, they were very curious about the breakfast advertised.

It is completely self-collection, unlimited number, and two free breakfast coupons are given every day when you stay. Isn’t this a loss?
This group of uncles completely forgot the room they stayed in, even a standard room cost two taels of silver a night.

Two taels of silver can do a lot of things in Daming, enough to buy a few shi of rice, enough for a family of four to live for two or three months.

What is a mere buffet breakfast?Besides, these rich people are all of status, and they usually have a lot of oil and water, so why would they eat like crazy?

The full moon is counted clearly, and doing so is just to make these rich people feel that they are worth their money.Besides, hotels in later generations all provide free breakfast, the difference is that it is better or worse.

Of course, if you feel that going downstairs to pick it up is a disqualification, you can also ask someone to give it to you. There is no charge for food, but you have to add a tip of 100 Wen, which is all for the clerk.

So those guys hope that these uncles don't come downstairs, because then they will make more money.

But today they are doomed to be disappointed.

The curiosity of Ming Dynasty people was not so strong, and I saw that these old men really came downstairs to see what was new.

There are many acquaintances among them, it's even better, everyone doesn't need servants to serve them, and they simply set up a table, so this breakfast becomes morning tea.

Han Yudong is an out-and-out Hong Kong native, and his family was originally in the raw silk business.Not to mention rich and powerful, but it is not bad.

More than 20 years ago, the emperor opened the sea, and his father was a visionary who started the sea trade. With more than 20 years of accumulation, it has become a giant businessman in Ningbo.

Although he is a businessman, Han Yudong is quite popular among scholars.

He always used his own money to organize literary conferences, and he was also a student member. He was a man of pride, and he often supported scholars.

Those who come and go will have the title of Timely Duke, which is quite a bit of face among scholars.

This Guilin House was doing a lot of publicity when it was being remodeled. He admired the method of distributing leaflets to the extreme, and he wanted to come and see for a long time.

So he came here as soon as it opened yesterday, and by the way made a reservation for a first-class room.

For a sea merchant like him, five liang of silver a day for a first-class house is just a drizzle, far less important than looking fresh.

And the most important thing is that the boss here is also a legendary figure, so I have to see it!

I came to see it yesterday, and the fruits and vegetables here are extraordinary. People like him naturally order the dishes made by Yang Rener himself.

He was careful, and only ordered one, and he wanted to make a comparison.

First, I ate other chefs, and I was surprised. Isn’t the chef here left by the previous boss?How come it took just over a month of hard work, and the cooking skills have improved so much?

In his opinion, this standard has already caught up with those first-class restaurants in the capital.

The chef here was transferred by Yang Rener|Teaching is so good in one month, so what is it like for Yang Rener to cook?
He decisively lowered his chopsticks, and almost burst into tears when he tasted it!
too delicious!

The most common cooking dish in Ningbo is actually made so delicious. Is this Yang Rener really the fairy boy who came down to earth in front of the Kitchen God?
Han Yudong couldn't describe the taste of this dish, but he felt that it was so delicious that it made people feel kind, like his mother's handicraft, but it had that taste.

So he is also looking forward to today's breakfast. He heard that in this breakfast, any stuffing that needs to be filled is made by Master Yang himself.

Yesterday I ate vegetables, but today I ate dim sum. I wonder how good everyone Yang is at dim sum?
He came downstairs with such an idea, but he was dumbfounded after seeing it!

So many tricks? !

The purpose-built long tables were spliced ​​together, covered with red silk cloth, and on top of them were dazzling snacks of various colors, early.

He took a rough look, and there were no less than seven or eight kinds of bare buns in front of him.In addition, there are all kinds of dumplings, fried wontons and pasta.

Looking at the other side, he was even more surprised. This row was used for porridge. He looked at it and saw that there were several kinds of porridge, including millet porridge, rice porridge, black glutinous rice porridge, red date porridge, etc...

(End of this chapter)

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