Chapter 245 Master
I served a big bowl of wontons to one person, probably because Grandma Qian was more attentive. Even the famous full moon felt that grandma's craftsmanship was good. After eating a bowl of wontons in one sitting, she still felt unsatisfied, so she asked to add a few more. Then he touched his bulging belly and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

"How's your sister doing?"

Leng Yun suddenly asked.

Man Yue was stunned, and said in surprise, "How do you know? Uncle told you?"

"Family ugliness should not be publicized, how could your uncle tell me?"

Leng Yun said indifferently: "You made a big fuss about the Weng family a few years ago, and it was rumored that Jin Hong, the governor of Zhejiang, had already heard about it. The Weng family sent people to Hangzhou to clear up the relationship, and sent letters to Beijing through the post station."

Man Yue was taken aback, "How do you know so clearly?!"

"The literati are afraid that the warriors will become bigger, so they want to watch. How can you not take care of me if you continue to do such earth-shattering things for my unmarried wife?"

Man Yue shuddered, "Is Jin Yiwei following me?"

"I'm afraid it's more than that. If Jin Hong can tell me the news, I think he cares about you. Don't be nervous. It's a good thing for you to beat the horse and melt into the civil servants. No matter how uncomfortable your majesty is, you can only admit it by pinching your nose. Besides, you are under house arrest." Kidnapping Chao Su is no small matter. No matter how much Hou Jing protects the calf, he must try his best to put the shit pot on the horse and melt it into his body. And if something happens to you, it will be difficult to explain to the world. After all, it is against the law for the emperor's private slave to hurt innocent people Sheng Shangqingming, Jin Hong, Jin Yiwei, and even Hou Jing's people will keep you safe."

Man Yue was a little surprised, her hands were sweating, she was walking a tightrope!

He sneered, "Why don't you think about it when you do it?"

Hearing his bad tone, I know that his temper has come up again, really, a stingy man.

But he loves you so much, he can't be ignorant of good and bad, so he can only flatter and say: "With Uncle here, I'm not afraid."

"Huh? Didn't you disdain me to help you before?"

"This moment, that moment..."

Seeing that she was subdued, she felt comfortable, but she didn't show it on her face, fearing that she would get carried away again, so she continued to say with a sullen face: "Next time if you dare to act recklessly, if others don't punish you, I will punish you."

"Okay, okay, I know. I'm not a donkey, I'm a bitch, and it hurts if I don't walk away and hit the backwards!"

"You still know it hurts?"

He was a little angry again, looking at that perfunctory look, it's clear that he didn't suffer enough, next time I run into something, I'll give you a hard top, I've never seen such a stubborn woman, do I really think I'm strong?

Feeling that the surrounding temperature has dropped, even Grandma Qian winked at herself, and Man Yue also felt that her attitude was too perfunctory, so she sat down and said, "I know, I won't resist in the future."


He snorted coldly, seeing her fawningly peeling off the tea eggs on the plate to himself, he felt a little better, glared at her and said, "Smart words!"


She has a playful smile on her face, and if she doesn't eat oil and salt, he can't help it. She has such a temper, otherwise, you, Mr. Leng, wouldn't like it!What can I do?We can only send more people to covertly protect it.

"What's the origin of this Jin Hong?"

Man Yue suddenly said: "It looks like I'm selling you."

"I used to be the chief envoy of Fujian before, and then I was promoted to the governor of Fujian. In the same year, I was transferred to Zhejiang and served as the governor of Zhejiang."

Leng Yun ate the tea eggs slowly, "You don't need to remember these things, you just need to know that he is a student of Chief Assistant Zhou Peigong, and those of the Weng family..."

Leng Yun sneered, "That's Hou Jing's man. Oh, yes, Li Guangdi, the second assistant, was also humiliated by Hou Jing..."

The full moon understood it all at once, and couldn't help sighing, "The struggle of the little people can be used. It is worthy of being a person who can win the Jinshi. They are all Wenkui. I will become a chess piece now."

"It's up to you whether you want to be one or not."

"I think, of course I want to."

Man Yue chuckled, "Then Hou Jing won't deal with you, and I broke Ma Rong again. Whether I like it or not, Hou Jing can't tolerate me. An enemy's enemy is a friend. Since the interests are the same, it's okay to be a pawn for the time being." how?"

Leng Yun's heart trembled, with an ominous premonition, he looked at her vigilantly and said, "Don't act recklessly."

"Of course not. As long as the Weng family is not too shameless, I don't want to make trouble."

Leng Yun frowned, isn't the subtext of these words, if they don't give me face, the old lady will turn him upside down?
I have to say that after being beaten twice, this guy can still be so determined, the more he fights, the more courageous he is, and he will shovel wherever it is uneven. Leng Yun admires her a little.Such courage is rare among men in the world. What is supporting her?

Remembering that I once said that she was not strong enough, I couldn't help laughing.

Where is she not strong enough?is too strong!
It's just that he can't understand, what is the belief that supports her?Just because of family affection?
Leng Yun couldn't understand it, and he couldn't explain it clearly, but he felt a little kindness. Watching her tear up those injustices, those injustices, overthrow those oppressions, and those humiliations step by step, he felt extraordinarily happy.

