Chapter 164

Yang Shouchi lowered his head and pondered for a moment, he couldn't help but feel his neck getting cold, his eyes were a little lost and he said: "Why, how is it possible?"

"Why is it impossible?"

The full moon couldn't help but sigh. The Opium War more than 100 years later caused China to experience a century of darkness. At that time, all the intellectuals did not expect that there would be a day when China would lose its power and humiliate the country.

A hundred years have passed since the Chinese were inferior to dogs. Even when the full moon comes, China will still be provoked and bullied internationally.

"Uncle Eight, you haven't seen the tribute from France this time, have you?"

Man Yue took a sip of tea and said slowly: "I was lucky enough to see a part of it. It was a wonderful workmanship. There are many clocks that tell the time automatically, and the birds and monkeys on them can dance by themselves, and there are beautiful music playing automatically. Uncle Ba, since we are engaged in meritorious service, we cannot underestimate the work of craftsmen. No business is not rich, no agriculture is unstable, and no industry is not strong. Xiyi can put so much thought into the things of life, how can it be used as a sharp weapon for the country? not serious?"

"Without business, you will not be rich, without agriculture, you will not be stable, without work, you will not be strong..."

Yang Shouchi murmured: "Well said...but is the industry and commerce you mentioned really so powerful?"

Man Yue laughed and said, "Uncle Ba, do you know why the business of my Gui Lin Ju is so good?"

"Isn't it for you and Lord Hou's name?"

"This is just one of them. But face and favor are getting thinner the more you use them. If Gui Linju doesn't do well, he won't come here again."

"That makes sense."

Yang Shouchi nodded, "But now you only cook ten dishes a day, but the business is still booming. Could it be related to the fortification you mentioned?"

Yang Shouchi is not an idiot either, he vaguely felt that Guilinju's good business might have something to do with its comfortable environment.

"Not bad!"

Full Moon nodded vigorously, and said loudly: "The night in Guilinju is like daytime. Even the tallow candles are not as bright as the lights in my place. Each chandelier is designed with a pulley, which can automatically rise and fall when you pull the string. Oil lamps Inside, highly skilled craftsmen were invited to plate copper sheets, and these copper sheets play a role of refraction and make the lights brighter.”

Seeing Yang Shouchi frowned, he knew it was difficult to understand, so he thought for a while and said, "Uncle Ba, if you hold a candle and look in the mirror, you will find that the room is brighter than usual. It can be seen from this that light has the characteristic of refraction. The current oil lamp is made of this characteristic. The same principle can also be reflected in snowy days. If you observe carefully, Bashu, you will find that the ground is covered with white snow, and it will be brighter than usual at night, which is also the refraction of light. principle."

"Looking at things to know..."

After listening to it, Yang Shouyan thought for a while, and couldn't help sighing, "This is the study of things."

"Uncle Ba, although this is advocated by Xinxue, we should open our arms to those who study meritorious deeds. Whether it is a black cat or a white cat, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat. No school of thought can be perfect. Personal cultivation is good, but it is too empty and pedantic in state affairs; the study of the mind pays attention to the study of things and the unity of knowledge and action. Although it is good, they still lack the theory of governing the country, which is close to Zen, and if they enter the world, it will appear empty."

Man Yue's thinking seemed to be opened up at once, "If I wait to learn the strengths of hundreds of schools and perfect the Yongjia School, my niece thinks that we will be able to regain the glory of the Song Dynasty! The most important thing is that Xiyi has already opened the era of great navigation. If we can't Participate, when their strong ships and guns come to China, will our pens be able to withstand the guns?"

Yang Shouchi was deeply shocked. These remarks seemed alarmist, but considering the facilities of Linju and the battle with Spain ten years ago, although Daming won, many people died. Miserable victory, as long as you know the inside story of that war, you won't think Yang Manyue's words are nonsense.

And the theory of picking up the strengths of a hundred schools of thought and black and white cats shocked him even more. It is the way to do it to this extent!

"So Eleven Niang, are you studying Confucianism and self-cultivation with your heart, but you are not successful in doing things?"

He finally asked out the doubts in his heart.

Also a little nervous.

