Chapter 205 What is Tsundere (monthly ticket plus update)
"You care about that pattern?"

He straightened her up, took out the brocade box from his arms, opened it, and said, "Stop pouting, you can hang oil bottles, take a look, do you like it?"

"what is this?"

Her eyes widened, and she took the flower tin from his hand, "It's so beautiful!"

Seeing that she likes it, I feel much better again, "This is the handicraft of the number one master in the capital, even the nobles in the palace will let him make things..."

"It's better than the craftsmen used in the palace?!"

Man Yue stared wide-eyed, looked at the flower tin repeatedly, and couldn't help but secretly startled, "I never imagined that the top craftsmen of Ming Dynasty are of such a high standard. From this point of view, if I want to create something, can it be realized?"


Leng Yun nodded, "This person's ancestors also did things for the palace, but after moving south, Lord Chongzhen didn't like the wind, so many craftsmen were left outside, but Hui has become a dignitary outside the palace."

"This skill is amazing!"

Full Moon admired, "Isn't this cheap? How much will it cost? No, I don't think this thing can be bought with money, just like Laigui Linju asking me to cook."

"Are you bragging about yourself?"

He couldn't help being happy, he patted her lightly, took back the flower tines from her hand, leaned back slightly, looked at her, then put the flower tines on one side, and looked back at her again , couldn't help nodding with satisfaction, "It suits you at first glance."

With a sweet heart, she threw herself into his arms and said, "Uncle, you are so kind."

For the beauty's initiative and dependence, a certain old man is very useful, but this girl is extremely shy when she is shy, but she is also very bold when she is enthusiastic. Which side is the real her?

"A woman's heart, a needle at the bottom of the sea..."

He couldn't help but think of his subordinate's words, and couldn't help sighing slightly.

Women are indeed unfathomable creatures.

Grabbing her weak and boneless little hand, he said in a low voice, "Just as long as you like it."

"Of course I like it!"

She took down the flower tin, got up and walked to the dressing table, took out a small key, opened a box, took out the green jade hairpin, and said, "Look, I keep everything you gave me. Things No matter whether you are high or low, if you still remember me when you go to Beijing, I am naturally happy."

As she spoke, she narrowed her eyes, her eyes were like crescent moons, and her face was full of sweetness, "I'll bring you food when I'm well."

All the unhappiness in his heart disappeared, and Leng Yun found that she was his nemesis.

Because of her anger, but also because of her joy, she can easily arouse her anger, and can easily extinguish her anger.

Like now...

Because of her joy and dependence from the heart, he felt that all anger was gone.

"Miss, can I have breakfast?"

The maid's voice came from outside.

Full Moon walked to the bed with a smile and took Leng Yun's hand, "Uncle, let's have breakfast together."

After a pause, he said again: "How can I feel comfortable with the old man for breakfast?"

"Be careful to be heard, and you will be punished for disrespecting the elderly."

"Will you tell them?"

"That depends on how you behave..."

The two chatted and laughed until they sat down outside, and the maidservants filed in and put all kinds of delicacies on the table.

"Miss, Madam told you that you are injured and you can't eat fried buns. I have prepared Xiaolongbao, rice cakes and glutinous rice porridge for you."


Man Yue nodded, looked at the things on the table, and said: "Why do you bring more of this? Go and see if the two young masters are up, let them come over and eat together."


Man Yue stood up, but just as she was about to make a move, she heard Leng Yun say, "Let the servants come, you'd better move less."

"I'm fine..."

Although the wound on her body hurts, but because it was handled properly this time, and because she is in a good mood at the moment, she doesn't feel it is hard to bear.

And the uncle treats her so well, so she should also serve him a bowl of porridge, okay?

Served Leng Yun a bowl of glutinous rice porridge, pushed the pan-fried buns in front of her, and said, "You can eat it."

He chuckled, "What are you doing looking at me with those eyes? Let you be brave..."

She pouted, "Xiao Long Bao is also delicious..."

"Well, it's delicious. But my crab roe steamed buns are even more delicious..."

I will endure!

She pouted and said without admitting defeat: "What are you proud of? You can eat these without me? I invented this. I tried it a few times on the way. I'm tired of it..."

"Your duck's mouth is also perfect. I don't think it will be boiled in this life."

"There is something wrong with what you said. Since it is a duck mouth that can't be boiled, why cook it?"


While bickering, a voice full of warehouses came from the door, "Sister, are you okay? Mother didn't let me find you yesterday, and she didn't even talk."

Mancang rushed over, and was about to pounce on the full moon, a hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed it, "Your sister is injured..."

"Ah, brother-in-law, you are here!"

Mancang exclaimed, and then his two big eyes became foggy, "Sister, why am I always so useless? I know so many words, but every time something happens, I can't protect you..."

"Mancang, you are still young."

Man Yue pulled Mancang over and touched his little head, "Even after the new year, you are only ten years old, and you are still a child! My sister is older than you and should protect you. When you pass the Jinshi exam and become a high official , it's up to you to protect my sister and this family..."

