Chapter 168 What a set

Man Yue smiled, but there was no warmth in her laughter, "The matter between mother and father is also hard to tell. If Uncle Eight can make them hard to talk about once, we will take revenge for this."


Yang Shouchi's face looked a little hideous, "Didn't she admit that she was a fake in public? Then let's continue to pretend to be stupid. Once it is published in the newspaper, the world will know. Who will dare to say that you have offended the royal family and nobles?"

"They are not afraid of knowing where they come from."

Man Yue continued: "The victory or defeat of this round is a foregone conclusion, so my niece is not worried. I am afraid that they will use some shady tricks later. Our newspapers say it is a success today, Uncle Ba, but this thing is also like a double-edged sword , Throughout the ages, it is the easiest to make a fuss about words, eighth uncle, you have to be careful."

"did you mean……"

Yang Shouchi frowned, "Do you think they might attack me next?"

"To be precise, I will rush to the newspaper office."

Man Yue sighed, "Uncle Ba, think about it, once I attack them in the newspaper, they will definitely see the newspaper as a thorn in their side, and it's not surprising that they want to make an article in it."

"You're right."

Yang Shouchi nodded, but then he smiled sinisterly and said, "My niece, do you know what my eighth uncle did when he first entered the official career?"

Moon shook her head.

"The old man is a speech officer."

Man Yue almost spit out a mouthful of tea, looked at Ba Shu, and suddenly felt that she was worrying too much.Daming's speech officers are known for their explosive combat prowess, and some people are really scolded to death.

Among them was a man whose exact name, Man Yue, could not remember.I remember that when I was studying, my teacher told me an anecdote, explaining that there was a speech official in the court, and everyone would be terrified when they heard that he was going to be impeached. , one of them was scared to death.

This combat power is simply terrifying!

Moreover, they not only impeached the ministers, but also scolded the emperor. Ever since Hai Rui wrote a letter to Jiajing and scolded Jiajing to a mess, not only did he not die, but became famous all over the world. The emperor often points and points, and if the emperor is angry, they are more happy.

It is best to be able to hold them in court, even if they die, they will be immortal; if they survive, even if they are not in the official career and are dismissed and go home, they will become the number one celebrity in the world.

Therefore, the civil officials of the Ming Dynasty were terrible, and the speech officials were even more terrible.

"Do you know why the old man was demoted to Yunnan?"

"Didn't it mean that it was a school dispute?"


Yang Shouchi snorted coldly, "The school dispute is true, but the real reason is because I impeached Hou Jing."

Man Yue gasped, and murmured: "Yes, is that Hou Jing who is in charge of the Supervisor of Rituals and the owner of Dongchang Factory?"


Man Yue felt a chill, and she also heard about Hou Jing from a scholar when she was setting up a roadside stall.

This person is also interesting to say, there are many rumors among the people that this person is a celestial eunuch who was born inhumane.

When he was 14 years old, the old man in the family got seriously ill. Several acres of land in the family disappeared, and the sisters couldn't survive, so Hou Jing found a relationship and went to the palace by himself.

And because he had studied at home for several years, and because Tianxiong had never been subjected to inhuman artificial castration, Hou Jingru, who was only 14 years old, was blown into the deep palace of Daming with a breeze, and after a few years of mixing, he was killed by the queen of the year. It was promoted by the current empress dowager.

In the following days, this person was like a hexagram, and soon he was appreciated by the late emperor because of his cleverness and taste, and he became the eunuch of the ceremonial supervisor at the age of 20, which is unique to the palm print eunuch exist.

And the palm seal of Daming's supervisor of ceremonies is known as the inner minister. In other words, the palm seal is No. 1 in the inner palace, so Hou Jing is the second person.

But Hou Jing was also used to speculating, and he flattered the prince at that time and the current emperor. With the death of the first emperor, instead of being demoted, he became an eunuch with palm seals.

This is not over, because the emperor wanted to get the right to speak from the courtiers, so he started to follow their ancestors and began to reuse eunuchs, and gave him the position of the factory supervisor of the East Factory.

There were very few eunuchs in history who could take charge of these two departments at the same time, and even a giant eunuch as powerful as Liu Jin couldn't do it. Hou Jing's power can be seen.

And this Hou Jing is only 28 years old this year, and he is in full swing.

"Uncle Ba became an official at the time when Hou Jing was rising, Uncle Ba, you are really a strong man!"

Man Yue smiled wryly. Although Hou Jing was not as good as he is now, he was one of the most popular people in the palace. Eighth Uncle was just demoted to Yunnan.

"Hehe, the late emperor favored Hou Jing at that time, and he seems to have forgotten Liu Jin and Wei Zhongxian's harm. As the official censor, I must do my duty."

The corner of Man Yue's mouth twitched, feeling that she could go back to sleep, with such fighting strength, why should she worry about it?
"Hey, the old man has been collecting Hou Jing's viciousness all these years. After I heard about you this time, I felt that this guy would definitely make a fuss about it, so I impeached him again. You said that Hou Jing is powerful now, so I Scolding him, how could he only dare to let me go home?"

"I don't know about the full moon."

"Ha ha."

Eighth Uncle laughed, with a deep expression on his face, "Because the princes in the court don't want me to become Yang Lian, nor do they want Hou Jing to become Wei Zhongxian."