Although the study of meritorious deeds is somewhat utilitarian, it is only in state affairs; if this niece has become obsessed and behaves like this in everything, then it is utilitarian.

"it is necessary."

Full moon nodded, "If you don't cultivate virtue, you will be abandoned by the heavens; if you don't cultivate yourself, you will be abandoned by the world; if you have no virtue and form, and only practice merit, you will be successful and profitable. Teachers pay more attention to profit, without the teacher's way, what the students inherit is immoral; courtiers have no virtue, flatter their superiors and follow the crowd, and the world is chaotic; kings do not control themselves, and the world collapses. !"

"My niece doesn't ask for anything else in running a newspaper. She just wants to broaden the horizons of the people like me. I hope that those who are superior can also see the changes in the world. I heard missionaries from the West say that someone has completed a round-the-world voyage, proving that the earth is round. , not square; our China is not the center of the world universe, we are just a corner of the world, insignificant compared with the world. Uncle Ba, we can't wait, or future generations will blame us!"


Yang Shouchi muttered, "China has been called since ancient times; but because of the world, few people call their country that way anymore.They are either Tang people, or Song people, Ming people...

Eyes slowly moisten up, China is such a kind word, we are all descendants of Chinese people!

Taking a deep breath, he said, "You are right, uncle has been taught today."

As he spoke, he shook off his sleeves, and raised his hands forward, "This statement has benefited me a lot, I have gained something, and I will worship it!"

"It's absolutely impossible!"

Man Yue hurriedly supported Yang Shouchi, "Are you an elder who gave me this big gift to make Man Yue lose my life?"

"But this statement is like my teacher, and it is a light gift to receive a bow."

"Uncle Ba, our family is seeing strangers like this. I have learned a lot from you!"

Yang Shouchi patted the full moon vigorously, with regret in his eyes, "Oh, how nice would it be if you were a man? With a gentleman like you, why should my Yang family not prosper? Your ambition is so great that this old man is ashamed!"

"If a woman wants to have a career, it is not impossible."

Full Moon laughed, "Didn't I have Qin Liangyu in my Ming Dynasty? Then I met Lord Chongzhen! The emperor even wrote poems praising her for her outstanding military exploits, and was posthumously named Marquis of Loyalty! And I heard that before Lord Chongzhen went, he deliberately It is a decree that future generations will list Qin Liangyu as a famous general of the empire in the biography of the generals in the history books, what an honor it is!"

Speaking of Qin Liangyu, no man in Daming was unconvinced, and Bashu was no exception.

Can't help sighing: "Yes! Since ancient times, there are only women's biographies, and Qin Liangyu is the only one who will be passed down..."

He suddenly looked at Man Yue, and said in a low voice: "Eleven Niang, do you also have this idea?"


The whole moon was stunned, and the eighth uncle's thinking was too jumpy, right?

I only have sincere admiration for Qin Liangyu. In a world full of men, a woman joins the army alone and has made immortal achievements. Whether it is this time and space or that time and space, Man Yue is full of admiration for Qin Liangyu.

She didn't engage in conspiracy, she didn't rely on men to ascend to power, and she didn't play tricks of witchcraft to frame her. She relied on her sincerity to the court. After her husband died, she took over her husband's spear and continued to defend Daming.

A person who is sincere to the extreme is respectable no matter what era he is placed in.

For 5000 years in China, the only woman in the 24th history who has been a vassal by herself is admirable enough.Compared with Lu Lingxuan, the prototype of Lu Zhen in the later TV series, Qin Liangyu has dumped the other party by a few blocks.

Qin Liangyu is not afraid of death, not greedy for money, and has both civil and military skills; while Lu Lingxuan, the prototype of Lu Zhen, can only say "hehe".

As far as the official position is concerned, Qin Liangyu has taken a lot of hard work.Officials up to Dr. Guanglu of Shangzhu Kingdom, Zuo Dudu of the Central Military Governor's Mansion, admirals stationed in Sichuan and other places, general officers and soldiers, Zhendong General, Shaobao was granted the title of Taibao and Prince Taibao, first-rank wife, and later added Prince Taifu...

In a word!This woman has done what many men can't do, her high official position is impressive!

