Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 65 Visiting the Town God's Temple

Chapter 65 Visiting the Town God's Temple
Yang Manyue looked embarrassed.When she was in modern society, she heard from her teacher that the ancients had difficulty in traveling, and many people never left home for ten miles in their entire lives.At that time, I thought the teacher was exaggerating, but looking at Mrs. Chen, I suddenly felt that the teacher really did not deceive me! ! !

"Mother, where did you come from before? Have you never been to the Temple of the City God?"

Chen lowered her head and murmured: "My house is not far away, it's on the side of Daqi."

Yang Manyue saw that Chen's face was a little unnatural, so she didn't ask any more questions.In fact, she has always been a little curious about what Chen has experienced in the past, why she always avoids talking about the past?And it's been a long time, and I haven't seen Chen's family come here.

I wasn't born by her, but Mancang always belongs to their family, why don't you come and see it?

But Chen's evasion made Yang Manyue feel that she didn't want to bring up these things, so she didn't ask any further.

Seeing that her complexion was a little bit bad now, she smiled and said, "Mom, let's have a good time today. Mr. Wang gave Mancang a three-day vacation, so let's just stay in Ningbo for one night."

"That's a good feeling!"

Surprisingly, Mrs. Chen agreed, with a little expectation in her eyes, "I haven't been to the City God Temple, so I can't be regarded as a Ningbo native. Let's have a good time this time."


There was a burst of cheers, causing Mei Dayou to burst out laughing.

Talking and laughing all the way, and eating some dry food brought out when hungry, I am not lonely.Soon the boat arrived at Yingluo Village, which was the last stop.Looking at Huilan Bridge, Yang Manyue couldn't help but be filled with thoughts.

Waterways were underdeveloped in the old days, and people in Beilun had to go to Ningbo by waterway.Board the boat from Chaiqiao Lujiang River, pass by Xiapu Shanqian, Chenhua, Qingshui, Daqipaimen, Batou, Shiqiu, Xuyang, Xin'an, and finally disembark at Yingluo Village. This was the fastest way to get to Ningbo in the past.

This ancient river channel has been used for thousands of years, with a total length of more than 20 kilometers. The scenery along the way is fascinating. Even in modern times, you can get a glimpse of many ancient villages.

When Yang Manyue hadn't traveled through time, she liked to wander around these places.She is very interested in the stone bridges and ancient village buildings in this area.I have also imagined that if I could go back to the past and take a look at my hometown.

Now this wish has really come true, but she can't tell what it feels like.

There is joy in the melancholy, and there is a little regret in the joy, which is very complicated.

Yingluo Village is the end of this route. It is located next to the thousand-year-old Ashoka Temple, backed by the steep Yuwang Ridge, and fronted by the wide Yanhe River. The unique geographical location has brought prosperity to this village.

Coming down from the pier, I saw hawkers passing through it, and all kinds of yelling continued.Because most of the earliest people who lived here were surnamed Yang and Le, Huilan Bridge was also known as Yangle River Head.It was approaching noon, and the porters seemed to be in a hurry.

Goods from south to north are piled up at the head of Yangle River, and many villagers in Yingluo Village make a living by picking goods.It was almost lunch time, and their movements became more and more rapid.

As soon as Yang Manyue got off the boat, someone came to ask if they needed a porter, and their attitude was quite enthusiastic and sincere.This is a city with lush seas and rivers, and the prosperity of commerce can be reflected in this small village.

It's a pity that Yang Manyue didn't bring out all the monosodium glutamate this time, and only brought about twenty catties. After all, this thing is quite durable.It is only used as a wayfinding, and I don't want to memorize too much.Twenty catties is enough to open up the market.

Mei Dayou politely rejected the porter, but the porter was not annoyed, and said with a smile: "There is a gazebo by the Huilan Bridge, and there is a gazebo for Mr. Guan, which is for pedestrians to rest their feet. There are many stalls selling food, you can go there It’s not too late to go to Ningbo after having something to eat. You can also contact chariots and horses, and the cost is not expensive and affordable.”

Yang Manyue laughed when she heard this, "Uncle, you are good at doing business. Let me guess, the stall over there must be from Yingluo Village, and the driver may also be from here. Uncle, this is Feishui Don’t be an outsider at all!”

The brawny man laughed, "Young lady is so smart. We are all in the same village, so we all help each other! But little lady, big brother, you can rest assured that we are all good men in Yingluo Village, and we will never be deceitful It’s a good job, and the things are clean, and it will take some time to go to Ningbo, and I can’t stand without something to eat!”

Chen couldn't help laughing, saluted and said: "Thank you for this good man."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, you're all fellow villagers!"

After bidding farewell to this porter who knows how to do business, Yang Manyue and his party went to the gazebo as promised.As the porter said, there are many small stalls here, and the scene is extremely lively.

Yang Manyue seems to feel the demise of class here.Merchants in silk and satin, porters and pawns in bunts, and even scholars with feather fans and scarves all gather here, chatting with each other and eating local delicacies, which is very lively.

Geographical restrictions have narrowed the distance between people. On this waterway leading to Ningbo, class identity seems to be diluted.

