Doom Ray

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

A corner of the seat was cut off, and the corpse king was furious.He jumped off the throne directly and attacked and killed the three of them.

Contrary to the dead corpse king, the nearby zombies are slowly pushed away!This is the majesty of a king!Respect to the king!
"Be careful!" Huang Yang yelled, even though this corpse king didn't feel so oppressive to him, but the corpse king is a corpse king after all, and we can't tolerate a little peeping!

"You save people, I'll stop him!" After Wei Chen finished speaking, the ball of light in his hand flashed and met the corpse king.

"Okay!" Huang Yang and Huangfu Ling replied at the same time, now they want to save Wei Chen's parents in the shortest possible time, so as not to burden Wei Chen.

The two sides sprinted for a while!near!near!The physical fitness of both parties is very good, this short distance is quickly finished, and they are in contact!
"Huh!" The corpse king slapped out with a paw, the speed was so fast that the air was sucked out of the sound!However, where the hand was about to pass, a ball of light suddenly appeared!
"Chi!" "Roar!"

In the first-hand confrontation, Wei Chen burned a black scar on the corpse king's arm with a light ball!
"Roar~roar~roar~" Seeing that the corpse king was injured, the zombies below let out a weird roar.

"Roar!" The Corpse King was startled and angry, this time, his majesty was swept away!In the eyes of the corpses, the corpse king is invincible and invincible, but now he is injured!


"Look, the fight is on!" Lian Yingcai put down the binoculars and pointed in Wei Chen's direction.

Hearing this, everyone picked up binoculars one after another and started watching.

"It seems to have the upper hand!"

"Yes, there is hope!"

After seeing the battlefield, everyone gave Wei Chen a good evaluation.However, those who gave evaluations were all those who were in civilian positions on weekdays.And those people who have experienced many battles quickly saw the clues!
Wei Chen, I'm almost overwhelmed!
The corpse king has been tossing and turning, although Wei Chen's light ball made him a little embarrassed, but the rhythm of the battle is well in his hands.On the other hand, Wei Chen was just passively blocking.

"I can't win!" Wei Chen's pupils shrank, struggling to catch the corpse king's movements.Every time the corpse king swings, the muscles are like tight springs, containing great power!If the corpse king was not afraid of the light ball, he would have died thousands of times.
In this way, Wei Chen's defeat is only a matter of time.really--


not good!Wei Chen was startled, and accidentally, the hand that used the healing technique was caught by the corpse king!

Before he could control the ball of light to move in the air, the corpse king whipped Wei Chen hard.

"Hmm~" Before he could feel the pain, Wei Chen flew upside down, his body's self-protection made his eyes dark.

After finally calming down, the stomach that was pumped began to churn, and the blood gushed out of his throat uncontrollably.

"Wei Chen!"

"How to do?"

"Sniper! Sniper, hurry up!"

"Quiet, what a mess!" the old chief shouted, "He's not dead yet!"

The officers realized that they had lost their composure, and continued to observe the battle ahead, all sweating for Wei Chen in unison.

Once Wei Chen is defeated, they will have to pay a painful price before they can evacuate.And he has to face the endless pursuit of the corpse king.

The only solution is to make the corpses leaderless!
One blow seriously injured Wei Chen, the corpse king did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but ran backwards.There, there are two more!


Turning his head, the corpse king saw an unforgivable scene.These two humans dared to climb up to its altar!

At this moment, the two of Huang Yang are panting on the altar.Killing all the way, zombies continue to flow, and even some second-level zombies can haunt!

Fortunately, these zombies attach great importance to the concept of class. To them, this altar is like the dragon chair of an ancient emperor. Who dares to go up there?

"No, the Corpse King is here!" Huang Yang said anxiously, "Go quickly to Wei Chen's parents, I'll stop it!"

After saying that, Huang Yang stood on the altar, waiting for the arrival of the corpse king.However, it is no longer necessary!A yellow light rope wrapped around the corpse king's ankle, tripping the corpse king and staggering.

The corpse king turned his head, his green eyes were full of impatience!It looked at Wei Chen, and seemed to say: Since you want to die, I will grant you.


Suddenly there was a muffled sound from the corpse king's body, and then, on the corpse king's arms, blue scales turned out one after another!Each scale is about the size of a thumb, and there is no gap between the scales.The flesh on the fingers shrunk slightly, and the claws became longer and more terrifying!
this is?Everyone was startled, it was obvious that the corpse king was about to use his full strength!

The foot stepped on the ground, and the huge force caused the concrete floor to shatter directly!
"Fuck!" Before he could react, Wei Chen was directly kicked out.How to fight this?The gap in strength and speed suddenly became so large.

The corpse king continued to gallop over, and just as Wei Chen landed, it punched him up!
"Hey!" Many people who were paying attention to this battlefield turned their heads away one after another, not daring to look at what happened next.Especially those ability users who came to hold their thighs, seeing that the corpse king is so powerful, they all regretted coming.


A loud sound came from the battlefield, and the ground where the corpse king was located collapsed a lot!Dust flying.


Whether it's an officer, a sniper, or a soldier or a person with abilities, they all shook their heads involuntarily.

"It's a pity!" Lian Yingcai sighed, such a powerful person with special abilities lost his life.

The old chief put down the binoculars, frowned, and said, "Prepare to retreat."

"Yes!" The herald shouted subconsciously, but in the next second, he was stunned, pointing forward with a trembling hand, and tremblingly said:

"Chief. He is not dead!"

"What's not dead?" The old chief didn't react for a while.It wasn't until a moment later that he realized it, and hurriedly looked at where Wei Chen was.

At this moment, there was a brief silence in the entire battlefield!


One hand and two feet on the ground, this is what Wei Chen did to stabilize his body after falling.And the other hand was fighting against the corpse king, and they were fighting together!
There was still a trace of yellow light on Wei Chen's body.

Mimetic blessing!No, this is not a normal blessing, but five mimicry blessings in a row!
This was discovered by Wei Chen when he practiced at night that day. It turns out that in addition to the basic usage, mimicry can also be superimposed!
Yes, layer after layer is superimposed, and the power is also multiplied!It's a pity that the only fly in the ointment is that Wei Chen's body cannot withstand too many blessings, and can only be added five times at most.

Just one time is already extremely powerful, what is the concept of five times?
But even so, it can only be tied with the corpse king!

No, it should be said that even a tie is not considered, Wei Chen has only two flowers and two fruits in total.How many times can this crazy mimetic blessing be used?


Three more, and then did not save the manuscript. .Looks like I'll have to code all night.

Thanks to those students who voted for recommendation, newcomers don’t have regular readers, and it’s normal to have fewer votes.But for me, each one has a high gold content.

(End of this chapter)

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