Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 282 Preparations Before Receiving the Imperial Decree

Chapter 282 Preparations Before Receiving the Imperial Decree

Ever since he found out Xu Yuan's identity, the He family became courteous.

Always unconsciously approaching people, such behavior, even Yang Shourui can't stand it anymore, and the flattery is a little bit cheap.

But if I can't stand it, I can't stand it, but I didn't stop it.

The main reason is that Man Yue kept silent about the award, and the little father-in-law seemed to have been taken care of, and was also avoiding it.The less they talked, the more curious they became, and they wanted their mother-in-law to inquire about what kind of reward the Tian family offered.

After two or three days like this, Xu Shi Xiaoshi thought about it, and his health also improved.The full moon made people buy a good four treasures of the study, and packed 20 yuan of high-quality beauty soap, packed them together, and called the family's children to accompany Xiao Shi to Ningbo again, thanking the teacher.

He's naturally going to follow, Yang Shourui also came to Ningbo for the first time, I don't know what Xiao Shi's mentality is, but he acquiesced.

A group of people got into the car, and when they came back the next day, Xiao Shi's face was not very good, and He's face was also unhappy, Man Yue was a little curious, so she came to Li Xiu and asked, "What happened when you went to Ningbo? "

Yang Lixiu looked around, and said rather annoyed: "Eleven Niang, you didn't see it, Fifth Aunt is too much. You gave Brother Yuan 50 taels to let him have a banquet for the same period, as a favor. But Fifth Aunt is fine. In the name of Brother Yuan's biological mother, he gave Brother Yuan an unfilial name and asked for the money, and bought a hairpin for himself, which cost a full 20 taels! Brother Yuan saved in the past I didn’t bring any money, just 2 taels of pocket money, and I made a big blush in the same period, and I was angry.”

"Didn't she give Xiao Ten? She spent it all by herself?"

"That's okay. I gave five taels. In Ningbo, a good banquet costs 20 taels. It's not sincere to go to a small place. Everyone knows that it's your brother. He's here, unless the relationship is very close. Tie, otherwise how can we lose face? Our Yang family is not from a poor family!"

"Give me five taels?"

Man Yue sneered, "Even at the mid-range place, a table of banquets costs eight taels. Do you think this is Pan'an?"

"Isn't it?"

Yang Lixiu shook his head, "Before the aunts in the village said that the fifth aunt favored the youngest son, so I don't believe it, so I gave Brother Yuan as a cash cow. Looking at it now, it's too cold. Brother Yuan didn't invite him in a fit of anger, and was rejected. People talked about it, so I yelled at my fifth aunt, and you didn't see it, so you cried on the road."

Yang Lixiu said helplessly: "People don't know the truth, they look at Xiao Shi differently, alas! Xiao Shi is now a scholar, it's Wenqu star descending to earth, the country values ​​filial piety, it's not good for his reputation."

Man Yue pondered for a moment, and said: "Go ask someone to bring some blank posts, and ask Xiao Shi to make a list and send someone to deliver the posts. It just so happens that Xiao Shi fell ill after being a scholar. I will invite you at the same time."

Yang Lixiu was overjoyed, "It's Eleven Niang who is thoughtful, so the misunderstanding will be resolved."

"Tell Xiao Shi not to worry, he won't be wronged with my sister around. Then tell him that there is no evil in his heart, and only by working hard can he treat each other squarely!"


After a while, Xiao Shi came by himself.

Looking at those eyes, you can tell that you have cried again.

He just recovered from his illness, and his face was still a little pale. Because of his career, the baby fat on his face has disappeared, and he has lost a lot of weight. He looks very pitiful.

Full Moon waved at him, and he slowly moved over.

When he got close, Man Yue pulled him over and slapped him on the forehead, "Silly boy, elder sister is like a mother, why are you still embarrassed by me?"


Xiao Ten's nose was sore again, and a tear fell down, "I am a scholar, and the last one is also a scholar, but she still didn't look at me seriously. Let them go together, just to let them know that I am promising... But they only have money in their eyes..."

"Do you live for yourself? Or do you live for others?"

Full Moon stroked his head, "Silly boy, you owed them some things you couldn't ask for in your previous life. There is a saying in Buddhism: There is a cause and there is an effect. In the previous life, you have not had enough fate with their parents, so you have received love and care in this life." Just less, less resentment in your heart, and it will pass."

"Sister, you are not such a person..."

"Heh, you still know that you're here for me?"

Man Yue pulled him away, pinched his nose, and said: "Some things can be forced, and some things cannot be forced. No matter how dissatisfied you are, it is your parents. What can you do but endure it? My sister knows they are wrong, but they are wrong no matter what. Your parents, this is the truth in this world. Parents are right, so this is something you can’t ask for. Read more Buddhist scriptures, you can’t change others, but you can change yourself. When your heart changes, your troubles will disappear. When your heart Stop being moved by their emotions, and they will change too."

Xiao Shi was thoughtful, and after a while he said, "Will they really change?"

"Have you heard the story of Fu Bi?"

"The Fu Bi from Song Renzong's time?"

"Well. Someone told him that others said bad things about him. The first time, Fu Bi said that others heard him wrong. The second time he said that Xu had the same name as me. The third time he said that Xu was offended by my bad behavior. Feeling resentful, the complainant felt ashamed after hearing this, and felt that he had become a villain, so he stopped chewing his tongue from then on, and the person who said bad things about Fu Bi later found out about it, felt guilty, and went to talk to Fu Bi. Fu Bi apologized. You see, you have changed, and so have others."

