Doom Ray

Chapter 70 How courageous!

Chapter 70 How courageous!

It is impossible not to disturb the dragon man with such a big movement of the crooked skull.

Ever since, a pair of golden vertical eyes opened.


A huge roar came from the cave, and even Wei Chen faintly heard a dragon cry!
"Hurry up!" Wei Chen was secretly startled, whether in books, myths, or human intuitive understanding, as long as it is related to dragons, they are all very powerful.

And the truth is the same!


Before the crooked skull took two or three steps forward, the dragon man suddenly appeared in front of it. Unlike other murlocs who attacked violently, this dragon man stretched out his hand, grabbed and folded his claws, and directly grabbed the crooked skull. Little by little.

"Heck!" The crooked skull screamed in horror, but soon, he was torn apart and only one head remained.For skeletons, there is no greater insult than this.

The crooked skull is paying the price for his blind actions.


Looking at the last head, the dragon man let out a soft roar, looked at the skull of the crooked skull with contempt, and slowly raised his feet, as if he wanted to let the crooked skull enjoy this feeling for a while longer.

Suddenly, the muscles on the dragon man's feet exploded!
"Boom!" The whole cave trembled.

"Hoho! Hoho!" The murlocs outside all looked sideways, but when they found out that it was the voice from the leader's room, they immediately felt relieved and went their separate ways.

"Huh?" The crooked skull looked at the dragon man who took two steps back, and let out a surprise in his mouth. Just now, the distance between that foot and it was less than one centimeter!
At that moment, death is so close!
"Roar?" Not only the skull with its head tilted, but the dragon man also looked at his leg in disbelief, where there was a striking wound with broken scales and blood flowing.How many years, how many years it has not felt this feeling——

It hurts!

"Catch up!" Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, he was on the verge of death!

Fortunately, we were on the road just now, as soon as Wei Chen found out that something was wrong, he started to condense the mimicry. Unlike the fish he made last time, after so many days of improvement, this time Wei Chen changed his method, instead of spending energy to make a skeleton , why not use ready-made ones?

So Wei Chen found a stone and began to add mimicry.There are countless things like stones, and their texture is hard, which is very suitable for use as a skeleton!
"Roar!" Seeing Wei Chen heaving a sigh of relief, the dragon man was furious, his majesty does not allow others to violate it!

Wei Chen narrowed his eyes, and the dragon man rushed towards him at an accelerated speed, but in his eyes, it was pitifully slow!
The gray elves are on the sidelines.


Leaning back slightly, he easily dodged the claw of the dragon man, and when Wei Chen was about to condense his mimicry to attack, he did not expect that the attack of the dragon man was a combo!
"Pa-ta." A missed hit, the Dragon Man immediately changed his hand, taking advantage of Wei Chen's lack of force, he grabbed Wei Chen's shining right hand!Then, with a tilt of the body, a kick of the foot, he directly bumped into it with his shoulder!

With the help of the gray elves, this attack also failed. Just when Wei Chen thought that the dragon man was short of manpower, the dragon man turned around and swung his tail over!
Triple hit!One punch, one shoulder, one tail!Flowing clouds and flowing water, without a trace of stagnation!


The tail twitched fiercely under Wei Chen's ribs, and the burning pain penetrated deep into his heart.But the Dragonman's fighting skills are strong, but it happened to meet such a ruthless person as Wei Chen!

Will Wei Chen be afraid of getting hurt?Obviously not!
The light on the forehead flashed continuously, and seven mimics were directly superimposed. At this moment, the dragon man was completely attached to Wei Chen, so Wei Chen was not polite, and he pushed his forehead, smashing the bridge of the dragon man's nose!

Rolling nosebleeds flowed out of the dragon man's nose, no longer caring about Wei Chen in front of him, the dragon man backed away quickly.How painful is it to be hit on the bridge of the nose like this?Anyway, dragon people hurt more than Wei Chen!

"That's how you know how to fight!" It's only been one round, if it wasn't for his rogue skills like healing, Wei Chen really didn't know how to fight it just now.

After all, in terms of fighting skills, Wei Chen has only learned one principle of breaking the opponent's balance and one technique of borrowing strength.

It turns out that every part of the body can be attacked!Looking at the dragon man covering the bridge of his nose, Wei Chen secretly thought, maybe he can do the same!
Just do it!

Wei Chen tiptoed to the ground and rushed up. He kept an eye out for it. After the first foot stepped out, when the second foot landed, he suddenly blessed himself with a mimetic.

For a while, the dragon man didn't get used to it at all!Who would have thought that there was such a big gap between the speed of the first step and the second step?


The fist with seven yellow glows hit the bridge of the dragon's nose again, and Wei Chen could clearly feel from his hand that the dragon's face was cracked!

After the physical body is strengthened again, Wei Chen can already bless the seven mimics without hurting the muscles, and the power of the fist is greatly enhanced!But the blow is not over yet!

Fist hits, Wei Chen is not addicted at all!
The toe with the yellow light added touched the ground again, and at this moment, the other hand was blessed by seven mimics!

"Boom!" The fist hit the dragon man's belly, making a thump sound like beating a drum.The whole body of the dragon man bowed down like a shrimp.


Wei Chen struck while the iron was hot, and quickly imitated his knees. Taking advantage of the moment when the dragon man bowed and lowered his head, his knees suddenly lifted up and bumped into them!Hit the dragon man on the bridge of the nose again!

This is also the last time!
No matter how strong the dragon man's face is, under Wei Chen's successive blows, he couldn't stand the test and was completely shattered.

"Should I go to the underworld before?" Wei Chen looked at the dying dragon man and suddenly thought.Wei Chen has never felt that he is very talented in some aspects.

The first time I learned the battle balance law from Xiaoli beside Chen Zhi. Later, when I was fighting Yan Yan, I learned to use my strength. The last time, when I was fighting against the corpse king, I secretly learned his unique skills. Finally, there is this poor dragon man.

Almost every time, it is learning and selling now!

"That's good, it's the right year!" Wei Chen thought optimistically that this kind of combat talent would really be buried in a peaceful age.


"Hoo hoo hoo!"

The murlocs, who finally realized something was wrong, began to rush over.

"Let's go!" Seeing the murlocs coming continuously through the gray elves, Wei Chen flinched a little.

There are too many, and it is estimated that they will not be able to kill them all!

But before leaving, we still need to clean up the battlefield first.

"This thing is Dragon Ball!" Looking at the ball flying in the air, Wei Chen said: "Take it!"

It would be a fool not to take something good!But apart from this bead, there is nothing to take away here. As for the keel, Wei Chen picked a few by hand.

"Heck heck!"

"Hmm! And you!" If the crooked skull hadn't made a sound, Wei Chen would have really forgotten about it.

"Crack! Crack!"

"What's wrong?" Wei Chen clamped the crooked skull's head under his arm, but who would have thought that the skull suddenly yelled.

"Heck!" The crooked skull broke away from Wei Chen's hand and picked up a keel.

Now, Wei Chen understands, no wonder this guy is so brave to come here!He even came to take the keel to make his body!Fortunately, Wei Chen happened to follow him this time.

"Hurry up!" Wei Chen angrily gave Tiltou a chance, put the dragon ball close to his body, and went to the entrance of the cave to delay the time for Tilthead Skull.

Picking up a keel at random, Wei Chen licked his lower lip, wondering how effective it would be to hit someone with this thing?

Um, no, it should be fishing!

Therefore, Wei Chen waved the keel, and swept across a fish in the head.

This chapter makes two points. .Ask for a recommendation.

(End of this chapter)

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