Doom Ray

Chapter 72 The corpse king has changed!

Chapter 72 The corpse king has changed!

"It's okay, it's normal." The corpse king said eloquently, "It won't be hot if you wrap it in something."

Wei Chen nodded, and randomly found two broken stones on the ground to support the beads.

"Bring it to me for research!"

"it is good!"

So, Wei Chen carried the beads and walked towards the palace, and the crooked skull behind him followed for some reason.What surprised Wei Chen the most was that when entering the castle, the crooked skull didn't show fear like before.

He even followed Wei Chen into the castle!

"Is the old corpse king enlightened?" Wei Chen murmured suspiciously.

Entering the castle this time, I didn't want to walk for a long time in the corridor like last time, but I just walked through room [-] and arrived at the stone room where the old corpse king stayed.

"This thing is good!" Seeing the crimson dragon ball, the old corpse king's green eyes kept beating, "Put it on the altar!"

Although he didn't know what the old corpse king wanted this thing for, Wei Chen followed suit.The protective cover had been removed a long time ago, and Wei Chen easily walked onto the red altar.

"Huh? What's wrong with this guy?"

Seeing that the old corpse king was shaking with excitement, Wei Chen couldn't help feeling puzzled.All along, in his feeling, the old corpse king has a very calm and wise feeling besides being playful.

Looking down, he saw that there seemed to be a depression on the altar, so Wei Chen put the dragon ball in it.

The bead just fell into this pit, as if it had been designed long ago.

The moment the beads were put into the altar, the old corpse king's green eyes suddenly widened, and the light flashed!

However, the next second, the old corpse king stayed there motionless as if the pause button had been pressed.

"What's wrong?" Wei Chen asked softly.


Suddenly, the old corpse king smiled, and his voice seemed no longer friendly.The already wrinkled and gray face instantly became more ferocious!

"Ah! No effect! No effect!"

The next moment, the old corpse king seemed to be crazy, his two sharp claws tightly grasped the ground, and shouted: "No! It's still not possible."

"What happened?" Wei Chen frowned, looking at it, it seemed that it was not a trivial matter.However, what Wei Chen didn't expect was that the next moment, the old corpse king's hand violently hit Wei Chen!
"Since it's useless, what do you want!"


Wei Chen, who didn't react at all, was pulled from the altar!Half of the face had been ripped out of flesh, revealing rows of horrible gums!

Seeing that the blow didn't seem to kill Wei Chen, the old corpse king swung his other claw again, and at the same time, layers of white mist wrapped the corpse king's sharp claws.

"Waste my efforts! Go to hell!"

Wei Chen, who flew down from the altar, couldn't reach him with the distance between the corpse king's hands, but with the blessing of the white mist, the distance was naturally filled by the white mist!

Stones splashed and dust flew.

Just when Wei Chen thought he was going to die here, the crooked skull suddenly stepped in!

The crooked skull's dragon claws were slightly opened, its center of gravity was lowered, and its whole body was on guard against the old corpse king.

"You trash, dare to help him!" The old corpse king was startled and angry when he saw the crooked skull's foot, which was created by it to serve it!

Now, dare to throw a fist to resist!Just like a lowly commoner punching the emperor with his fist, how could this old corpse king not be angry!
"Don't think you dare to fight against me just because you got a keel!"

After saying that, a cloud of mist gathered in the old corpse king's hands, and he patted down on the crooked skull.

In fact, these skeleton old corpse kings can be managed, but it just so happens that the power of the old corpse king cannot interfere or even touch what the dragon left behind!

Including dragon bones and dragon balls, otherwise it would have taken it by itself, so why set up such a big game to fool Wei Chen?

With a muffled sound, the huge force brought by Yunwu's palm directly smashed the feet of the crooked skull into the stone!
"Heck!" The tilted-headed skeleton roared!The upper body is constantly exerting force, trying to pull myself out, but it can't be done!The card owner's feet make it impossible to use all his strength.

"Huh!" The old corpse king snorted coldly, condensed the cloud and mist again, and patted Wei Chen, it would not forget its target.

But at this moment, Wei Chen stared blankly in place with blank eyes.

Played again!

When he first arrived at the castle, Wei Chen really didn't believe in the corpse king, but he didn't expect the old corpse king to be very patient, and the layout was so big!It started when he participated in the crusade against the corpse king for the first time!

First he acted, letting himself fall into a negative emotion, and then came here by accident, and the old corpse king said very frankly that this was to hone himself.

In the end, afraid that Wei Chen would not believe it, he specially helped him untie the knot in his heart about Wei Qingcheng!When Wei Chen fell into joy again, he pretended that Wei Chen was his apprentice.

Coupled with the confusion along the way, the environment, the test of the guards, and the test of the corridor, he hypnotized Wei Chen step by step. Later, he was worried that Wei Chen would not be able to beat the dragon man, so he specially taught him and let the guards accompany him to practice.

Of course, there were mistakes during the period, but they were all fooled by the cynical character of the old corpse king.

"I'm just an idiot." Regardless of the pain on his face, Wei Chen felt a pain in his chest.

Who is to blame?Who can blame this?You can only blame yourself for being stupid!
People who are not of my race must have a different heart, and they don't understand such a simple truth.What's more, the emergence of zombies is originally an enemy of human beings, but they foolishly believe in their enemies!

At the end of the day, Wei Chen is still too young. If Chen Zhi, Li Wenbo, or Ou Lao and the old chief executive are such refined characters, even if they can't see the plan of the old corpse king, they won't be easily rejected. Set up.

"How many times has this happened?" Thinking about his own experience, Wei Chen realized that this is how he came here, is he used to it?
Wei Chen closed his eyes, feeling very reconciled in his heart. It was fine before, but now that he has the strength, it is still the same. Scenes from the past once again emerged in his mind.


The huge palm slapped it, and the wall of the stone room didn't even have time for cracks to appear, and it exploded directly!

"Heck!" The crooked skull screamed, looking worriedly at where Wei Chen was, but unfortunately there was only flying lime.

Since the keel was installed, it felt much more relaxed, but every time it saw Wei Chen, it felt an inexplicable sense of indebtedness.

A conscience seemed to be brought to Tietou along with the keel.


Suddenly, the crooked skull felt a strange sense of fear, and the skeleton trembled slightly!

The old corpse king also felt that something was wrong, his mouth was closed tightly, his green eyes were flustered, he quickly stood up from the altar, his feet exploded, and he jumped off the altar, his hands were condensed with mist.

It seems that killing Weichen is urgent!

Just as the old corpse king was jumping in mid-air, a trace of red lines fluttered in vain in the white mist formed by lime powder.

The yellow silk threads invisible to the naked eye began to be mobilized crazily!

Don't feel awkward, I have laid a lot of groundwork in front of me~~~hohoho~
(End of this chapter)

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