Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 166 The World's Most Evil Woman

Chapter 166 The World's Most Evil Woman
Xu Yuan didn't care about this, and ignored the angry county magistrate and continued: "Besides, it's a phoenix with phoenix feathers inserted? Tsk tsk, pheasant is also pretty, but after all, it's also a pheasant!"

"you you you……"

When Huixi County Lord heard this, his body trembled with anger, he was really beeping.

Originally, I came back to the forest to look for bad luck, and I only found a little bit of bad luck, but in the end, people found it even more.

In just a blink of an eye, he beat all his men to cripples, and the rest of them were too frightened by Yang Manyue's viciousness to dare to move.I have never seen such a ferocious person, he is as good as Lord Xiao.

No wonder Leng Yun likes it, the tyrannical temperament is a perfect match.

They were so cruel and ruthless at such a young age, they knocked off one hand and beat the other until their face was covered in blood, oh my god, this is going to heaven!
Looking at myself, I don't speak passively, but I am still being scolded as a pheasant. Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it!

"You, where did you come from?! Dare to be rude to the county lord?!"

"County Lord?"

Xu Yuan tilted his head, his eyes showed confusion, "Are you the county lord?"

"What? Are you afraid?"

Zhu Huixi put her hands on her hips, showing a look of pride, "I am the daughter of King Wu, why don't you salute quickly, you rude person?"


Xu Yuan couldn't help laughing, at first the sound was relatively quiet, but he couldn't hold it back, the louder he laughed, the more exaggerated his movements were, hugging his stomach, laughing until he couldn't straighten his back, pointing Looking at Zhu Huixi, he said: "You, you... Haha, you, you are the county lord? Haha, it's a joke in the world! How can there be a county lord like you? With so many feathers on his head, so many jewelry, wearing It's also colorful, just like a pheasant... Haha, I laughed so hard..."

"you you you……"

Zhu Huixi was trembling, and a group of diners couldn't help chuckling.

Indeed, Mr. Huixi's taste is also unique in Ningbo.

The pointing of the people around, the slightly malicious laughter made Zhu Huixi's blood rush to his forehead, tears fell down, and he stomped his feet and cried: "Brother Shi, you, look at them, Everyone bullies me, everyone bullies me!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Shi Cong to respond, he pointed at Xu Yuan and said, "Come here, teach this ignorant kid for me!"

"Want to fight?"

Xu Yuan looked excited, picked up the golden whistle hanging around his neck and blew vigorously, and said in a posture: "Then hit it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, many guards suddenly appeared outside, all wearing armor and equipped with steel knives, and they drew their knives in unison, "Who dares to disrespect the young master?!"

"Young master?"

"Young master? This kid is the Duke of the country?"

Everyone whispered for a while, and after thinking about it, Shi Cong would accompany him in person, even if he wasn't the Duke, his status would definitely not be low.

And in this battle, tsk tsk, the guards all carry knives, they must not be ordinary people, they must be nobles!
"You, who are you?"

Zhu Huixi looked at Xu Yuan with some astonishment, "You, you are talking nonsense, I, my Daming, where did I come from such a young Duke?"

"Hey hey hey."

Xu Yuan laughed strangely, "Am I the Duke of the State?"

Seeing the woman heaved a sigh of relief, his eyes showed contempt, and then he said: "But my grandfather is the Duke of the state, and the queen mother is my aunt, who do you think I am?"


The diners exclaimed for a while, couldn't sit still anymore, and stood up to salute one after another, "You are the young master of Wei Guogong's mansion, disrespect and disrespect."

"Good talk, good talk!"

Xu Yuan still looked like a knight-errant, cupping his fists and clapping his hands in response, with a frightened look, as if he was some kind of hero.

Taking advantage of this gap, Man Yue helped Mrs. Chen and the others up, took off the cloth strips from their mouths, and said, "Mother, what's going on?"

Mrs. Chen cried loudly: "This girl met me at the door, and I nodded my head when I saw that it was a distinguished guest who came to the store. Who would have thought that this girl would hit someone when she came up, saying that I was disrespectful to her by saluting in a cloak..."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ."

Mancang cried and said: "Brother Ten also got a few slaps in the face, and me, Sister, look..."

Mancang pulled up Chen's and his own sleeves, only to see that they were covered with scars, obviously from the whip.

