Chapter 301 Not Simple

The queen gave a grateful look, and Man Yue stuck out her tongue and made a grimace. With a "poof", the queen couldn't help laughing, thinking of her own sister, she felt a bit of intimacy.

"Why is the queen laughing?"

"Your Majesty, the Junjun is naughty and making faces."

Probably because she understood Yang Manyue's meaning, the queen boldly said a wisecrack, "Looking at her, I think of my sister in my concubine's family. The Junjun and my sister are about the same age, and they are so lively."

Zhu Hesi looked at Man Yue and saw her sitting upright, but thinking about how boldly she dared to look directly at him yesterday, and then looked at the Queen, they couldn't help laughing, "My palace is not good, you are here, one Everyone is serious. Yesterday, the Jun Jun dared to tell me a joke, why did he become serious after entering the palace?"

The queen was frightened again when she heard this, and just about to plead guilty, she saw the Yang Junjun Fu body said: "Return to your majesty, the so-called good deeds, so the longer you are in a high position, the more serious you are. The solemnity of the son of heaven is the power of heaven, and the seriousness of the mother is dignified." , the minister's seriousness is for survival, otherwise, with so many eyes watching, it will be said that the minister is innocent, and the minister's impeachment by the minister is too much for her small body. From last year to today, the minister has eaten two boards .”


Zhu and Si couldn't hold back anymore, they clapped their legs and laughed loudly, "Junjun, you are really the funniest person I have ever met, even you can make fun of all the suffering you have suffered, I have to learn from you the spirit of having fun while suffering , Well, being happy in the face of adversity, this is where your Dao heart is. There are no distracting thoughts in your heart, only where the Dao is, so you can enjoy yourself and keep the heart of a child. Let’s talk like this in the future, as I said, Junjun Yang can be presumptuous in front of me, and keep his heart."

The queen's eyeballs were about to fall out, and seeing Man Yue blinking secretly again, she completely understood.

It turns out that although my husband is the emperor, what I yearn for most in my heart is nothing more than the ordinary love in the world.

I hate myself for being stupid, for being taken first by Concubine Pei, what if I give birth to a boy?
"Your Majesty, you are bullying a courtier!"

Man Yue doesn't have any special respect for the Son of Heaven, and she also understands that the higher the person is, the better you pretend to be ignorant and bold when facing them.Is Yang Xiu, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, smart?

The great-great-grandson of Yang Zhen, the fourth Taiwei, had a prominent family background, and the story of one person eating one crisp has been passed down to this day, but such a smart man was killed by Cao Cao.But Dian Wei, Xu Chu and those stupid big guys are deeply trusted by Cao Cao; besides Liu Bei's sworn brothers, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, they all have some shadows of fools, but they are loved by the superiors.

On the contrary, it is Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang, and Wei Yan, who seem to be reused, but they are full of doubts.

What does this mean?This shows that it is enough for you to have a good skill. If you look stupid, you will easily be liked by the superiors, and they will protect you even if you get into trouble.

Man Yue took this route, anyway, she was small, and she was known for her boldness and recklessness, her seriousness showed her scheming.


The emperor was curious, "How did I bully you?"

"Your Majesty, the courtiers have no choice but to enjoy themselves while suffering. If you can avoid suffering, it's better not to eat. It hurts to be hit with the board. Your Majesty is fine, and you still say it's good. Isn't this bullying the courtiers?"

The girl's soft and glutinous voice, with a bit of coquettishness, made Zhu Hesi feel heartbroken by her unprecedented bold move, as if watching his sister come back to life, or as if this was a woman who needed his tenderness, mouth Li repeatedly said: "Okay, okay, I was wrong, I was wrong, queen, look at this little thing, he is not big, but he has a lot of eyes, even I tease him."

The queen smiled and said: "That's His Majesty's kindness. You just allowed the Junjun to keep his true colors. Of course, she will use the chicken feathers as arrows."


Man Yue continued to pretend to be crazy, and said coquettishly: "You bullied me too..."

If Man Yue knew that her pretending to be crazy caused the emperor to have other thoughts, she would probably vomit to death, but she didn't know it yet, and planned to continue to follow the cute, foolish and bold route.

The queen smiled and said: "If you are a man of no vain under the reputation, you are really brave. Okay, okay, don't pout, you are like my sister, you can hang up if you pout. Oil bottle. Your Majesty, the view of the Royal Garden in autumn is beautiful. I just talked to the Junjun, and the Junjun is yearning for it. Can you ask His Majesty to show you the scenery of the Imperial Garden?"

"Why not?"

Zhu and Si were in a good mood, "Let's go, I will go with you."

The queen was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

After a pause, he said again: "My concubine asked someone to prepare some snacks and drinks. Can the Junjun accompany your majesty to the imperial garden instead of my palace?"

The queen was completely wrong, she thought that the reason why the emperor was kind to the full moon was because she remembered the princess who died young before, so she wanted to make the two of them get closer, so that Lord Leng Hou would be a help in the future.

The imperial court has always been indistinguishable from the previous court, and Man Yue's wit satisfied the queen, so just now the queen has made up her mind to win over Man Yue.