The most important thing is that the imperial court is gone, and she still insists on resisting the Qing Dynasty. In the original history, this is a woman worthy of admiration!
So I just admire it, isn't the eighth uncle too good at brainstorming?
Seeing Uncle Ba's eyes with green light, he couldn't help but tremble, "Uncle Ba, where are you going? How dare I compare myself to Hou Zhongzhen?"

"Why don't you dare?!"

Yang Shouchi's eyes showed enthusiasm, "Qin Liangyu can do it, and you can do it too! You can think of newspapers manipulating public opinion, which shows your talent. After you marry Lord Hou, one of the things you will do is to care for your husband and teach your children. If..."

He didn't say any more, but the meaning was that he couldn't understand.

The corners of Man Yue's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help but said to herself: "Who said you are so old-fashioned? Uncle Ba is like this, I wish I could be a female official!"

Shaking his head helplessly, he said: "Uncle Ba, I just want to be recognized by the emperor as the best cook in the world, hehe, I dare not think about anything else!"

"Being an imperial cook?"

Yang Shouchi frowned, "Nothing! Although a female imperial chef is also the first, how can it compare to the prestige of General Qin? Oh, that's all, that's all, I was just talking nonsense in a moment of excitement, how could it be possible? Qin Liangyu has This achievement is also the right time, place and people! Eleven Niang, how good would it be if you were a man? I am better than others of the same age, if you are a man... Oh, God's will!"

Yang Shouchi shook his head, with regret on his face, and kept murmuring, "It would be nice to be a man..."

Man Yue was speechless, and at the same time, a strange thought came to her mind: "If I become a female official, will no one dare to bully me anymore? Qin Liangyu has no generals, I say it's just nonsense... Ah bah! Yang Manyue, Is your brain broken? What are you thinking?"

While scolding herself, she recalled the day when she opened the store, when the group of elders cleared the way and the common people supported her.

Tsk tsk, no wonder Leng Yun always said that a man should not be powerless for a day, it must taste good, right?Thinking of Qin Liangyu's admiration, Man Yue felt itchy in her heart, as if something had popped out, which made her want to move.

Suppressing the restlessness in his heart, he blessed Fushen and said: "Uncle Ba, if there is nothing wrong, my niece will go back first! It's about 60 miles to Xiaogang, and it takes half a day to walk."

"Don't worry about leaving, let's stay in Ningbo for one night."

Man Yue shook her head, "There are still a lot of things to do in the store. I feel relieved after getting a good start, and I should go back. The yard behind will be finished in a few days, and I have to be busy moving."

Yang Shouchi nodded, "Alright. Then be careful on the road. Those children are all..."

"Report to the vice president, there is a master outside who claims to be an old friend of Xiaodong's family, and he is here to visit."

Before Yang Shouchi finished speaking, he heard Feng Yi's voice from outside.

Man Yue and Yang Shouchi looked at each other, seeing a trace of confusion in each other's eyes.

Although Man Yue is quite famous now, her main activities are still in Chaiqiao and Xiaogang.This Ningbo is rarely visited, where did the old man come from?

"Go and see."

Man Yue nodded, and followed Feng Yi to the tea room used to entertain guests, but the viewers were dumbfounded.

Hurry up and salute, "Yang Manyue, the daughter of the people, has met the old parents."

"Hey, I can't do it, I can't do it!"

With a friendly face, Chen Xu gave him a little support and said, "You are the wife of Master Hou who has never been married, and you have a noble status. How can you salute the subordinate?"

Man Yue laughed, "The words of the old parents are really embarrassing to Man Yue. You are the official of the parents, and it is only right for me to salute you as a grassroots."

Then he changed the topic again and said, "Why did the old parents come to Ningbo?"

The implication is how do you know I'm here?

"I came to the government office to listen to the training. I passed by here and heard that this newspaper was from you, so I bought a copy and came over to have a look."

"How lucky is it to have the old parents take pity on the full moon?"

Yang Manyue wiped the corners of her eyes pretentiously, then blessed Fushen and said, "If it wasn't for the protection of my old parents that day, I'm afraid that Manyue's family would be ruined. If it wasn't for her serious injuries, she should have gone to visit her..."