Man Yue's eyes turned red instantly, she stood up abruptly, pointed at Zhu Huixi and said, "Today | you can either kneel down and kowtow to apologize to my mother, or go to the Yamen to ask the old parents to take care of this matter!"

"Yes, go to the yamen!"

Xu Yuan also yelled, "What's wrong with you as the county lord? Can the county lord beat people casually? How did the King of Wu teach his children? How can there be such a savage and cruel woman like you?!"

"Mr. County, have you really hit someone?"

Shi Cong frowned, "All the children are beaten?"

"No, no, I, I didn't, no, I didn't hit it..."

With a pale face, Zhu Huixi shook her head again and again, "I, I, I didn't do anything."

"Yes, you didn't do anything."

Xiao Ten stood up, wiped the corners of his mouth, and suddenly said hoarsely: "You let your subordinates do it! Didn't you whip those whips yourself? Why, the daughter of a dignified prince is actually trying to repudiate her?"

"Not bad!"

Mancang also yelled: "My elder brother reasoned with you, and you beat us, you vicious woman, you even beat a child, it really hurts the face of the royal family!"

As Mancang said, he bowed to the party and said: "I would like to invite all distinguished guests to come to the Yamen to be a witness to us. As a son of man, I see my mother being humiliated but I can do nothing. Now I can only hope that the blue sky above my head will make decisions for us!"

Mancang lifted his robe, knelt down straight, and kowtowed to everyone, very sincere.

Young age really has an advantage sometimes, and no one doubts the motives of the nine-year-old when he says this.Only Yang Manyue, who knows her younger brother Mo Ruo, knows how clever Mancang's words are.

A trace of relief welled up in my heart, my brother grew up very fast!

Corrupt officials rape, honest officials even more rape, he has it in mind.

"I think it will be handed over to King Wu directly."

Some diners suggested: "Wu Wang has always been kind and loving. I think this girl is probably spoiled. The son doesn't teach it. It's the father's fault. It's best to let Wu Wang discipline it."

"Thank you for this distinguished guest! But this woman humiliated my mother, beat my younger brother, hurt my work, and shocked my honored guest. She has trampled on the law of the country and must be punished by the old parents. If I remember correctly, I, the vassal prince of Ming Dynasty You have no right to ask about local affairs, right? Also, Mancang, Liyuan, don’t be fooled casually, look at this woman, where is the county magistrate, how can there be such a rude and rude county magistrate? It must be a fake!"

The diner was stunned for a moment, but he couldn't help but feel a little admiration when he saw the full moon, he cupped his hands and said, "I'd rather bend than bend, I'm not as good as Ren Erye! I would like to go to the Yamen to be a witness."

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: "What a witty Yang Rener, as long as he doesn't recognize the identity of the county lord, the King of Wu can't do anything to her in person!"

"I'm willing to go with you!"

Zhu Huixi was trembling with fright, at this point she finally started to be afraid.

In the past, as soon as she revealed her identity as the county lord, everyone would be scared.She has always been domineering and domineering, and she has never met such a stubborn stubble like Yang Manyue.When he thought of the fact that his dignified prince's daughter was going to stand in court, he felt ashamed and ashamed to face others.

And if his father knew about it, he would definitely hate himself to death.

Father has always cherished feathers, if he knew that it was bad luck for him to seek someone, how would he gain a foothold in the mansion in the future?
No, no, I have to calm down, my mother will definitely save me!
Thinking of this, she calmed down and snorted coldly: "Just go, who is afraid of whom?"

Then he walked out and said: "The gentleman of this county is not afraid of the shadow being crooked. This bitch humiliated me first..."

As she spoke, she winked at the person on the left, who nodded and wanted to leave.

Man Yue, who came out from behind, saw the situation, sneered, and shouted: "Wait! Where is that little brother going? Could it be that he wants to abscond in fear of crime?"

The man was startled, and ran away. How could Xu Yuan, who came out together, let him get what he wanted?

Immediately ordered the guards around him to arrest the man and bring him back to Xu Yuan, Xu Yuan winked, and several guards brought him to Zhu Huixi, Xu Yuan walked over, clapping his palms with a folding fan, while fooling around Authentic: "What's the matter? The county lord wants to report the news? Don't bother me! I like to do things that help others. Come, take my handwritten letter and invite the King of Wu."