"My sister said..."

Xiao Shi said with a blushing face: "Sister is strong and strong, waiting for the eldest sister for me, and honoring you."

Man Yue raised her eyebrows and said in surprise: "You, you actually called my sister, could it be that the sun came out from the west?"

Xiao Shi blushed even more, stomped his feet and said, "Who, who called you?! It's just that you have some backbone, yes, a little admiration! Besides, you and I are both surnamed Yang. If there is no such relationship, it is still As for the clan relatives, this is my clan sister, is it normal for me to call you sister?"

Look at this incoherent look...

Full Moon chuckled, "Tsundere brat! Sit down and eat!"


Little Eleven was confused, "What does Tsundere mean?"

"A person like you is called Aojiao. I clearly agree in my heart, but I still have to show that I don't care..."

"You are arrogant!"

Xiao Shi sat down angrily, picked up a big bun and ate it, urging him as he ate, "Twelve, don't dawdle there, you have to practice Chinese characters after eating, huh, young master, I'm going to have to eat it next year." Going to take the county test, there is no time to waste..."

Mancang glanced at Xiao Shiyi, and said in a low voice: "Sister, he is so arrogant..."

Man Yue laughed, filled a bowl of porridge for Man Cang and Xiao Shi, and said, "Eat quickly."

"Hey, sister, you can eat too, brother-in-law, you can eat too..."

Mancang began to eat with a smile, looked at Man Yue, then Xiao Shi, and felt at ease.

As long as his family is around, he will not be afraid of any hardships.

So even in the twelfth lunar month of winter, he insisted on practicing big characters every day.

He was enlightened later than others. If he doesn't work hard, when will he be able to go to the county for the test?

If they can't make progress in reading, then others will bully them as well.

Although the brother-in-law is powerful, he is not his own authority after all.

So he will study harder in the future.

Thinking about it this way, it was really too late for me to get up at Chenshi. In the future, I have to get up at Maoshi and go to bed at Xushi, so I can't waste time on sleeping.

After eating breakfast in a hurry, the two little guys went back to study.

Looking at the back of their departure, Man Yue felt relieved.

There has never been a shortage of geniuses in the world, but a genius who doesn't work hard is not as good as a mediocre who works hard!
No matter how talented a person is, he should be diligent.

As long as you are willing to put your head down and work hard, there will always be a bright future.

Asked the servants to clean up the bowls and chopsticks, made a cup of fruit tea, poured a cup for Leng Yun with a smile, and said: "I baked some fruits when I have nothing to do in summer, and use it to make tea in winter, add some bee sugar Better yet, try it."

"It's a coincidence that you have such a thought."

Leng Yun looked at the fruit in the special teacup and couldn't help nodding, "This is a good idea."

Although this tea is sour and sweet, it contains not only various fruits but also roselle flowers, which is not suitable for men's taste.But who let this be winter?
Even if you are a marquis, you have to endure the cold winter without fresh fruits and vegetables, and eat all kinds of pickled vegetables, or radishes, Chinese cabbage.

Suddenly seeing some summer colors in the winter, even if he is cold-tempered, he can't help showing a little joy. He took a sip and nodded, "It's wonderful!"

"I heard that there are rich people who can eat green vegetables in winter."

Man Yue added a cup of tea to Leng Yun, and continued: "It's just that the price is expensive..."

"That's digging an underground kiln, which has to be used for coal burning, and the temperature is not easy to control, so it's not easy."

"You sent the French envoys to the palace this time, but have you ever mentioned the artisans to them?"

Why did you come back to this topic again?

Leng Yun frowned, "It's not easy to mention this matter. If it spreads out, I'm afraid people will say that they have different intentions. However, I privately asked some Xiyi to find some Xiyi, and found that many Xiyi in my Ming Dynasty are quite knowledgeable. People contacted them in private, and some of them have been brought back to Ningbo, and there are quite a few people like this in Ningbo city, they said, they can write a letter back to the country and bring some craftsmen.”

"So great!"

The full moon is excited. The science of the West is now ahead of China. If they don't hurry up to catch up, then even if the Kingdom of Jin is destroyed, it will only be a wedding dress for others.

And from Man Yue's point of view, the Jin people are also Chinese, no matter which one wins, it will hurt the blood of the children of China.

If she can absorb some western technology now, then she can make a lot of things.

Although she is a liberal arts student, her classmates who have been abused by exam-oriented education in her previous life, no matter how bad she is in science, are better than people in this time and space.

She knows some concepts, and that's enough.

She now has many craftsmen under her command, but this is not enough. She needs a few Western scholars to thoroughly teach her craftsmen. Only through systematic learning can results be achieved!
"If we can make glass on a large scale by ourselves, we can build a greenhouse. We don't need to burn fire and use sunlight, so we can eat vegetables in winter."

Full Moon smiled and said: "In fact, glass is not difficult to make, and the ingredients are also simple. The only problem is the melting point and the container for the molten glass...I..."

"My craftsmen in Daming know how to make glass..."


 I still owe two chapters!

(End of this chapter)

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