Man Yue suddenly realized, "Civilian officials and eunuchs are really rivals!"

After a pause, he continued: "The reason why Hou Jing dare not touch you is because there are people in the court who want to protect you. It seems that there are still loyal ministers in the court."

"Old Shige left a good atmosphere, but now the cabinet is changing people like changing lights. I don't think this breeze will last long. So..."

Yang Shouchi said solemnly: "Your newspaper is of great significance. The old man wants countless people to become civil envoys! Maritime trade cannot be banned, or my Ming Dynasty will be in danger!"

"Uncle Eight has lofty ambitions, Man Yue admires him!"

Man Yue was a little moved and said: "Man Yue is willing to help Ba Shu, it's better to let Man Yue write about the impersonation of the county lord."

"You little slick!"

The eighth uncle smiled and said: "The world knows the relationship between you and me. What's the difference between what you wrote and what I wrote? The left and right are all aimed at our Yang family. If you want to come, come. The old man is a Jinshi at the age of 22. I’ve been down and out, why haven’t I seen such a big storm? What’s so scary about a mere cystic cyst?”

"The eighth uncle's words are late. You are only in your 30s, and it is the time when you are in full bloom, and it is not yet the time to talk about the vicissitudes of life!"

"You girl!"

Yang Shouchi blushed, and then he laughed loudly, "Like your father, he is as fierce as fire, and as straightforward as water, good, good, good!"

"Since that's the case, Man Yue will write it now. If it's not good, it won't be too late for Eighth Uncle to write again."

"Excellent! Let someone bring the wine, today | you and my uncle and nephew will work together to write an article, cursing those bullies to death!"

The full moon smiled, polished the ink, picked up the pen and dipped it in the ink, thought for a while, and wrote on the paper: "The ancients said: The tongue is three inches long. If a woman has it, it will rot, and the flesh will leave. It's dead, I didn't believe it, but I was lucky enough to see it today, and I realized that there are so many wonders in the world, and it's better to see it once a hundred times... It is said that in today's world, the river is clear and the sea is clean, and the people are happy, but it happens that something strange happened in Ningbo Xiaogangguilinju... "

While Man Yue was writing, Yang Shouchi was reading and laughing. Isn't this too poisonous?When I first came up, I decided to characterize this matter, saying that the guy who pretended to be the county monarch must be good at women's hands. He heard the women's parents' gossip about right and wrong, and over time he forgot the root cause.

Well, this is clearly written for that princess.

You instigated your daughter to make trouble, I want you to swallow the bitter fruit now, so that you can't tell the pain!
"Such a county monarch, dressed like a pheasant, sexually abused like a tiger and leopard, read "Cao GUI's Controversy" in the past, and said: Qi Shi will attack me, and the generals will fight. Please see Cao GUI, and the people in his village say: "The meat eater seeks it out, so what?" What? Gu said: "The carnivore is contemptible, and he can't plan far. Seeing this woman today, I can't help being horrified: If I were a princess, wouldn't it be a disaster for the country to perish soon? How can the descendants of the brilliant dragon get bastards? There is a folk proverb that says: Don’t sweep a house." How to sweep the world, the people still know that if they want to rule the world, they must first sweep their houses... The woman is the county monarch, and it is the sorrow of the prince and the royal family. "

"Good, good, good!"

Yang Shouchi clapped his hands excitedly. This article is not really gorgeous, but it lacks this gorgeousness and has a more down-to-earth air.

The words are so simple that even ordinary people can understand them.No, none of this is the point!
The point is that this article is really scolding so hard!
Using "Cao GUI's Controversy" as an example, if Wu Wangfu came forward, he would admit that he was the king in "Cao GUI's Controversy", surrounded by a group of mediocre people who couldn't even teach a daughter well.

Why can't it be taught well?Look at your daughter, she wears clothes with poor taste, and she looks like a turkey, so I don't even mention it. In the end, she doesn't even have any virtue. The girl's family beats and kills, every bite is a slut, a prodigal, damn it ah!Not to mention the county monarch, the girls in ordinary people's families can't do the same!

It will be even more extreme later on, directly rising from this trivial matter to the level of self-cultivation, family governance, state governance and world peace.Isn’t the School of Neo-Confucianism the most about self-cultivation?Then let me talk about the issue of self-cultivation.

Ordinary people know that people who don’t want to clean up their own houses can’t govern the country well. Your majestic prince can’t even teach his daughter well, let her come out to harm the people, and you still have to talk about benevolence and morality with us, that’s nothing like farting What's the difference?
So we don't believe it, we never believe that King Wu, who is kind and loving to the people, would have such a daughter.If she is really the county lord, the daughter of the prince, it would be the sorrow of King Wu and the shame of the royal family. The compatriots in the north are still being ravaged by the Tartars, and a small county lord who lives in a corner is actually making trouble like this. What a pity! what!

The last sentence was so harsh that it directly rose to the level of the nation. From this point of view, if the woman who made trouble was the county king, she would be punished by heaven and earth, a heinous crime!
This set is fantastic!
The more Yang Shouchi thought about it, his eyes widened, and at the end he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. His eyes were absent-minded and he said: "This old man has been in officialdom for more than ten years. Such a conspiracy has never been heard of or seen. This mud falling into the crotch is either shit or shit. Now, you are trying to force King Wu to deny this daughter!!"

(End of this chapter)

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