"You are my wife who has never been married. If you are too cheap to fight with them, you are not a shrew."

"Then what if they are really shameless? I will not give up on my two nieces. Without them, my sister will not be able to live."

"There are many mountains here, and there are many bandits. I heard that the Weng family is loyal, and it is always no problem to provide food and grass."

Leng Yun took out his embroidered handkerchief and wiped his hands, and spoke calmly, as if he was talking about the weather, "If he shouldn't, Jin Hung won't let him go."

Full Moon's eyes widened, her mouth|mouth was so wide open that she could stuff an egg into it!

I'm a darling!
Is this the trick of top politicians?

Leveraging strength and strength, using the small to fight the big, what the hell, supporting the food and grass, that is enough to make people go bankrupt!

Given the status of the Weng family and their high-spirited temperament, they must be unwilling to do more, so that Jin Hong can impeach the officials of the Weng family, and the rest is the struggle between the cabinet and the inner palace. It's even better!

Leng Yun glanced at her, chuckled, and said in a low voice: "Learn more, you can't kill a chicken with a bull's knife."

"You, aren't you also..."

She was a little unconvinced.

"I'm just following the trend. If I don't do anything, it's not a cow, it's just a chicken."

Damn it!

What a crazy tone!

A fourth-rank official in frontiers, an official of science and Taoism, a servant of the household department, and an internal minister, but someone said that he was like a chicken and a dog, and he was not worthy of him to do it himself. Give a great deal of face.

Full Moon shivered, and only then did she realize how scheming the man in front of her was.

He is only 24 years old!

She was shouting in her heart, she was so innocent when she was 24 years old in her previous life, how stupid!But he has already shuttled freely among the top political masters, like a wild crane in the clouds, very relaxed!

She lowered her eyes and smiled wryly after a long time: "Threesomes must have my teacher. I underestimate the people of the world. As Twilight said, I have something to gain."

After saying that, he saluted, but he was not used to it, "Why do you and I do this? Take it away, I don't like it."

His tone was a little displeased, and he didn't like her being too outsider, the way she just worshiped was fine.

He took out another thing from his arms, it was a small box, and after opening it, a pleasant smell came out, "New Year's gift."

"This is……"

"Mouth fat, colorless."

Isn't that lip balm?

She licked her somewhat chapped lips, and her heart felt warm again, so sweet.

Wiping a little on his own mouth, he said happily, "Uncle, you are so kind!"

"Then don't make me angry."

He stretched out his hand, and seeing her bewildered, he said with some displeasure: "Come and not be indecent."


Her eyes widened again, she touched her nose, and said a little embarrassingly, "I, I'm not prepared."

The temperature suddenly dropped, and her face seemed to be covered with frost. She hurriedly said: "These are nothing but foreign things, how can they compare with love like a rock?"


The temperature rose quickly, "What did you say?"


What are you talking about? !
Grandma Qian looked over and grinned at her, that smile was very narrow, and then looked at Qingyun, red pomelo, green bamboo at the table next to her...

Immediately, I wanted to dig a hole and get in. I would be ashamed to see anyone!

"Love is like a rock..."

He murmured and nodded, "I remember."

Man Yue couldn't help trembling, why did she feel that the subtext was like: You said this, if you dare to forgive me in the future, even if you are a rock, I will punch you out?

But Uncle Leng is in a better mood, he doesn't care about it anymore, his face is extremely gentle, and his tone becomes gentle, "Don't take me for a walk anymore? Let's enjoy the scenery of Incheon?"

She was trembling, scaring the girl to death!

Don't speak in this tone, it's too scary, is it right? !

Avoiding his drowning gaze, he said, "Grandma, pay the bill."

Then he lowered his head and said: "There are some mountains and rivers not far away. Although they are not high, they are dry and prosperous in winter, but they are also very interesting. You can take a look."

"Let's go then."

After paying the bill, I left the wonton shop, walked leisurely, and left the town. The wilderness is indeed a beautiful scenery, and the extreme bleakness is also a kind of beauty.

The two walked ahead, and there was a pavilion not far from the town. There are quite a lot of pavilions like this these days, and they are all used to say goodbye. Most of them are built outside the city, outside the town, so this kind of pavilion is also called Sit in the farewell booth.

When the group arrived at the pavilion, Qingyun looked around and said, "Master Hou, if you build a small red clay stove, it would be interesting to have a cup of hot wine here."


Man Yue couldn't help laughing, "It's so cold here, what's the fun? We can go back after a short break."

Qingyun rubbed his head and said: "Madam is also a scholar, why not say this? I think those scholars..."

"That's all sick."

Man Yue smiled and said, "I don't want to learn."

The two maidservants looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. The silent Leng Yun waved his hand suddenly, signaling them to back down.

Full Moon is a little puzzled, what is this going to do?
After they were far away, he suddenly said: "Did you know that the Queen Mother of the Kingdom of Jin went away a few years ago?"


The Queen Mother of the Kingdom of Jin?Isn't that Master Kong's grandmother?
Xiaozhuang? !
Her eyes widened, she grabbed Leng Yun's hand, and said anxiously: "You, you won't be going out, are you?!"

(End of this chapter)

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