Chapter 299

The full moon looks at this emperor, he seems to be gentle and elegant, but why does he always feel that this person exudes a strong sense of humor?

With doubts, she retreated and went to the kitchen to make Buddha jump over the wall.

As soon as Man Yue left, the Empress Dowager turned cold, looked at Zhu and Si and said, "Emperor, you are now Meng Lang."

Zhu Hesi also knew that something was wrong today, sticking out their tongues|heads, they are so big, they are still holding their mother's arm and shaking coquettishly, "Mother, I know I'm wrong. It's just that I saw that the county lord is different from ordinary people. The woman is quite different, she has a kind heart, so she said a few more words."

The queen mother glared at him, and said: "It's also thanks to the courage of Mr. Yang Jun, otherwise I wouldn't scare you to death? Fortunately, I got you back, otherwise it will spread that you love Qing so coldly? How can you praise your appearance face to face? beautiful?"

"But my son is telling the truth!"

Zhu and Si looked aggrieved, "Don't mother think she is pretty?"

The queen mother thought for a while, then nodded, "It is indeed a rare beauty. The appearance is still secondary. The Ai family thinks that the bearing is the best. At such a young age, seeing the emperor can be neither humble nor overbearing, which is a bit of a celebrity demeanor. "

"The empress dowager is right. The slaves also feel that the Junjun is quite famous, and those few poems are also very well written. It's just that these few poems were written by the Junjun when he was in trouble. Listening to it can cheer you up." The slaves always feel distressed, and it is even more uncomfortable to see someone today, that thin..."

Hou Jing wiped the corners of his eyes pretentiously, "It's all due to the lack of control of the slaves, who lost the face of the emperor and the empress dowager, and let Ma Rong run amok in the local area, almost killing the county king."

Xu Linmao sipped his tea and sneered in his heart. What a dog, he picked himself clean.However, this Liao did act wisely, and I don't know if the Jun Jun did it on purpose just now. If it was on purpose, he is too scary to have such a scheming at such a young age.

Many people rumored that this person came back from the dead and had an adventure. If it was really intentional, then the rumors would be somewhat believable.

The queen mother was suffocated, and felt her face was hot|hot, thinking about it made her angry with King Wu.

What a sin!

Back then, the first emperor really thought about passing the throne to King Wu, because he pitied King Wu and his poor aunt.Another thing is that my son was not able to take on the big responsibility at that time, and at that time he was fighting with the Kingdom of Jin. From any point of view, King Wu was the best candidate.

If the ministers hadn't argued hard, the one sitting on the throne would be the King of Wu!
Could it be that this person is his nemesis?Why do you always hate yourself?

Yang Manyue's parents were killed by his mother-in-law, and Yang Manyue wrote poems because of his good mother-in-law. If future generations ask about the allusions, wouldn't it appear that she, the queen mother, is immoral?King Wu raised her under her name!

Thinking about the severe response in my heart, I said, "It's true, doesn't the Junjun usually write poems?"

Xu Yuan sipped his tea and said: "Aunt Huang, the younger sister of the Yang family loves to cook and make some weird things. She made the soap, and she made a bunch of strange things. She even compiled a book by herself. , my nephew also read it, but it's weird, she actually requires everyone who works for her to be able to write and count, and she brought a few people to make those textbooks."

"I use a thing called pinyin to recognize characters, which was also invented by her. It's amazing. After three months of learning, I can recognize more than 3 characters a year. If you work harder, thousands of characters will be fine..."


The emperor shook his hand, "Pinyin? How does it compare to Qieyin?"

"That's incomparable. It's still troublesome to cut characters. Cousin, I think the pinyin is really good. It uses the letters of Xiyi. I'll show you..."

Xu Yuan demonstrated, "It's not difficult to learn. It only took me half a month to learn how to use it. Later, I read the textbook she compiled, which has pinyin marked on it. I really can read it without reading the words."

The Empress Dowager, the Son of Heaven, Hou Jing and others all opened their mouths wide|, feeling like hell!
Hou Jing is naturally educated, otherwise how could he organize the memorials on behalf of the emperor?Not only to organize, read, but also to review!The eunuchs in charge of ceremonies are generally well-educated. There is a special place in the palace for eunuchs to teach, and their teachers are all court ministers. Just like the imperial examination, those who study well can get ahead.

So the well-educated Eunuch Hou felt like a beeping dog, so Yang Manyue could be called a saint in one fell swoop!

Cangjie created characters, shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods. Yang Manyue's pinyin can make ordinary people lose their blindness quickly. Isn't this going to become a saint?

"She still writes her own book?"

The emperor finally closed his mouth and said with a strange expression: "Is there anyone in this world who doesn't know how to do it? I heard that she is quite proficient in Western learning. Could it be true that she is a little ghost in the palace of the king of hell like the folk legends?" Caught the wrong person, and gave her compensation that she was born with?"

"No matter what, it's all due to His Majesty's merits in governing His Majesty. Otherwise, how can a little girl make immortal achievements?"

Xu Linmao happily cupped his hands, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, my Ming Dynasty has this talent thanks to Your Majesty's benevolence!"

Hou Jing gritted his teeth angrily. Wei Guogong was obviously helping Yang Manyue, and he described Yang Manyue's strangeness as the benevolence of the emperor, and it would be difficult to make a fuss then.