Man Yue hesitated for a while, and said timidly: "I can't help but be overjoyed to be able to act on behalf of the empress, but my daughter is a married woman..."

The queen was stunned for a moment, looked at Zhu and Si, and Zhu and Si said with displeasure: "What's wrong? I think you are like Princess Yici, like my sister, whoever dares to gossip, I cut him off." Tongue|head! How can an outsider need to interrogate a few words between my elder brother and younger sister?"

The queen is overjoyed, there is a show!

The emperor really looked at the playful Junjun and thought of his poor sister. Speaking of which, the princess was as old as this when she went, and she was a very lively girl. The Junjun has caught the eyes of the Emperor.

Nodding repeatedly, she wiped the corners of her eyes and said, "I often hear my mother talk about Princess Yici, and when I see the portrait, I feel that the Junjun and Princess Yici are somewhat similar. What's wrong with your Majesty missing my sister?"

Zhu and Si were satisfied, they had never felt that the queen was so interesting, they nodded immediately, patted the queen's hand and said: "Go get ready, the Junjun is right, I am not afraid of them, but the Junjun is hard to be a man , and it is boring without the empress' company, I and the county lord will go ahead, the empress will come quickly..."

A full moon with a black line.

The imperial garden in autumn is very beautiful, and she never thought that she, a commoner, would be able to take a walk here with the leader of a country, especially if the leader is so...

convulsions! ! !

"Your Majesty, tell me, are the sea ships in Xiyi really that big? They say we are standing on a ball. I heard Huang Xie say that you also know a lot about Western learning. You said that we are standing on a ball." Is it on the ball?"

"Your Majesty, this is Xiyi..."

"Also, is England really ruled by a woman?"

"His Majesty……"

"Also, do you think our craftsmen of Ming Dynasty can also make that self-ringing clock?"

"His Majesty……"

"I think the chime clocks are extremely delicate, and one is particularly delicate..."

Man Yue is tearful, are you asking questions, or are you talking to yourself?
"Your Majesty, I don't know if we really have to stand on the same ball, but I can see the sea in Ningbo, and the masts of the ships leaving the port and the ships returning are different from near to far, so I I think we might be standing on a ball."

"Is that so?"

"Your Majesty can send someone to observe."

"Then why don't we fall off the ball? According to this, aren't we standing on the ball upside down?"

"If this is the case, then compared to the earth, we are indeed standing upside down. I think the reason why we won't fall is probably because of the universal gravitation that Xiyi said. It's like a magnet, there is a force that keeps us from falling."

Zhu and Si became mosquito-repellent eyes, and Man Yue didn't expect him to understand, so he changed the subject again: "As for the affairs of the Queen of England, I have heard from those foreign monks, and I think it is also the custom there. The emperor also had a female emperor."

As soon as Japan was mentioned, Zhu and Si became angry, "Hmph! How dare a small country call itself the emperor?"

As he spoke, he became frustrated again, "I don't know why we want to befriend them? They are wolves with ambition..."

Man Yue's heart moved, but she couldn't see that the bastard emperor was a nationalist, so she thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty is right. But I think that accepting them now is for the purpose of eliminating them in the future."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, my daughter thinks that the people in the Wa country are barren and barren. It is already showing their wolfish ambitions to attack North Korea in the Wanli year. When they have nothing to eat, they will definitely come back again, and even covet my land of Ming Dynasty. My daughter has seen people who are extremely hungry. Man, that dares to do anything."

As he spoke, he was flustered again, "My daughter, Meng Lang, is so kind, but my daughter is talking about state affairs, Your Majesty, forgive me..."

Hou Jing's eyelids twitched, you obviously have intentions!
Zhu Hesi smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, you are from Zhejiang, it's normal to hate the Japanese country, and it's nothing to talk about..."

Full Moon got up, and said gratefully: "Your Majesty is kind, there is great hope for this Mingjun to restore the ancestor's foundation. After returning, I must pray every day. I hope that Your Majesty can lead my Ming subjects to restore the glory of the past! Reappear the Taizu, Chengzu's prosperity! "

Zhu Hesi was excited and felt a little excited. Although he had many women, none of them could talk with him about the past and the present like Yang Manyue. It's a pity, a pity...

Seeing the queen approaching from a distance, Zhu and Si couldn't help sighing secretly.

Is this probably a coincidence?Forget it, don't want to see the Junjun in the future, lest you can't control yourself and do something ridiculous.Leng Yun fights for the country, I can't let my subjects down.

Thinking of this, Zhu Hesi calmed down, nodded and said: "When the Junjun God Seed spreads to the land of Shenzhou, it will be the time when I send my master to the north!"

Man Yue froze there, at this moment the feeling of the Son of Heaven suddenly changed to her, it wasn't that funny comparison anymore, but after regaining consciousness, she still found that expression that was a bit silly, remembering what Grandpa said, Man Yue squinted her eyes, could it be that he was really pretending?
Not daring to think too much, hurriedly went to meet the queen, the imperial garden in autumn was beautiful, but Man Yue gradually felt a bit on pins and needles, right and wrong, it's better to come less, this emperor is not easy!
(End of this chapter)

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