Chapter 304
When eating salted duck, pay attention to the umami and tenderness.Even if you eat the meat in the bones of the duck's neck, it's easy to get into your mouth, even the meat and juice are sucked fresh.

The bare duck is rubbed with hot salt, and when it is put into the soup pot to simmer, the fruit wood firewood is thrown into the stove. The old masters don't even need to look at it, just rely on the feeling, no matter how many times the pot boils, feel it, and then It's cooking.

When the duck is cooked, it is not only raw but also full of flavor. The meat is tender and the skin is crispy and delicious.After a taste, it is the blessing of the gods.

Full Moon sits in the elegant seat by the window, and the bamboo curtains are pulled down to cut off the hustle and bustle outside. There is no need to pay attention to the ladylike style. A plate of sweet-scented osmanthus salted duck and a stack of sauced duck are the top representatives of Nanjing duck dishes.

The white ones are fresh and tender, the red ones are rich in taste, the full moon eats them with relish, and if you get tired of eating the salty ones, a small piece of glutinous rice with sweet-scented osmanthus and lotus root can be added. In autumn, every dish in the south of the Yangtze River is full of poetic and picturesque flavor.

I didn't forget about my brother when I was eating, so I asked people to pack two ducks, so that Lixiu red pomelo and the others could taste the local specialties.

This store is not big, but it is elegant and clean, and the business is very good.When Man Yue came in, he saw many high-ranking officials and dignitaries. Presumably it was this unique craftsmanship that attracted so many people to come.

After a lot of eating and drinking, I was full. I washed my hands with the water soaked in chrysanthemums, and Hongyou took out a small piece of pocket soap from the small box she carried with her to give Man Yue a hand, and then went to the store to ask for water. Come here, wash your hands, it's still early, and there's nothing to do when you go back.

In the past few days, Mrs. Yu, Mrs. Chen, and her two cheap brothers have been very busy. She went to the palace, and they went to various poetry parties, tea parties and so on.

Xiao Shi, with his uncle and elder brother accompanying him, he doesn't have to worry about it.

As for mother...

With the powerful grandmother around, I need to worry about other ladies.

Let people order a pot of tea, the boss here is quite interesting, and served a pot of longan red date tea.I think it’s cold when eating cold dishes in autumn, so let’s have some longan red jujube tea, which can nourish the spleen and stomach while dispelling the cold.

Slowly drinking tea, he began to think about how to give Rongyang pills to Yu Shi and Chen Shi.

Just as he was thinking, Lixiu's voice came from outside, "It's unreasonable! You are so unreasonable! There are so many positions..."

"Master, I can sit wherever I want? Do you know who my sister is? A dog..."

The sound of crisp skin and flesh slapped, Man Yue frowned, and said, "Go and have a look."

When Hongyou went out, he saw a man who was about 25 or 6 years old in rich clothes and was hitting Yang Lixiu. There were clear fingerprints on Yang Lixiu's face. As soon as the second hit fell, Yang Lixiu also reacted and grabbed the man's hand, "Good boy Brave thieves! Is there any law for beating people in broad daylight?!"

"Wang Fa?"

The man stared, "I am Wang Fa! Are you all blind? Didn't you see your uncle being bullied? Hit me!"

The boss ran over and bowed again and again, "Lord Qianhu, please calm down, this little brother looks like a stranger and has no experience, so don't argue with him. I'll treat you to a duck, don't get angry..."

"Bah! What are you?!"

The boss also took a hit, and the guys exclaimed, "Boss!"

"Are they all dead?! Hit me!"

"What a wonderful thousand households!"

Hongyou sneered, "Do you dare to fight people from my Yang family? Have you eaten the bear's heart and leopard's guts?!"

As he said that, he said to the others: "Are you all dead too?! Seeing brother Lixiu being bullied and still standing there stupidly?!"

Several Yang family children came to their senses, not because they were cowardly, but because they had never suffered a loss in fighting with their eleven mothers. When they were suddenly beaten, they couldn't react and thought they were hallucinating.

With a "babble", I stood up. The capital city is no better than Ningbo, and they can't bring their baseball bats. However, they have been taught by Qingyun and have received the modern military training of the full moon. The reaction is also very fast, even with bare hands. suffer.

The main reason is that the aura is scary, there are many people on the other side, but it looks like a mob at first glance, our side has few people, the victory lies in the aura, when a few Yang family children stand up, the other party is also shocked.

But that's all for now, the man dared to resist after seeing it, and said angrily: "Hey, the sun is coming out to the west today? Report your name and leave your whole body!"

Lu Zhu sneaked in and was about to report, but Man Yue waved her hand, "I heard everything."

After speaking, he picked up the teapot, got up and said, "Go out and have a look."

The curtain was pulled open, and everyone looked over. This should be the owner's house.

When they saw that it was a little girl, everyone gasped.

What a beautiful little lady.

That temperament looks like a big family birth!


Some people looked at the full moon with a hint of sympathy in their eyes.

Concubine Pei is favored, this little girl is afraid that she will suffer.

"Who is making noise here?"

When the man saw the full moon, he stayed there.

What a beautiful girl!

"It's so loud!"

The lid of the teapot in Man Yue's hand fell to the ground, and before everyone could react, a pot of hot water was poured on it, and a scream sounded, Li Xiu let go of his hand, and immediately called people to gather around Man Yue, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty I was startled, I was the one who couldn’t wait.”

