Chapter 284
He's body trembled, some couldn't believe that Yang Manyue was so magnanimous, she pursed her lips, and finally Fushen said to Chen: "Sister and sister are so kind, sister-in-law thanked you."

Mancang took Xiao Shi's hand and said, "Brother, I have wronged you. From now on, you will be responsible for supporting the family, and I will be responsible for Guangyao's lintel. I will definitely pass the Jinshi examination!"

"Well, good brother!"

A group of people were moved, Huang Xie wiped the corners of his eyes, "Well, well, well, as expected of Yang Zhen, the mother is kind, the son is filial, and the brothers are harmonious. If the family is kept like this, it will surely prosper for a hundred years!"

As he said that, he saluted Yang Liyuan, "The miscellaneous family greeted my uncle, congratulations, congratulations!"

Yang Liyuan hurriedly turned half of his body sideways, and said politely: "Your father-in-law is too polite, your father-in-law has worked hard, go upstairs and have some refreshments."

A group of people went upstairs, and Mrs. Chen invited the imperial decree to the back house. There was a room in the back house, which was used to place the tablets of parents.Mrs. Chen sent everyone away, put the imperial decree in front of the tablet, knelt on the futon, looked at the tablet for a long while, but did not say a word, tears dripped on the futon.

My husband left, and the hardship and helplessness of that time is still frightening when I think about it.The current glory is also confusing. It feels like a dream. Now that I wake up from the dream, it seems that I haven't woken up again. I can't tell the difference.

I don't know how long she knelt, but in the end Chen still didn't say anything, just kowtowed a few times before leaving.

This represents that the imperial decree of honor will eventually be placed back in the ancestral hall of Pan'an's hometown. This is not only a personal honor, but also a family honor.

The court clothes of the first-rank Gaoming, the phoenix crown and the court clothes of the third-rank Shuren were all sent over, and Man Yue also changed into the court dress of the county monarch under the service of the maid sent by the palace. When the phoenix crown was put on her head, Hongyou and others Can't help but stare blankly.

At this moment, they suddenly realized that the eldest girl in their family was no longer an ordinary person, she was qualified to meet the queen mother, the queen's person!

Man Yue looked at herself in the mirror and felt a little dazed. She had finally achieved her goal, so she shouldn't be bullied so easily in the future, right?
The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitched, but he was a little speechless when he thought of going to Beijing to thank him.This is what Huang Rong secretly revealed to himself just now. Naturally, the Son of Heaven can't say that I gave you something, so get out and thank me.

It is too cheap to say it clearly, so it can only be hinted by people like Huang Xie.

How smart is the full moon?Naturally understand.

But at this time grandma needs to be notified, so Leng Yun has already sent someone, and Qing Yun personally escorts the team, and tomorrow he will send the imperial decree back to his hometown, and then bring the old lady back.

If you want to go, you can't go alone. The emperor respects the old man, but the old man can't take Joe. You don't kneel down when you see me, but you still have to come to thank me.

Also going to Ren'an is the third class of government office servants, this is a big deal, if the imperial decree is about to be lost, everyone should die.

And the waiting time here is also convenient for Man Yue to entertain Eunuch Huang Xie well, and to talk about it by the way.

Thinking of the following itinerary, Man Yue is somewhat looking forward to it.

Although it is not the Forbidden City, it may be good to witness the complete Nanjing Imperial Palace.

"This court dress is really heavy."

She shook her neck uncomfortably, and complained secretly in her heart: "In the future, whoever says that she is wearing a princess, and the princess goes out to show off her power and slap her? It's completely bullshit!"

The court dress on the full moon is worn on important occasions such as grand court meetings and sacrifices to the Taimiao. To be precise, it should be called a big shirt.Such clothes are mainly dignified and gorgeous, how can they be light?The Junjun is the fourth rank, according to the system, it is true red, and it uses silk and silk gauze, which is the treatment only for rank 5 and above.The material below the fifth grade is made of silk and silk.

The two xiapei and the peacock are both dark blue in color, with clouds and peacock characters on them. At the end, the xiapei is fastened together with a gold pendant made of 钑花.

Different from the one in Korea that wraps around the front, there are two in the Ming Dynasty, and the back end is inserted into the triangular pocket on the back of the shirt.

Looking at the dress, Man Yue suddenly thought that if she went back in the future, she could become an expert on Ming history and customs.It was all wrong on TV, and all of them learned Korean, but lost their own things.Those who are in Korea probably don't know that the traditional Korean clothing was given by Zhu Yuanzhang, right?
It used to be the same as Hanfu, but the Koreans later pulled up the skirts themselves, and gradually distinguished them.

The cunning stick is always so flexible, no matter how the Central Plains dynasty changes, he can always rely on the great power to survive.

What made Man Yue interesting was that the back of the shirt was longer than the front, so there were buttons under the armpit. She nodded, and there were five of them.I heard the nurturing aunt from the palace say that when walking in this way, the clothes can be buttoned on the button loops, and when you are worshiping, you can put them down to cover the buttocks and feet, so as not to be indecent.

Now the doubts of the full moon are also solved.

She has always wondered, those concubines on TV, except for Qing Dynasty dramas, are dragging long skirts, are they sweeping the floor?The Ming Dynasty can still understand, because of Meng Yuan's notice, the regular clothes are no longer dragging like that.And further on...