When did Xu Linmao have such a good relationship with Yang Manyue?
Hou Jing narrowed his eyes, and suddenly remembered what Xu Yuan said just now, could it be...

That umami element was also created by Yang Manyue? !

This realization shocked Hou Jing, and the profit of Xianweisu almost made him jealous, but how could he dare to think about Wei Guogong's stuff?Even if the queen mother died, he would not dare!
"The pinyin is so good, why didn't Mr. Yang donate it? And this person is also interesting. Anyone who wants to work for her can write and count? And hire a teacher for them? She really did teach without distinction, um, Empress mother, my son now feels that it is only for a county lord, if she donates the pinyin, give her a title, if there is a daughter in the future, I will cast a daughter as the county lord."

"The emperor is right."

The queen mother smiled and said: "It's the title that needs to be thought about carefully, and it can't be given now. As for the pinyin, why didn't the emperor ask her in person?"

Zhu Hesi nodded, "Yes, I would like to ask her what books she has compiled? What else does she know?"

Hou Jing regretted it a little. He was not afraid of the enemy being strong, but he was afraid that the enemy would be erratic.

A little girl is so powerful, if she is allowed to marry Leng Yun, wouldn't it be?
He secretly glanced at the emperor, if...

But this matter has to be carefully planned. I was impulsive in the court that day. In the past few days, several of my own people have dismounted. Even an idiot can see that this is Leng Yun's revenge on him.

Thinking of this, Hou Jing felt a chill in his neck.

Leng Yun has been kicked out of the capital for several years, but he still has such a big influence in the court, it's really scary!
Among the ministers of Tuogu, he was most afraid of Leng Yun, because this person also had no rules in his actions, while the others still followed the procedures anyway, and he could figure out the routine.Only Leng Yun, who is the youngest, acts in an ethereal manner, making it difficult to figure out.

Just when Hou Jing was thinking wildly, Man Yue came over, "My Majesty, Empress Dowager, the Buddha Jumping over the Wall is ready, can I serve the food now?"

The Empress Dowager's eyes lit up, and she said: "Then prepare for dinner."


Xu Linmao made arrangements, the empress dowager's meal must not be shabby, the main course is Buddha jumping over the wall, which is made by Man Yue, and other people in his house are in charge.

After some arrangements, Man Yue asked someone to put the Buddha jumping over the wall on the table, and then uncovered the lotus leaf, and a strong aroma wafted out, even the emperor and queen mother who were accustomed to delicacies from mountains and seas were also surprised.

"This taste..."

Hou Jing's eyelids twitched too, this Yang Manyue is really good at it, just by smelling it, he felt his soul was hooked out.

Serving the Empress Dowager to eat a bowl, the Empress Dowager nodded again and again, "It is indeed a Buddha jumping over the wall!"

The emperor closed his eyes, opened them after a long while, his eyes were red, turned his head slightly, turned around after a while, and said: "This dish reminds me of my father. When the country was difficult, my father had a meal. There is only one soup, one meal and one dish, and the food of the majestic king of a country is so simple that the ministers are puzzled."

"On that day, I went to Qianqing Palace again. My father was eating. I remember clearly that the soup my father drank that day was kelp, tofu and shrimp soup, with soybean paste in it. My father drank it with great relish, and my son was puzzled. The state is difficult. It's true, but father is the king of a country, why is he living in such poverty?"

"I asked at that time, and my father told me that the soldiers on the front line may not even be able to eat this. The sea trade has been open for many years, but Daming needs too much money. Besides, he is the emperor. If it is simpler, the following People are not good at wasting money. Now, when I eat this Buddha Jumping Wall, the taste is a hundred times stronger, but my son tastes like the bowl of kelp tofu soup back then. It seems that my father has a spirit in heaven, and he wants me to be vigilant and not be confused by the prosperity."

The full moon was terrified, and hurriedly knelt down and said: "My daughter is guilty of using luxurious things to eat..."

Zhu and Si waved their hands, "It's not your fault, you're in a place near the sea, so this thing is not unusual. I'm just expressing my feelings, Junjun, you have a great craftsmanship, and I can't describe what to use for this smell. Once you finish the words, you will feel good, and eating it will make you feel peaceful and kind, and I think this thing is the best in the world!"

The queen mother wiped the corners of her eyes, "What's wrong with you today? Why did you say something sad? I also thought of my mother while I was eating, like my mother's craftsmanship..."

"Auntie, cousin, let me just tell you! Younger sister Yang's cooking can warm people's hearts. Cousin, you said this is the first delicacy, why don't you inscribe a pair of younger sister Yang, I think this dish will be spread all over the world. It will become a good story in time!"

The emperor was interested, and Wei Guogong was also a smart person, so he immediately asked someone to bring in a long case and prepare pen and ink.

Full Moon almost jumped up, wanting to give the little father-in-law a hug!
It's too powerful, is there any? !
Thinking of this, he kowtowed happily, "I beg Your Majesty to give me a word! My servant will make you some dessert!"


The Empress Dowager was amused by Yang Manyue's straightforward performance, and pointed to the full moon and said, "Look, feelings are also a snobbish person, so you have forgotten about Aijia? Are you able to eat the dessert Aijia?"

"Eat, eat!"

Full moon smiled and said, "If the queen mother can't eat it, who else in the world can eat it?"

(End of this chapter)

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