This is all nonsense, and everyone knows it is nonsense.

If Leng Yun hadn't come over that day, both of them would probably have to be led by dogs. Even if Man Yue incited scholars to make trouble, she could pass the test, but he, the county magistrate, would be in trouble.

The higher-ups don't care about you, once the scholars make trouble, the leader of the place will have to do it!

However, Yang Manyue still remembered her slight maintenance. Although she didn't come to thank him, it was a bit hypocritical, but she was very helpful in her heart.

With Yang Manyue's status as the daughter of Sizhitang and Leng Yun's fiancée, it's not bad to be able to do this.

Immediately, the statement's gaze became more kind, and he said with a smile: "I dare not take this seriously. If it weren't for the blessing of Miss Full Moon, I would have been beaten to death by those people. I am ashamed to say that I am a local parent official, and I rule When the common people have grievances, they not only cannot clear their grievances, but also make them feel wronged..."

He wiped the corners of his eyes, with a sad look on his face, "It doesn't matter if this official thinks about it, it's not that material."


That's it?
Come up and dig out your heart and lungs?
Sure enough, the officialdom is all acting school!

Question, what is the purpose of this old man coming here? !

"Oh, by the way, that Ye Qi's son quit..."


Seeing that Man Yue was surprised, Chen said inwardly: "After all, she is still too young. I didn't see Hou Ye's good intentions! No, I have to let her understand that whether she can be promoted in the future depends entirely on this little girl."

"Huh? Miss Man Yue, why are you so surprised? Didn't you hear that Hou Ye asked me to lift up Ye Qi's son that day?"

Man Yue secretly said in her heart: "This old man is here to make a good sale... You must have something to ask for under the courtesy!"

No, you have to keep playing dumb.

But Mr. Chen came over at the right time, obviously he wouldn't just let her go like this. Seeing that Man Yue didn't speak, he had a faint understanding in his heart.

After he understood it, he couldn't help scolding "I wipe" in his heart!
I have never seen such a ghostly child...


I can't give up, I have to come up with a unique trick, I must hug my thighs!
Thinking of his success in the future, he said cheekily: "I wanted to praise him, but I don't know what happened to that kid, he kept doing wrong things, and now I can't do anything about it, so I had to dismiss him and let him go home... ...Sigh, I am ashamed of not being able to fulfill Lord Hou's entrustment! If the girl sees Lord Hou, she must intercede for me..."

This is so true that the whole moon wants to vomit!
But at the same time, I feel like stating this is a clever statement.

Everyone knows what it means, but you can't say it, otherwise it won't be beautiful.

Daming's officialdom culture is probably like this, right?

After a taste of the officialdom culture of the Ming Dynasty, Man Yue intends to continue to play dumb and resolutely not to fall into the pit, "Why should the old parents blame themselves? Fairness and freedom!"

Man Yue said something politely, but what she said immediately made her eyes widen, and she couldn't pretend anymore!
"Yeah! The old man feels that the boy is also a little wronged. You know, his father reported Rong Huai, which is a taboo thing; besides, Rong Huai was killed on the way to escort, and those who were not punished are naturally sad. Dare to surface, but it is still possible to punish the Ye family. The old man looks at the child pitifully, but the matter has been settled and there is no need to investigate further, so we have to let him go home, this is also to protect him."

As he made the statement, he took a sip of tea, and then smiled and spit out the words that made Man Yue feel like vomiting blood, "To compensate him, the old man asked his father to take over the granary. Isn't his father the grain chief? See if the granary is suitable. This is fat and short!"

The cold sweat of the full moon came out at once.

The so-called county magistrate who broke the family, the governor who destroyed the family, the ancients did not deceive me!

It sounds like a good thing to look at the granary, but in fact, Kuzi is the lowest-ranking servant who wants to break through.

There are only two methods of service in Ming Dynasty: regular service and miscellaneous service.

The official service is also called the Lijia official service, which includes taxation and food, the battle of registering households, and the Lijia three.

Miscellaneous labor is also known as miscellaneous general corvee, which means that people send out men to serve the government.Among them, the power is poor, and the silver is poor.

Bankers pay money to the government to hire people; and Lichai are conscripts who go to work in person.