Every time I think about it, I feel strange. When she was a child, she once regarded this as evidence of the exploiting class.Sweeping the floor with skirts for your own beauty is a waste of money and labor.

It now appears that she was wrong.

It turns out that people still have this beauty, and they have all been designed.

But it looks happy, but it's not beautiful to wear, it's too heavy.Gui Linju is supposed to be very cool, but wearing this clothes and the heavy phoenix crown on his head, he soon felt unbearably hot and his neck was sore.

So I went out to let my family appreciate it, and then I went back to my room and took it off.

Wiping his sweat, thinking about Chen, he smiled unkindly.

She is a lady of the third grade, with more decorations, and she was exhausted just looking at her.

So ah, the position is high and the responsibility is heavy, just put on this dress for you, and you will immediately feel the majesty of the sky!
There is also poor Xiao Shi, who became an earl naturally also has court clothes, the emperor is very careful, asked about the stature of Man Yue's two younger brothers, made a little bit bigger, sent two sets, and if you choose the big one, you will wear the big one Yes, I chose a small one and wore a small one.

The emperor did this, and the full moon suspected that the emperor was digging a hole and was testing.

Choosing Yang Liyuan is more in line with the concept of the ancients, so that he appears honest and honest.

It's no wonder that the full moon thinks too much, it's because the ancients have more minds than modern people!
The banquet was going on lively and lively, and it was unreasonable not to give the guests free orders for such a great event.Fortunately, there is no shortage of money now. This time, the emperor, the empress, and the queen mother also rewarded a lot of money and treasures.
The running water banquet organized for Xiao Shi also needs to add food, so I can't just be happy with myself!It also has to be in Fuze Township, adding two dishes is the best!
After a lively day, at night, Chao Su went to Huang Xie for tea, and handed over another thousand taels of silver. Let me remind you that Hou Jing has bad intentions and wants to play tricks on the Junjun's marriage."

Chao Su raised his eyebrows, "How can a minister's wife bully her?"

"I don't think the emperor has that kind of thought, but he is curious. Otherwise, why would the Junjun come to Beijing to thank you in person?"

After thinking for a while, Chao Su understood Zhu Hesi's plan, nodded and said: "Thank you, Brother Huang, for your advice. This time, I will accompany the Junjun when he enters the capital. I can take care of him."

Huang Rong was overjoyed, "The Son of Heaven misses you very much. It would be great if we could see each other again. It is safe to have you by my side. Junjun is very lucky."


Chao Su said with a smile: "This Yang Manyue family is kind and filial, it's not just a show. Everyone in the family is virtuous, and they don't want to see people suffer. The county lord said that he has a bad temper and is cruel, and he was the one who offended her. In fact, she This person hates people suffering the most, and feels sad when people don’t have food to eat. The so-called family of good deeds must have lingering celebrations, and people are easy to cultivate.”

As he said that, he glanced at Huang Xie, and said with deep meaning: "So to be a human being, you have to make good friends with others even at a high place, otherwise... you won't be able to grow up."

Thinking of Hou Jing, Huang Xie cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, old ancestor, for your reminder."

On the second day, Chao Su met Leng Yun and told about this matter, Leng Yun said expressionlessly: "I was beaten last time and I forgot so soon?"

Chao Su felt a chill, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Leng Yun didn't speak, and after a while he said: "The Son of Heaven is not confused, if Hou Jing is in such a hurry to die, I don't mind giving him a ride."

After finishing speaking, he passed Chao Su, saw the servant saluting, and asked, "Where is your girl?"

"If you go back to Master Hou, the girl is in the small kitchen."

"lead the way."


Leng Yun went to the small kitchen in the back house and saw that Man Yue was cooking. Her concentrated appearance made her feel slightly better. I don’t know if it was his illusion. Man Yue’s cooking skills are getting better and better. The dishes she cooks seem to be easier to recall when I was a child.

"Why are you so happy to cook today?"

"Master Hou!"

Hongyou and the others were busy saluting, but Man Yue continued to work, "It's a big happy event, let's cook for everyone by myself."

Just last night, she passed the fourth-level exam. Counting the rewards of the previous level-10|level, and adding 80 points of God's Hand, plus the previous ones, there are [-]% points, and only [-]% of the full level is left. She really wants to try the current power of this skill.

She had to speed up before going to the capital, and she had to find an opportunity for the Queen Mother to taste her cooking, so that she could complete the task of being the best cook in the world in the future.

Her skills are not at the full level now, even if the emperor really seals her as the best cook in the world, it can't be considered as completing the task. She has to fill up all the skill points within ten years and add the emperor's seal to complete the task.

Thinking about it is also cheating, and I am too lazy, so I have to speed up.Go in once a day and endure inhuman torture to achieve greatness!In this way, maybe you can reach level 6 when you reach the capital?
Seeing that she seemed to be in a good mood, she couldn't help but lighten up, "I'm in a good mood? Huh?"

"It's natural."

She smiled and put the shredded green pepper belly into the plate, and said: "Now I am not a commoner, and no one can bully me at will. And I don't have to kneel before seeing people, and I can meet the emperor, how wonderful!"

(End of this chapter)

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