"Yes, but it's so suffocating."

Xiao Ten murmured.

Full Moon laughed, "How can a person be happy in life? If our parents are unkind, we can only change ourselves."

Foolish filial piety sounds stupid, but in China, especially the national conditions of this matter, foolish filial piety is a model of morality.

Don't say that He's like this, even if she beat Xiao Shi, Xiao Shi can't resist as her biological mother, otherwise it would be unfilial.If a person is not filial, he is a beast. If someone finds out that you are not filial these days, you will lose all your friends, let alone be an official, and you will be deprived of your fame.

So in this matter, Man Yue must teach Xiao Shi to be a foolish and filial person, because Xiao Shi cannot afford the price.

As for the rest...

Let the wicked let Qifang do it.

"Now you go to the seventh room. My sister won't let you be bullied. Don't take it to heart. My sister has someone invite all your contemporaries. How can I return to Linju in other places? Set up a flowing water table outside. This person will only remember when you are good, and if you get your good, they will know your difficulties and explain them for you. The key is you, don't think about it."

Xiao Shi's heart moved, so this is the principle of my sister's life?clever!

He wrote down the names of the same period, and Man Yue sent someone to deliver the letter, and then called someone to prepare the water table.

It was a big deal for Qifang that Xiao Shi was selected as a scholar. Even his grandmother and uncles sent their children to send congratulatory gifts, which shows that the fame of a scholar is also very valuable.

Three days later, Eighth Uncle also came from Ningbo. To Man Yue's surprise, there were a few officials who came with him. The official position was not high, but it seemed to be the prefect's gesture of goodwill.

Fortunately, Man Yue has to do something important today, so she has 5 private rooms that are vacant and has not been booked out, so she is busy asking people to arrange them. Eighth Uncle smiled and led the people up. strangeness.

Before the eighth uncle went upstairs, he suddenly said to Yang Zhen: "Elder sister, I will put out the incense table later, oh, young master, what are you still doing standing there? Are you interested in sharing the table with some of us old fellows?"

Upon hearing this, Xu Yuan understood, and excitedly said: "Dashan, I'll come right away."

Yang Zhen froze there, and Xu Yuan said, "Let the family take a bath and change clothes."

"How dare you say that to my sister?"

Yang Jiumei's eyes widened, and Xu Yuan knew that she had misunderstood again, so she couldn't help stamping her feet, "Hey! You stupid woman! The imperial decree is coming soon, do you want to die if you don't take a bath and change clothes? What are you looking at? If you don't believe me, look at it later There are a large number of high officials coming, and this is the first to notify. Go tell Eleven Niang and let her prepare well!"

Yang Jiumei froze there, "You, are you serious?"

Before Xu Yuan could respond, she laughed happily, "I'll go right away!"

The corner of Xu Yuan's mouth twitched, this girl is too real.

"This is the sister of the Yang family? Yang Rener?"

A group of peers came here, Xiao Shi was all smiles, he had long forgotten about the three red chairs, the reaction of the peers satisfied his vanity, and he felt that he was too honorable.

"It's my sister, come, come and sit inside."

"Meet Mr. Yang!"

A group of scholars were very familiar with the woman in front of them, no one regarded her as a woman, saluted respectfully, and called sir.

This is something that can only be called by women who have reached a certain level of fame. Yang Manyue's poems are famous all over the world, and the first capital is a work handed down from generation to generation. She has good character and knowledge, so she can be called a gentleman.

"Everyone who is a talented scholar, you are a shameful little girl. They are all stars of Wenqu. How can you be a gentleman? Come, come and sit inside, Xiao Shi, you take everyone upstairs to have tea first, and then I will go to the kitchen to see."

"Hey, sister."


The sudden sound of Yang Jiumei's voice startled everyone, and when they took a closer look, they couldn't help being stunned.

What a beautiful girl, who is this?

"Eleven Niang, the imperial decree is coming soon. Eighth Uncle asked you, Xiao Shi, Mancang, and Seventh Aunt to take a bath and change clothes!"

Everyone exclaimed, "Imperial decree?!"

Man Yue finally understood why those officials came. Seeing that they were the first ones, she hurriedly said, "Don't worry about it for a while, the etiquette is irresistible, Xiao Shi, you take the same year up first."

"No no no."

A group of scholars waved their hands, "How can the emperor's decree be neglected? We are so lucky to be able to watch it. Brother Zifu, go take a bath quickly! What are you doing?"

A group of scholars were curious, but they didn't rush to ask. From this, we can see the skills of the scholars.

Anyway, you'll know later, why worry?
Xiao Shi nodded, clasped his fists and said, "My brother is impolite, come as soon as you go."

Man Yue asked someone to lead a group of scholars up, and after explaining a few words to Lao Bai, he immediately went to the back house to take a shower and change clothes.

The imperial decree of the Son of Heaven is precious, if you don't take a bath and change your clothes, you don't show your sincerity, and the weather is hot now, if you don't wash it well, then you will be treated for disrespect and it will be over.

Otherwise, why did Eighth Uncle bring a few small officials here?Just to give you some time to prepare!
(End of this chapter)

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