Chapter 268
As the man spoke, he pushed Weng Pu away, pulled the woman up, and slapped the woman with his palm-like hand, "Bitch, come with me! I'll deal with you when I get back!"

Weng Pu was pushed by the man and took a few steps back. When he came back to his senses, he saw that the man beat up a woman in the street. Although the woman's face was swollen, she still had a beauty that I could only pity. The dense air made Weng Pu look masculine all of a sudden!

Grabbing that human being, he said, "It's unreasonable! In broad daylight, how can you beat someone with your hands..."

"I'm going to fuck your mother!"

The man threw Weng Pu away, and turned his backhand with a resounding ear, "Male! I haven't settled with you yet! You seduce| seduce my wife and go to the government with me!"

After all, he pulled Weng Pu, the boy was terrified, and hurried forward to help, how could he know that the man seemed to be practicing family, pulling the woman with one hand, and dealing with their master and servant with the other, not only did he not suffer, but instead It was Weng Pu who took several beatings. From the looks of it, this man clearly still had energy, and he was just teasing them.

This is fine.

Because it was in the town, Weng Pu brought a few servants with him when he came, but he didn't bring so many people with him in the town, he only brought a young servant to serve him.Where would he expect to meet such a villain?
He wanted to back down, but the woman's crying voice gave him courage again.Damn, no matter what you say, you can't lose face in front of the beauty!

"My son, my son, you go, you go quickly, don't worry about me!"

As he said that, he kicked and bit, and cursed: "That thief, you plotted to kill my father and treat me like a pig and dog. Even if I die, I will not follow you! Me, me and You worked hard!"

Now it's okay, Weng Pu saw that the beauty had risked her life for herself, and upon hearing this, she knew that there was something outrageous and unreasonable in it!
How can the son of the household servant's family be bullied for being weak?

Justice must be declared!
With a righteous excuse in his heart, he seemed to have strength, so he punched the man on the nose!
That guy got a nosebleed right away, even though he is a bum, he still has the strength to be ruthless.

The man seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then cursed: "What a bad boy! How dare you hit someone without telling me you hooked up with my wife? I will beat you to death today, adulterer!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his fist as big as a sandbag and was about to hit Weng Pu. At this critical moment, he suddenly heard a voice, "Stop! Who dares to play wild on Lao Tzu's territory?!"

When Weng Pu saw it, his eyes lit up. It was a general banner who came. Although he was a lowly official, he could control others anyway. He immediately shouted: "My lord, this man is robbing civilian girls..."

Before she finished speaking, the woman burst into tears with a "wow", pointed at Weng Pu and said: "In broad daylight, you are so contemptuous of me, I, I am ashamed to live! I'm sorry You, husband!"

After all, he stomped his feet and ran away!
The man also threw Weng Pu down, and shouted: "Mother, don't do anything stupid, I believe you!"

He ran after the woman!

Their movement has alarmed many people, but it is a pity that others did not see the first half, only saw the woman accuse Weng Pu of being frivolous, this is good, before Zongqi asked questions, someone started to curse , "What a disciple, he looks like someone who has read the book, but he did something to destroy people's innocence..."

Wu Goudan hid in the crowd and smiled, it's done!
But that wasn't enough, he remembered Liu Si's words, and immediately found a lump of dirt and threw it over, "Damn the atmosphere!"

Now it's all right, the crowd suddenly boiled up, throwing things at people one after another, the soldiers under the headquarters immediately came out to stop it, the so-called public opinion can't be done, take it away!
Zongqi secretly smiled happily, he could get money for doing small things, and he didn't have to take risks at all, it's not that I'm confused, it's that the people are angry!
Poor Mr. Weng didn't know what was going on, so he was escorted to the county prison.

Man Yue had already sent someone to secretly greet her, stating that she and Yang Manyue were on the same boat, and she had found an excuse to go out to visit the people, and Shun Nian had brought along several secondary officials.

Okay now!

The only people left in the county government are the third-in-commands. Looking at the situation, although Mr. Weng tried his best to deny it, but the sufferer has not been found, it stands to reason that he can be released.But now the elder master and the second master are not at home, and the escort said that the people were very angry, so they thought about shutting them up for two days first, and then talking about it when the elder master came back.

Weng Pu was so angry that he cursed at people, "How dare you catch me, you bastard?! My father is the servant of the household department, my uncle is also a science and Taoist official, and my younger uncle is the magistrate. If you know him, let him go! By the way, Yang Manyue knows, right?! She is the unmarried wife of Marquis Jinghai, she is my sister-in-law!"

It’s okay if he didn’t say that. After listening to the first half of the paragraph, the three in command hesitated, but when they heard Yang Manyue’s name, they trembled. Thinking back to the past two days, when Yang Manyue sent someone over, the county magistrate I went to the countryside, and now there is such a thing...

There are many people who walk around in the officialdom, and when they think about it, they feel something is wrong.

Immediately, someone asked Weng Pu to be detained, and we should wait for the old man to come back to deal with it.

Where did poor Mr. Weng suffer such a crime?

After taking out all the money on his body, he finally passed a message to Yang Manyue.How could he know, but the man came back and said that he didn't even see anyone from the Yang family, and only sent a message to the boy at the door.

The money on his body was gone, the food was naturally bad, and there were mice and cockroaches crawling around. In just two days, Weng Pu felt that he was about to die.If it wasn't for a servant taking care of him, Mr. Weng would have collapsed.

On the third day, he was released, and the county magistrate personally made an apology, but Weng Pu lost all anger.

He faintly realized in his heart that this matter was not that simple, maybe someone had set him up, and that person...

He returned to his temporary residence in a trance, and the servants he brought with him were terrified, and hurriedly stepped forward to help him, "Master, this must be a good deed by the Yang family! After you disappeared, we asked them to help us find someone, but They didn't pay attention, and later they reported to the officials and found out that you were framed by thieves, young master, we are useless!"

Weng Pu has a bad temper, although he can beat people, but this time he was surprisingly quiet, he just stroked the teacup and said: "The Yang family is not willing to help?"

Several people nodded repeatedly, Weng Pu couldn't help being silent, and muttered in his heart, isn't it Yang Manyue?Otherwise, how can you be so righteous?
Before he could think about it carefully, a panicked voice suddenly came from outside, "Master, it's not good, it's not good! There are people coming from the house, then, that Prince Xiao has brought someone to our house to collect food!"


Weng Pu stood up immediately, "Where is there a war?"

"They say they want to suppress the bandits!"

In an instant, Weng Pu understood everything.

He couldn't help but swayed, and after he was barely supported by others, he cursed: "Leng Yun! Lizi! Using public tools for private use, bullying my Weng family?!"

 Today is another day of lying down. The author’s gallbladder atrophy is very troublesome. There are stones in it, not to mention affecting the liver and stomach, and the gallbladder function has completely disappeared. If you don’t pay attention, or pay attention, it’s useless. Sometimes drinking some porridge may suddenly trigger it. , Today is a stomachache, a backache, this chapter has barely written more than [-] words, I can't hold it anymore, I will update it first!In addition, Tencent has merged with the Romance Novel Bar. You can also read the author’s previous books on Tencent. They are all finished. : Mrs. Yipin", you can take a look, if you like it, take it away!

  PS: The pace of this book will be accelerated. The author is scheduled to have surgery in August, and it should be finished in these two months. Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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