Chapter 223 If We Are Rich
"Eleven Niang, wait for me!"

Yang Jiumei chased her out, Man Yue stopped, and said a little madly: "Jiujie, you still want to continue laughing at me?!"


Yang Jiumei didn't care about her little sister's anger, she jumped forward and said, "Look at you, look at you, that short face... I don't laugh at you, I don't laugh at you, I just come to accompany you to call my brother-in-law to get up for dinner chant……"


Man Yue pouted, "Just now it belonged to you who laughed the most."

"You have wronged me!"

Yang Jiumei looked aggrieved, "Your mother was the one who laughed the most, and she talked a lot about you and your brother-in-law..."


Thinking of Chen's character who loves to listen to gossip about men and women, she only feels internal pain. She really is an unscrupulous stepmother. This hobby is too strange.


Yang Jiumei said: "What you said last time, my mother mentioned it to my eldest sister. Naturally, my eldest sister is willing, but the Weng family is not willing."

Yang Jiumei didn't seem to be emotional when she said this, but judging from the fact that she didn't want to call the word "brother-in-law" again, it is estimated that the negotiation last time was not very pleasant.

"Eleven Niang, why do you think there are such bad people? They are all people with face, why are they so shameless?"

Yang Jiumei was a chatterbox, so she chattered away without Yang Manyue answering, "You can't live without the elder sister, if you come to help, the family is short of manpower, and you have to buy slaves... Humph, it's too shameless, it's so embarrassing." Shameless!!"

"Is there such a thing?"

Man Yue was also taken aback, feeling a little annoyed.

That Weng Pu doted on his wife and abused his eldest sister. Now that the eldest sister wants to come back and live for a few days, does she have to spend money to buy slaves for them?Isn't it the official family?

How can you be so shameless?

She hesitated for a while, "Does the eldest aunt know?"

Jiu Niang shook her head, "How dare I say..."


She sighed, "Let me think about it, what should I do about this matter."

"I'm not allowed to come back to have a look during Chinese New Year, I don't know what's wrong..."

Yang Jiumei looked frustrated, "I used to let her come back, but since my mother went to tell the story, she seemed to be afraid that the eldest sister would run away. It's 26 now, and she was not allowed to come back to take a look."

Man Yue squinted her eyes, realizing something vaguely in her heart.

I sneered in my heart, but my face didn't show off, "It's still the same sentence... the elder sister has to be strong to be useful. If she is not allowed to come, won't she leave? Are you going to make trouble? Well, it happens to be big, but You can't make trouble here, if you want to make trouble, let them come to Guilinju to make trouble..."

"Eleven Niang, what do you mean by that?"

Yang Jiumei looked confused, "Why did you go to your place to make trouble? But it sounds so powerful, do you have a solution?"

"Just tell Eldest Sister that, if she doesn't want to, I can't help it either."

Man Yue went upstairs, knocked on the door, and shouted: "Twilight, wake up..."

After a while, there was movement inside and the door opened.

After sleeping for a while, Leng Yun's pissed off looks much better. He originally wanted to pull her into the house and hug her, after all, he had to leave after eating, so he would not see her for several days.

But when he saw Yang Jiumei behind him, he withdrew his hand abruptly, glanced at Yang Jiumei, and said calmly, "Let's go."

Yang Jiumei shivered, she was slow to respond, but why did she feel that her brother-in-law seemed to have a problem with her?

Confused, she chased downstairs, poked Man Yue, and whispered: "Is my brother-in-law always this dull? Just now he glanced at me, why do I feel a little bad?"

"You think too much……"

When they arrived at the main hall in front, the eldest uncle naturally stood up to greet him, and after leading Leng Yun to take the seat, Man Yue blessed him and retreated.

Women's family members would not sit with men, and they, the juniors, naturally sat in the same room as last time.

Lin Yuzan and Qian Wansheng were also arranged to come over, but they didn't sit with them. The people in the main house invited all the clansmen to eat this New Year's pig dish.Full Moon arranged their mother and son at Yang Lixiu's mother's table.

Although she is an outsider, Lin Yuzan's experience is sympathetic, and Man Yue personally handed over her, so everyone naturally wants to give her this face.

The New Year’s Pig Feast started vigorously. There is no distinction between big and small during the festival. The children who have been suffering for a year are looking forward to the host’s invitation to eat the New Year’s Pig. Not only can they eat, but they can also take some pork and offal to go back. Such a flower.

The closeness among the ancient clans far exceeds the imagination of modern people. It is unimaginable in modern times that there is a poor family who can study, and the whole village cuts down on food and clothing to support one person to study.

The entire Yang family mansion is bustling with activity, so who is afraid of the cold at this time?
There was no room to sit in the house, so they sat outside the house, without pulling the felt cloth, just sitting in the open air, watching the heat rising from the pot, everyone's heart was burning hot.

Pork liver, pig blood, pig head meat, the clan members who are good at cooking use their imagination and skills to cook New Year pig dishes for everyone.

Plates of dishes were served, lacking the delicacy of small pots and small stoves, but adding a rough and natural taste of large pots and large stoves.