What ordinary people are most afraid of is poor strength.

Menzi, Jailer, Auxiliary Bing, Kuzi, Cangfu, etc. all belong to the force difference.

It sounds pretty good, isn't it great to show the government the gate?
The full moon thought so too.

It was only later that I learned that it would be a sad reminder for a guy outside the system to respond to such a job.

For example, this library.

It can definitely make people lose their homes!

On weekdays, if there is any loss in the warehouse, not only Kuzi must pay for it, but if the subordinates ask for it, they have to pay for it regardless of public or private money. Nine out of ten bankrupts were sent to Kuzi by corvees!
This trick is too ruthless!
Man Yue couldn't help shivering, and looking at the smiling statement again, her scalp felt a little numb.

This is the embodiment of rights!

I don't know how Ye Qi is doing now.

He betrayed his glory and violated a taboo. The county magistrate intended to use someone else's head to pave the way for his official career, but what he met was that the Kuzi he was going to would never be easy. He really wouldn't stop until his family was ruined!

Full Moon frowned, even though Ye Qi was very small, this punishment...

He closed his eyes, opened them after a while, and there was a glimmer of coldness in them.

Why should I feel sorry for her?

The real Man Yue lost his life because of this, if I soften my heart, wouldn't I be sorry for Man Yue?
Thinking of this, I felt a little relieved.

So far, the three views of her previous life have been influencing her. She felt that Ye Qi was the one who was guilty, and the one who should be punished should be Ye Qi, so she couldn't bear to hear that his whole family would suffer.

But just now, I was a little relieved. In this society ruled by man, you can’t pray that rights can bring justice. Law here is a weapon in the hands of the superiors. That’s why they hate litigation sticks, because litigation sticks are also used to play A master of the law.

Slightly sighed, this stupidity can't be pretended anymore.

Otherwise, you are slapping your face.

Thinking of this, he said: "The old parents are kind-hearted, and Man Yue thanked the old parents on behalf of the villagers."

After a pause, he continued: "Your Excellency, you don't have to worry, Master Hou will definitely know about your difficulty. Although Man Yue is small and weak, I hope to do my best to share your worries."

One sentence immediately made Chen Shu feel elated, and Yang Shouchi, who was standing outside eavesdropping, couldn't help cursing inwardly: "You little slicker, you're so brave!"

He was scolding in his heart, but his face was full of pride, but within a few minutes of pride, he became sad again. He shook his head with a sad expression: "How good would it be if it were a man?"

"Ah, thank you for your kind words!"

The statement got what he wanted, so he didn't plan to stay any longer.

After all, it's a county magistrate, so it's rash to come here today, so I don't dare to stay longer, lest it will cause trouble in the eyes of interested people.

Yang Shouchi, who was outside, wanted to go in, but he thought that it would be better for him to deal with less people than officials, so as not to cause any trouble.

Seeing the statement came out, he immediately turned and hid aside.

Waiting for Man Yue to send people away, he came out again and said, "Eleven Niang, is this the county magistrate of Dinghai County?"

Man Yue nodded and said with a wry smile: "It's true that people are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong. They have come to me through the back door."

"This time Mushi went to Beijing and made great contributions again. I thought it might be reused by Chaoli... This statement looks like an idiot, but this time I can see it clearly."

Man Yue's heart twitched, and she said in a low voice: "Uncle Ba, you mean that Leng Yun will return to Beijing because of this?"

"Hehe, the power of the sky is unpredictable, who knows?"

Yang Shouchi looked at the sky, the sky was gloomy, and the cold wind was blowing, and he murmured: "I'm afraid it's going to rain again..."

The full moon also looked at the sky, the gray sky seemed extremely empty, exhaled and said: "It's mediocre..."

After finishing speaking, he said: "Uncle Ba, stay a while, the full moon is back."

"Well, I just read your manuscript again, and it's really good. Now I feel that the vernacular is good! Otherwise, ordinary people wouldn't understand it."

Man Yue smiled, blessed her body and said: "Ba Shu Lao is still worried about the newspaper office. If Man Yue has an idea, he will submit an article. Then I will ask Uncle Lao to correct me..."

(End of this chapter)

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