Junjun? !
I go!

Everyone was taken aback!
That's the royal family!

Either the granddaughter of the prince or the daughter of the county king, but I have never heard of any prince and county king coming to Beijing!
"You, you dare to splash me? Where did the bitch come from..."

"Lixiu, slap me!"


Yang Lixiu stepped forward, the man's dog legs immediately stepped forward, and the other Yang family children rushed up, swung their arms and beat them, "You are blind! Even my county lord dares to insult you!"

"You, who are you, you, you are so daring? You, do you know who my sister is?"

"I don't care which one you are?"

Man Yue sneered, "It's Qianhu, you should know my Da Ming Law, knowing the law and breaking the law will be added! Not to mention that you offend me, even if you are dismissed and reassigned, it will not be too much, what do you think of me as Da Ming Law!?"

The full moon was full of aura, and someone screamed, "I, got it! Ru, so aura, yes, it's Yang Rener!!!"

"Ah! Is it really Junjun Yang?!"

"Meet the Junjun!"

"You, you are Yang Rener?"

The man shivered for a moment, but then he grinned again, "How dare Xiao Xiaojun offend me, I will definitely ask my sister to punish you!"


Full Moon chuckled, "I don't know which empress Lingmei is in the palace? The Empress Dowager also has an elder brother, but Wuchanghou heard that he is a gentle and refined man, so he probably isn't from the Empress Empress's family. Tsk tsk, I'm curious. Which family member of a nobleman here is so arrogant that he dares to offend me?!"

"I, my sister is a royal concubine!"


Man Yue suddenly realized, "It turned out to be Concubine Pei's family."


Pei Chong grinned grimly, "Are you scared?"

"Your Majesty of this county doesn't know, when did this imperial concubine become older than the empress? Even if the empress's family accepts the gift, how can the mere imperial concubine's family be so arrogant?"

"A mere noble concubine? What a big tone, the little fourth-rank county's monarch is actually more majestic than a noble concubine?!"

"Junjun is my lucky star, Pei Qianhu, you are rude."

A voice sounded, and a son came out of the private room, "The Junjun is the son of heaven, is Qianhu going to slap the emperor in the face?"

"You, what nonsense are you talking about? Ah, you, you are Mr. Li..."

The man lost his arrogance in an instant, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I've seen Second Young Master Li..."

Man Yue looked over and saw a man about [-] years old coming, wearing a black cross-collared robe, covered with off-white silk gauze bedding, holding a folding fan, Ruyu's face was full of aura. Bookish, gentle as jade four words come to mind, what a handsome man!

But the man didn't seem to see Pei Chong, he went straight to Man Yue, bowed his hands and bowed, "I heard the name of the county lord earlier, and it's really a blessing for Xiu to meet here today."

Man Yue returned a salute, "Thank you for your righteous words, my lord, I don't know who you are?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Li Zhongxiu, my father Li Anxi."


Man Yue was surprised that he was Li Guangdi's son?
"It turned out to be the second assistant son, and the full moon was rude."

After saluting, Li Zhongxiu glanced at Pei Chong and said, "Pei Qianhu, do you want to punish the county monarch?"

As he spoke, he sneered, "I don't know when a thousand households will be able to punish the county monarch. You are so reckless, in broad daylight, disturbing the people in the street, I don't know if it is your bad nature or the imperial concubine's connivance?"

Everyone snickered for a while, this question is very tricky and embarrassing.Because Pei Chong never dared to say that the imperial concubine indulged him.

It can be seen from this that this matter was met by the family of the second assistant, and since they took action, there must be impeachment tomorrow.

Pei Chong was out of luck.

Tsk tsk, Yang Renerguo is the nemesis of arrogant officials!
Just after making great achievements, the prince who was proclaimed by the emperor was bullied like this, even if the imperial concubine came in person, she might be punished.

As Mr. Li said, this was granted by the emperor. It has not been a few days and he has been bullied at the feet of the emperor. Does the emperor have no face?Pei Chong is going to be unlucky!
That Pei Chong's face was as pale as paper, but in a blink of an eye, his younger sister already had a dragon descendant, as long as she gave birth to a boy, he would be the eldest son of the emperor, and maybe he would be the crown prince in the future. He is the uncle of the crown prince. Afraid of a ball!
He snorted coldly, "Just wait and see!"

After saying that, he waved his hands and left, a group of people shook their heads, such an idiot, even a noble concubine would cry to death.Looking at that appearance, I don't know that I am going to be unlucky!

Watching the man leave, Man Yue secretly said in her heart: "What a coincidence? Why does it look like you are deliberately seeking trouble? If so, then the imperial concubine is really stupid."

Thinking about it, I feel that the child in the woman's stomach is pitiful, and he can't live without doing evil!If people's minds are small, nothing good will happen.

Blessing Fushen, said: "Thank you, Mr. Li! Today is full moon and I have something to do, so I can't stay longer. I will let my younger brother come to pay my respects in the future."

"The Junjun's words are serious. It's not necessary to visit the door to thank you, but it's just that the road has been uneven. It's just that I have admired the Junjun's poems for a long time. When we meet today, can you write a poem as a souvenir?"

(End of this chapter)

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