Chapter 207

There are a lot of things in the system, such as seasonings, various ingredients, seeds, etc. She looked it over and got some idea.

Except for those planted in the space, many plants are not suitable for planting in Ningbo.

It seems that they can only work hard to make the planting space bigger.

I bought a carton of milk from the system, bought some fruit, and hid in the planting space to eat.

Daming's cows are too expensive. Although the buffalo milk is nutritious, if Yang Manyue raises a cow just for milk, he will definitely be sprayed to death by the current people. What a prodigal!

Fortunately, the system has enabled the purchase of modern items, and she has a lot of points, so she can come in and enjoy the modern life.

The only thing that makes her regret is that these things can't be taken out for her younger brother and Mrs. Chen to eat.I can only wait until the spring of next year to buy land, raise some sheep, and get some goat milk for my younger brother and mother.

Cows were an important productive force in ancient times, and it is unrealistic to drink the milk of his elders.Fortunately, goats are easier to get, and goat milk is much better than cow's milk. When I have land, I can get a few more sheep to make up for my two younger brothers and my mother.

After drinking a carton of milk, I walked around the field again. Some of the crops in the field are now in the third batch.The things collected before have been handed over to the system for safekeeping, and they are waiting for the spring to do a big job.

After walking around, the wound on my body hurt a little bit, so I sat on the ridge of the field and looked at the full crops, feeling very happy in my heart.

Imagining the scene of next year's harvest, I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

What could be more joyful than a bountiful harvest?

When I got out of the space, I didn't go anywhere to do my work, and I just got into the bed to sleep again.

Her current physical condition does not allow her to be busy, so it's better to heal her injuries as soon as possible.

She didn't wake up until evening, when Green Bamboo saw that she was awake, she stepped forward and said, "Miss, are you awake? Ma'am is only leaving. Seeing that you are still asleep, we won't let us wake you up. Are you hungry?"

Man Yue shook her head, rubbed her eyes and said, "Bring me some water."


After drinking a cup of tea, the talent woke up completely, looked at the sky outside the window, and couldn't help being a little surprised, "I fell asleep like this?"

"Miss, of course you will be tired after such a serious injury, so you should sleep more. The doctor also came in the middle, and you didn't wake up after taking your pulse. The doctor said that it was caused by overthinking and lack of energy and blood. This time, we must take good care of it, otherwise it will be bad to leave the root of the disease.”

Lvzhu is talkative, young, sometimes more lively.

"Big girl, are you hungry? Madam asked someone to stew millet and sea cucumber porridge for you. May I bring it to you?"

Man Yue was a little speechless, "I was whipped a few times and got a few needles. I didn't hurt my muscles and bones. What kind of sea cucumber do I eat?"

"Miss, you are the pillar of our family, you must not be harsh on yourself."

Luzhu is sincere, she is a native of Ningbo, and lived to be 13 years old without any disasters or illnesses. Unexpectedly, misfortune fell from the sky, and her father who went fishing was swept to the bottom of the sea by big waves and died.

But the mother in the family was not in good health and was stimulated, so she went there within a few days.

Now everyone who can make the decision in the family is dead, and there is only one elder brother and elder sister-in-law left. They can't live on, so they sold her.

Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty did not allow slaves to buy and sell. Although it is now more liberal, it is still adopted by adopted sons and righteous daughters in the documents.

To put it simply, the last ones to serve in Guilinju's courtyard were the adopted sons and daughters of Man Yue, Chen Shi, Man Cang, and Xiao Shi, who were adopted by their elders voluntarily, so all of them The people in the family also lost their original surnames, and they all followed the lord's family name. From then on, life and death, honor and disgrace followed the lord's family.

So for these new servants, from the moment the elders in their family sold them, they were members of the Yang family, and they naturally hoped for the well of the master.

Hearing what her eldest daughter said, Luzhu thought that her eldest daughter was reluctant to eat sea cucumbers, so she said anxiously: "Miss, you are only 12 years old, but you have been tortured twice, if you don't make up for it, you will suffer from the root of the disease in the future." of."


Full Moon smiled lightly, nodded her head and said, "Why am I reluctant? It's really too young to make up for it. Besides, it's a good way for children from poor families to drink some rice soup. I used to live well Hard days, how can there be so much money?"

"You can't say that, the eldest girl is not what she used to be."

Lu Zhu became excited again as she spoke, "Girl, you are amazing, this time! You just fell asleep and didn't know, oh, a lot of people are here to visit you. Fortunately, the grandfather and the eighth master are here Well, otherwise Madam would be too busy..."

"Visit me?"

Yang Manyue was stunned, "What do you do when you visit me?"

"Big girl!"

Lu Zhu stared wide-eyed, "You are this..."

She gave a thumbs up, "But I am a representative of Ningbo, who is not afraid of power and officials! And I am a woman, so I am a heroine! Those sages from the village, and even the Shangshu family, have visited you with gifts... ..."

Man Yue nodded, and thought to herself: "The fruit is the name of a person, the shadow of a tree..."