The whole family gathered together to pay homage to the ancestors of this line, and then thank God for his care for a year. After three cups of water and wine were poured out, the New Year's Pig Feast officially began.

Everyone toasted and promoted the cups, the children ate their faces and hands with butterflies, and the joyful laughter echoed in the sky and the earth.

Full Moon's eyes were a little moist.

The old-fashioned atmosphere was very strong, and she hadn't celebrated the New Year with so many people for several years. At this moment, she suddenly felt that the end of the year was approaching, time was passing, and another year was about to pass.

Some children entered and toasted her, and the younger ones kowtowed directly. Seeing the gratitude and poverty of the clansmen from the bottom of their hearts, Man Yue suddenly felt a sense of responsibility.


They are all my relatives!
With the same blood flowing in my body!

Does it matter if I am the real Yang Manyue?
After reading the genealogy, she was very sure that these people were her ancestors in her previous life, they were related by blood, and had always been like this.

The life of the tribe is still very difficult, and her appearance has only slightly improved it.

The life of the people in the main house is difficult. Few and fewer people have fame and privileges, and the lives of other clansmen will only become more and more difficult.

If they are your family members, do you have the heart to eat delicious and spicy food by yourself, while your relatives are eating bran swallowing vegetables?
Do not!
She suddenly had a sense of identity with this family. The lack of family affection in her previous life made her cherish family affection very much. Now that there are so many people, some people may be really bad, but most of them are good.

The gratitude in their eyes is so sincere, they trust her, trusting her Yang Manyue will make their life better and better, this kind of trust is actually a kind of responsibility.

The glutinous rice wine was fermenting slightly in her belly, and the laughter of her brothers and sisters echoed in her ears. They asked her interesting stories about Ningbo, how she looked like when she returned to Linju, and how she was in the eunuch's mansion...

Sometimes they exclaimed, sometimes admired, Xiao Shi, Mancang seemed to have become a storyteller, talking about Man Yue's several encounters with people, talking about the dignitaries who returned to Linju, the scene was very lively, and they also highly respected her, Yang Manyue .

"Good, good, good..."

Eldest brother Yang Lixin was already a little drunk, he who was accompanying Leng Yun at the main table came in suddenly, listened to Xiao Shi's words, patted Man Yue's shoulder, hiccupped and said, "Eleven Niang, you are so good... ...My Yang family is lucky to have a daughter like you, I, Yang Lixin..."

He patted his chest|chest, "It's a blessing to have a clan sister like you!"

While talking, tears fell down, and the joy stopped, all the brothers and sisters looked at Yang Lixin, their eyes were already red when they were old.

Not surprisingly, Yang Lixin should be the next patriarch, and in their generation, the highest achievements are only a few talents.

For a big family, how can this be enough to support the appearance?
Yang Lixin has passed his thirties, if he doesn't get serious grades, then his chances in the future will be even slimmer.

Age is also a very important part in the imperial examination field.

If you want to pick talents, you will naturally pick young ones, so what if those old boys are picked?The same is true for juren!

"Brother, even if we can't do it, there are still little ten and little eleven, they are still young, don't be discouraged..."

The second brother comforted and wiped the corners of his eyes, this is a sad topic.

The Hongnong Yang family in the Han Dynasty was more than four generations and three princes?
It can be said that the prime ministers from generation to generation are famous all over the world.

In the Tang and Song dynasties, talents came out in large numbers, but now, their lineage has weakened, and the only eighth uncle who walked in the officialdom has also been relegated to go home, and their generation does not even have a recruiter, and the family's imminent defeat is already visible see you.

Money and land are not glory, only the imperial examination is glory.

Otherwise, no matter how much money you have, no matter how much land you spend, you will still be making wedding dresses for others.

"Brother, why should you be sad?"

Man Yue took a sip of wine, and everyone looked over.

Now that Man Yue is famous there, even if she is not at home often, her prestige is there, and some people faintly regard her as the leader of her generation.

When she opened her mouth, she naturally attracted attention.

"As long as we have money, we can afford to hire great Confucian scholars as teachers; as long as we have money, we can let every child in our family study; as long as we have money, we can let every child in our Yang family who is studying With an egg, a cup of goat milk, and a meal of meat, they don't have to worry about making a living, and there will always be gold when the waves wash away the sand..."

She raised her head and drank the wine in the glass, put the wine cup on the table, and said word by word; "People are most afraid of being discouraged, here..."

She pointed to her chest, "It's your way. You are discouraged, and the way is gone, how can you make a big deal? I am a daughter, and I am not afraid of being laughed at when I am in business. I am dissatisfied with my brother. I will buy land in Xiaogang in the spring. You Don't look at me like that, I bought land in Xiaogang to grow something, it is related to the prosperity of my Yang family for the next three generations, and I have to open a few workshops..."

She laughed, poured herself some more wine, took a sip and continued, "Is my soap good? I've set up a shop, and I'm going to have a big job in spring. Shampoo, Ones for washing face, ones for bathing...and Western glass..."

She looked at everyone, "I need people, how many people in the Yang family have no land and no livelihood?!"

She threw the wine cup on the table heavily, and said in a loud voice, "Everyone come!"

(End of this chapter)

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