Zhu Huixi was so frightened that Huarong turned pale, and she could still be lucky when she went to the Yamen. If her father was invited, she would fall out of favor immediately, and her father would probably hate her because of this and marry herself off immediately.Once this is the case, she has no value to her mother, and she will no longer like herself.

"If you kneel down and kowtow today to make amends to my mother, to compensate for the loss in my store, and the expenses of the buddy's soup and medicine, I will let this matter go."

Man Yue suddenly said coldly: "If you really repent, I, the sufferer, will not sue you."

"You, you think beautifully? I am a majestic county lord..."

"What are you standing there for? Hurry up and inform King Wu!"

At this time Xu Yuan showed the cunning of the noble sons, and he cooperated very well.

Looking sideways at Zhu Huixi, he said, "Maybe so that King Wu can recognize whether there is such a savage daughter?"

Zhu Huixi bit her lips tightly, tears rolled in her eyes, she looked at Shi Cong almost pleadingly, but the latter turned his head sideways, sighed softly, and said, "You can't live if you have committed evil."

"Brother Shi Family..."

Zhu Huixi trembled slightly, looked at Yang Manyue, hatred gathered in her eyes, and then looked at the people around her who were watching the show, and felt that she lost all her face today.

Biting his lip for a while, he said in a low voice, "I'm sorry..."

"Your Majesty!"

Man Yue responded simply, "Do you keep having fun when you hit someone? What? Is your knee broken now? If that's the case..."

Man Yue walked behind her, kicked her, and said, "Just let me help you!"

"County Monarch!"

"Ah! It hurts, Yang Manyue, you bitch, how dare you hit me?!"

"Tsk tsk."

Man Yue held her down, stepped on her hand, and turned around hard, only to hear the woman screaming, Zhu Huixi's face turned pale quickly, and in a short while, bead-sized beads of sweat came out. She was shaking all over, looking very miserable.

Rao is a group of diners who feel that the county gentleman is rude, but at the moment they are a little bit unbearable.

There is only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl around, Yang Rener is ruthless to herself, and even more ruthless to others!

This method is too ruthless, a little scary.

Shi Cong frowned, and said: "Yang Manyue, you've passed it by now, is she..."

"What does Mr. Shi want to say? Can you see the wounds on my mother's younger brother? Isn't it righteous for the mother to be humiliated and the son to take revenge? What's more..."

There was a smile on the expressionless face, but that smile was as cold as ice, making people feel no warmth.

"She pretended to be a member of the royal family, and I was just doing justice for the sky."


Shi Cong was also convinced, pretending to be stupid to such an extent, it is estimated that only Yang Manyue in the world can do it.

After thinking about it for a while, I understood her intentions. It seems that she went to the yamen to shout, and she won't really go, but she just wanted the county lord to kowtow and seek justice.

That being the case, he didn't bother to take care of it anymore. Although his grandfather was no longer in his position, his old disciples and old officials were still in the court, so he couldn't get too close to the vassal king.

"Young Master, don't you believe me?"

Man Yue exerted a little force on her feet, threatening, and said, "I'll give you another chance. Are you the county lord? As long as you kowtow and confess, I won't sue you."

"I... ouch... I, I'm not..."

After Zhu Huixi said this, she began to cry, feeling that something had gone away from her, and her heart was very empty.

"Have you heard that? She said that she is not the county monarch, but a fake, isn't she?"

"Yes Yes!"

Zhu Huixi roared as if venting: "I, I am not, you, you, please spare me!"

Full Moon let her go, looked at her coldly and said, "Kowtow, apologize to my mother."

"You, you don't..."


Man Yue narrowed her eyes, "Are you going to the Yamen? By the way, tell King Wu that someone is pretending to be his beloved daughter?"

The word "love daughter" was bitten heavily by the full moon, and the meaning of threat was self-evident.

Zhu Huixi couldn't help shivering, looking at Man Yue's lifeless eyes, she felt a trace of fear from the bottom of her heart.

Terrible, terrible!

This person is not a human, she is not a human, she is a devil, a devil, the most evil woman in the world!
Never seen a woman so vicious, at this moment Zhu Huixi finally understood what kind of role Yang Rener, the number one tough bone in Ningbo, was.

