Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 186 Fatty, You Are So Pretentious

Chapter 186 Fatty, You Are So Pretentious

Man Yue shivered, and immediately understood the meaning of Chen's words.

"Mother, you mean they will play kidnapping, beating gangsters and other methods?"

Mrs. Chen nodded solemnly, "As the saying goes, a dog jumps over the wall in a hurry. I think this Lu family is responsible for most of the things these days. Several fights have not ended well. She came here in person today. I didn't get it right, I'm afraid she will really find someone to kill you..."

"My mother is too worried."

Seeing that Mrs. Chen was full of worries, Man Yue comforted her and said: "If this happened today, I will let someone secretly push the flames and spread the matter, then she will not dare to move, and she will be suspected if she moves, although she is not very wise. But I don’t think they’re really stupid, they shouldn’t be that bold. Besides, we live and board in the store, and I don’t do the shopping. Even if we go out, we can at most call a few more people, she thinks It's not that easy to kill me."

Chen shi sighed, thought for a while, and finally said: "In short, try to be careful."


Man Cang and Xiao Shi rushed to the front, and they couldn't help being disappointed when they saw that the good show was over.

Man Yue couldn't help laughing at the way they were gossiping. The two brats were so excited when they heard someone coming to make trouble.

After rewarding each of the two with a chestnut, he said viciously: "The licorice in the medicine is indispensable to you. If you don't study hard, if Mr. Kaichun is dissatisfied with you, see how I will deal with you!"

The two little guys shivered. They knew better than anyone else about their sister's violence. They repeatedly patted their chests to express that they would not delay their studies, and then began to inquire about today's affairs again.

Man Yue was also helpless, after thinking about it, she told them.

Since it is a family, it is natural to have the right to know the ins and outs of the matter.So even though they are still young, Man Yue never hides from them the family affairs, no matter good or bad.

Modern people believe in democratic education. Although younger brothers are young, since they are part of the family, they have the right to know the truth.

The two little ones felt relieved after hearing this, even the arrogant little ten is now sincerely surrendering to this cheap sister.

This kind of quality of not fearing power is not something everyone can have. Although Xiao Shi is small, he was enlightened at the age of five, and was exposed to the classics and righteousness at the age of eight. Still proud of the quality.

But the pride is the pride, out of the mentality of trying to deny the witch, he still snorted coldly, put a pair of small hands behind him, held his head up, and said like an adult: "Hmph! Acting recklessly, like a man!"

After a pause, he continued: "However, if a man's blood is splashed three feet, it will also heat up three inches of soil. It is a great kindness to live in a lowly place without compromising one's will!"

"Fatty, you are so hypocritical."

Mancang exposed him mercilessly, "I have long since admired him so much, but my mouth is still hard. When foreign enemies come, my sister yells smoothly, why don't you yell now?"

Xiao Shi blushed, didn't even dare to look at the two of them, and pretended to be annoyed: "You're a fat man! I'm going to review the book, and I don't care if Mr. Wang accepts it! I won't waste my time with you! "

After saying that, he fled with his short legs and seemed to have slipped away, causing the two people behind him to burst into laughter...

After three days, the days seemed to be peaceful, but everyone living in Ningbo felt uneasy.

There has been a lot of gossip in the Wu Palace recently!
First, he was exposed in the newspapers for his misconduct by the county monarch, and soon he was blocked by scholars and bitter masters, forcing King Wu to kill his relatives righteously;

Whether the princess is sick or not has little to do with the public.

What interested the public was what happened in Guilinju that day.

Since that day, many speculations have spread, and all of them are not good for the Wu Palace.

The full moon did not contribute to the flames. The difference in class meant that there would be more people who sympathized with her.

Lu who vomited blood was sent back to the mansion, and after hearing these rumors again, he fell ill.

It's not pretending, it's really sick.

I couldn't get up for several days, and I didn't have an appetite for anything. Only three days passed, and I had already lost a lot of weight.

It's not that Lu's psychological endurance is not good enough, but those rumors are really vicious.

For example, "Concubine Wu is a hypocrite. In order to seize the position of princess, she gave her hands to the handkerchief..."

"Wu Wang fell in love with the fifth girl of the Yuan family back then. However, the fifth girl had a marriage contract. Princess Wu Lu was afraid that the Yuan family would regret the marriage, so she kept instigating and intimidating the Yuan family, so that the fifth girl was afraid of running away..."

"The death of the mother of the king of Huixi County was caused by strange things, most of which were caused by the Lu family..."

"The Lu family seems to love the county monarch, but it's actually a plan to flatter and kill..."

"The county lord must have been ordered by his mother to seek bad luck for everyone in Yang, but something happened to see Lu's protection, and it is hypocritical to say that he loves you..."

When Mrs. Lu heard these words, she was so angry that she almost went to heaven. None of the husbands in the aristocratic circle came to the door so far, so it can be seen that they believed it...

How about saying that the Lu family was born in a small family and has little knowledge?
The wives in these aristocratic circles are all women from big local families. They have received elite education since they were young. Just like Li Huiniang, there are not many two hundred and five, and they can see it much more clearly than the Lu family.

I can't help but feel that Mrs. Lu is funny.

The people of the Prince Xiao dare to provoke him, so what about the princess?

Prince Xiao had killed General Zhen Guo before the battle, and he was a proper royal family member.The eldest son of the county king is the hereditary king of the county, and the rest of the sons are the generals of the town, and their status is much stronger than that of a princess.

Besides, the king of Wu had a lot of voices back then, but he was tabooed by his superiors.

What an idiot, he would find trouble for his own husband, it would be strange to be favored.

Mrs. Lu was so angry at home that she almost died. In addition, the concubine at home was also restless and even came to laugh at her. The always submissive Mrs. Jiang seemed to be getting restless, and everything was going in a bad direction. This made Mrs. Lu very upset.

Lu's family was already seriously ill with anger, but Yang Manyue over there did not intend to let her go, and was going to continue to beat the dog in the water.

On this day, a few fresh-washed old hooligans sneaked into the back door of Guilin Residence, and waited for a few big meat buns, a bowl of porridge and cordial greetings from Mr. Yang amidst a burst of fear.

"Hehe, I won't treat anyone who is determined to work with Yang Manyue with me. It's just a few buns..."

Yang Manyue pretended to be careless and said: "Walking around the countryside, what's the fun in doing sneaky things? It's fun to be a man with power..."

Liu Si's hairs stood on end, and his throat felt dry. This is a naked promise!
Is it really smoke from the ancestral grave?And is this girl really 12 years old?Damn, why do you feel that the county magistrate is even more majestic, and people can't understand it?

Wiping the sweat off his brow, he cupped his fists and said, "My master is willing to take you in. I am so grateful. I will change my bad habits and follow my master to the death!"

Man Yue nodded with a smile, stepped forward to give her a hand and said, "You can teach me, you can eat first, I have something to do for you after eating..."

 Thank you for the great concern of the people in the mirror. The fever has subsided. Let’s take a rest today and see if we can resume normal updates tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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