There are a lot of scholars in Ningbo, and there are many people who go into office, and civil servants and eunuchs are natural enemies. This time, I was humiliated by the eunuchs, not only did I not lose my character, but I also retired. In the eyes of literati, this is their victory!
Now that Eunuch Hou is very powerful, many civil servants are having a hard time. The full moon can be said to be big or small, and she has already shown her sign. She doesn't have to worry about the following things. Someone will take advantage of it. launch.

As for whether he will offend the emperor?
Full Moon is not worried.

She is just a plain-looking commoner, and it is not the emperor's turn to bear grudges against her.

"Miss, you didn't see it. Oh, I have never seen such a gift. Madam don't want it, they are not happy. But it is all good things, there are various supplements, and the four treasures of the study..."

Luzhu looked excited, as if those people came to visit her, she was overjoyed.

Man Yue smiled and said: "It's all for our Yang family's face, how can it be for me? Okay, okay, let someone go and bring the porridge, yes, make me some fruit tea, Well, give me another salted duck egg, it doesn't taste at all in my mouth..."


"Go ahead and see what Madam is doing? Have the two young masters eaten?"

"Big girl, I'll call sister Hongyou to come and wait..."


After a while, another servant and servant came in and brought out the millet porridge, and the green bamboo blessed her body and said: "Miss, Madam said that she is busy ahead and will come to see you later."

After a pause, he continued: "The two young masters are playing in the front hall. Madam said that they are tired from studying books all day, let them play for a while, and come to see you when this storytelling is over."


Man Yue cracked open the salted duck egg, took a bite, and felt extremely delicious.

With just a mouthful of millet porridge, I feel like I'm alive again.The only bad thing is that there are sea cucumbers in it, she doesn't like to eat this stuff too much.

After finishing a bowl of porridge, he just wiped his mouth when he heard someone report from outside: "Miss, the master of Shige's family is here to visit."

Man Yue froze for a moment, Shi Cong?

After thinking for a while, he asked, "Where is the young master?"

"Already waiting in the flower hall."

"Go down, I'll be right there."

Someone fetched the clothes, tidied them up and then went downstairs. When they arrived at the flower hall, they saw elder brother Yang Lixin talking with her. Seeing her coming, Yang Lixin said, "Eleven Niang, are you here? Mr. Shi represents the old man. Come to see you..."

"How can the full moon be able to alarm the old man?"

Man Yue stepped forward and bowed, "Master Shi, haven't you eaten yet?"

"I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you alienated?"

Shi Cong's voice is very nice, not as hoarse as Leng Yun's, but with a warm smell.

"Just call me brother."

Man Yue smiled and said: "In the past, there were many misunderstandings, and I was used to fighting each other. The misunderstanding went away for a while, but I always feel a little bit afraid of my brother."

The corner of Shi Cong's mouth twitched, and he tapped her on the head with a folding fan, "Slick tongue, I've never seen you afraid before."

Man Yue sticks out her tongue | head, the last time we get along, Shi Gongzi who has less misunderstandings about his character is very personable, Man Yue is not a grudge, he comes and goes, but he is convinced by Shi Cong's knowledge, and getting along is quite pleasant .

"Red You, go tell Madam and ask her to arrange some side dishes. Mr. Shi has come all the way, it's very hard work."

"Yes, big girl."

Yang Lixin couldn't help but envy his sister's communication skills.

Master Hou regards his younger sister as an eyeball, and then Young Master Xu regards his younger sister as a natural person, and even Mr. Shi from the hometown of Shige, one of the four sons of Ningbo, regards his younger sister as his own younger sister. Alas, such a good relationship , It really makes people blush.

Sit down and drink fruit tea, just like all people in this era, even those who don’t like fruit tea sour and sweet can accept fruit tea in this winter, and feel happy because of it.

"Sister Man Yue has a clever mind. After brewing this fruit with boiling water, it seems to have come alive in this cold winter."

"The best thing is to drink the tea and then eat the fruit pulp. It's a good time to enjoy in this winter."

Yang Lixin said cheerfully: "Eleven Niang gave some to the sisters at home, and now they are all obsessed, almost fighting."

"This thing is sour and sweet, the girl loves it."

Shi Cong took a sip, put down the teacup, and winked at the servant beside him, who immediately held up a box, Shi Cong said: "Grandfather said that you are young, and you can't make up for ginseng, so I found some. Matsutake asked me to deliver..."

Man Yue's eyes widened in an instant, "Matsutake? Matsutake from Yunnan?"

Yang Lixin gasped. Matsutake, which is a top ingredient in later generations, was even more precious in ancient times.

Without him, the transportation is inconvenient at this time, and matsutake is better to eat fresh.

Man Yue opened the box and saw that the matsutake was dry, she couldn't help laughing.

It seems that I thought too much. How did the ancients know that matsutake would lose its nutrition after drying?At most, I think the taste is not so delicious, but for those who are not in Yunnan, it is a good thing to be able to taste matsutake.

Besides, even dried matsutake is very precious!

(End of this chapter)

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