The group found a seat and sat down, ordered some vegetable and meat glutinous rice balls, served some side dishes, and after hastily finished eating, they set out on the road again.I found a coachman and rented a car. The whip was raised, the mule blew a few times, and the car started slowly, bringing some wind to dry up the hot sweat from eating.

The driver was an old man in his fifties, obviously talkative.The ramblings reminded Yang Manyue of her "Brother" in her previous life.I wanted to laugh: in the first 500 years and the next 500 years, the drivers who drove people off were all talkative people!
"Oh, it's a good time to catch up!"

The coachman was driving the car while popularizing science, "See the road we are walking on? This is made by Mr. Shige who became the chief assistant and killed several elders! Oh, it cost a lot of money. It used to be To go to Ningbo, you have to cross Yuwangling, and it is difficult to go back and forth. Thanks to Mr. Shoufu, you still remember us old folks in your hometown! It’s the bloody Jinluan Palace, which confuses those bad pavilions who are against it. That's why the emperor approved, and allocated funds to dig mountains and pave roads, and this is the convenience we have now!"

Yang Manyue froze for a moment, then remembered that there was no way here before.In her memory, this tunnel was a product only after the founding of the country.Unexpectedly, the history of this time and space has changed, and even these details have changed.

Thinking about it again makes some sense.Nowadays, the country attaches great importance to sea trade, which has brought huge benefits to the country's finances. It is indeed inconvenient to go over mountains and mountains every time.Now it is much more convenient to dig a road through the mountain, from the port directly to Yingluo Village by water, and then by land.

Unexpectedly, that crazy old man is so strong, and it is no wonder that he is loved by the world.

The mule cart traveled leisurely all the way, and after a period of silence, he soon became dazzled.Ningbo at that time was more prosperous than Ningbo in history, with many merchants, including many Japanese, Korean, and even European merchants.

For a moment, Yang Manyue felt like he was in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Open and tolerant, this ancient country adjusted quickly after losing half of its country, and now it exudes new vitality!
His blood boiled slightly, he was proud of being a Ningbo native, and also proud of being born as a child of Huaxia.

If you want to sell MSG, the area around Chenghuang Temple is undoubtedly the best choice.

There are many shops here, and the food and foot shops are the most prosperous.And if the masters of the state government want to give some speeches, they will choose the Town God's Temple, which is an important place for publicity.Therefore, the prosperity of the ancient Town God's Temple far exceeded the imagination of modern people.

After walking for a long time, I finally arrived at the Temple of the City God. When I got out of the car, I felt a sense of solemnity and solemnity.

A huge stone tablet in the front door was erected in the 11th year of Zhengtong. This "Stele of Ningbo City God's Temple" records the past and glory of this city.The chiseled handwriting is vigorous and powerful, quite ancient.

Looking at the gate of the Town God's Temple again, the gate with three brass paved with red lacquer couch shows the dignity and solemnity of the Town God's Temple. Breathtaking.

And the flower arch composed of directional intersecting grids is a technique that is rarely found in later generations.This technique called flower arch is only found in eastern Zhejiang, and even in eastern Zhejiang, there are only a small number of individual ancient buildings in Ningbo, Fenghua, and Ninghai.

Now that she came to Daming, the flower arch was even more beautiful, which dazzled her a little.The flower arches of the later generations are like clouds, and the gold leaf and vermilion lacquer on the horns have long since disappeared, leaving only a bit of regret and bleakness.

Now that she finally got a glimpse of the ancient appearance of the Town God's Temple, she couldn't help but feel agitated, and she felt a little dizzy from the glittering golden light in the magnificence.

Look at the two exquisite wood carvings of Yunlong and Shuangshi Xizhu on the left and right gates, as well as the brick carvings of magpies, plum branches and butterfly love flowers on the brick walls on both sides, all of which are beautiful and exquisite; The two huge stone lions at the door made her even more excited.

This is a lost thing in later generations, and the current one is a counterfeit product that was put up later.Being able to see the legendary giant stone lion again made me feel excited.

There are a lot of pedestrians here, and it is very lively.

All kinds of juggling teams are performing hard like a competition.The servants in each store were also trying their best to attract customers. The crowds made her, a modern person, look a little sideways.

It is indeed the most prosperous area in Ningbo!
The more excited the eyes are, this kind of place is the best place to attract customers from all over the world. Should you be able to sell your MSG?
Mancang was already excitedly looking for the north, looking at those dough kneaders and sugar syrup artists, he shouted excitedly, "Sister, mother, brother Dayou, come quickly, come quickly, oh, it's amazing! !"

Yang Manyue and Chen Shi looked at each other and smiled knowingly.I took out a few copper coins and bought a noodle man for Mancang.The little guy got a noodle man and became even more excited.Poor child, this is the first time he has gotten a toy, so he is so happy that he needs no further mention.

Seeing someone buying candied haws, Yang Manyue went up to buy a few bunches.Mrs. Chen has grown so big, she has never eaten candied haws, including Mei Dayou.

The sugar that wraps the candied haws can't be made with maltose, it's a rarity for people like them!

(End of this chapter)

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