She dared to fight against evil officials as soon as she was a grassroots person. Now that she has become a member of Sizhitang, how can she take herself, a little county lord, seriously?
And this bitch is extremely cunning, seemingly reckless, but every step is in her calculations.Now that things have happened, Zhu Huixi never dares to admit that she is the county lord, because she is afraid of her father!
Swallowing the bitterness in her heart, she suddenly glanced at Shi Cong, but the man who looked like a banished fairy did not even look at her at all. He obviously played with her when he was young, but now he avoids her like a snake and scorpion. Don't pay attention, what a brother of the Shi family!
There was resentment in Zhu Huixi's eyes, especially when she found that Shi Cong's eyes were always looking at Yang Manyue intentionally or unintentionally, the resentment in her heart grew wildly like weeds after the rain.

Yang Manyue, remember, I will take back the humiliation today even more in the future!
Thinking of this, a trace of determination rose in his eyes, he knelt down with a "plop", bowed straight down, then got up, and said, "Let's go!"


"How are you doing?!"

"My loss fee, buddy soup and medicine fee is 1000 taels of silver!"

"You, why don't you grab it?!"

Zhu Huixi was furious, there is a limit to being reasonable or not, okay?

"Are you angry?"

Man Yue approached her, and said in a soft voice: "When you beat my mother and my brother, they were in this mood..."

As he spoke, he straightened up and said, "I think you are too young to let you down. Look at you, if you make such a fuss, so many customers can't enter the store, and you will lose thousands of dollars no matter what." Two silver coins... oh, now I wish you were the county lord, at least I can go to the prince to recover the loss..."

Man Yue gathered her cloak, nodded herself, and said, "Forget it, since the girl won't pay, let's go to the yamen..."

"I, I don't have that much money!"

Zhu Huixi is completely helpless, she is holding on to her weakness, unless she shows a willingness to fight, otherwise she really can't play with him.

Man Yue just looked at her like this, with a faint smile hanging on the corner of her mouth, so unruly, so cold, as if she was watching a mouse struggling feebly under her mouth.

She won't go back.Tell her what happened today again, I'm afraid she won't be able to avoid anything.

King Wu of the left and right will not let himself go, why not be more high-profile?Even if you want to die, you can't die without a name, right? !
Either don't make a fuss, or make a big fuss if you want to make a fuss!
Letting this bastard who beat her family back home was for her to inform her.

There is only one meaning she wants to express: If you want to fight, I will fight!
"I, my coral hairpin, and this white jade bracelet can be mortgaged to you."

Man Yue nodded, waved her hand, and said: "Old Bai, come and see, is it worth the price? You are an old shopkeeper, and it is common for customers to mortgage jewelry, but let me take a look at it for the girl, don't miss it..."

After finishing speaking, he curled his lips again, looked at Zhu Huixi with piercing eyes and said: "After all, there are people in the county who dare to impersonate themselves these days, let alone jewelry... But watch out, there are so many ghosts and snakes now..."


A group of onlookers couldn't bear Yang Manyue's humor and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Xu Yuan laughed unrestrainedly. The little father-in-law is a man of temperament and never hides himself.

Shi Cong blocked himself with a folding fan, although he felt that he was a little unkind, but he still felt a little bit happy to see the county monarch who had always been savage and harmful to the world being treated so badly.

Zhu Huixi's face was flushed, and he felt blackness in front of his eyes, and a fishy-sweet smell rose into his throat. When the person who heard the appraisal said that there was no problem, he resisted and said: "Yang Manyue, wait, don't report this." Enmity, you are in vain!"


Man Yue replied, "Welcome anytime."

The contemptuous attitude irritated Zhu Huixi even more. She turned around and strode away. After walking a few steps, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and she fell down like noodles.

A group of people exclaimed, cried, and hurriedly helped him up. Facing more and more onlookers pointing and pointing, like a bereaved dog, they dragged a chariot and horse to pack him up and take him away quickly. Go straight to the palace.

When people walked away, a group of people cheered, "Good job everyone, Yang!"

Man Yue nodded, cupped her hands and said, "God is above, the royal bloodlines must not be confused! Such a fraudster, everyone has to punish him!!!"


A group of onlookers were dumbfounded and thought to themselves, this Yang Manyue really doesn't believe that the other party is the county lord, right?
That's why you're so bold?

No, not possible!
They looked at the little girl and couldn't help but shudder: 12 years old, how terrible is it that she can do things impeccably? !

"Everyone was frightened today, and the full moon will give away a dish for each table. Thank you all distinguished guests for your generous help..."

(End of this chapter)

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