Doom Ray

Chapter 88 Underground Organization

Chapter 88 Underground Organization
Lu Hongyi's blood was boiling with enthusiasm, and he didn't feel that the boss was about to be crushed by him.

"I'm going to help!" As he said, Lu Hongyi picked up the long knife placed beside him, opened the door, and was about to get out of the car.Zhang Zhen immediately stopped him.

"Are you going to be a burden?" Zhang Zhen asked with his eyes wide open, "How many beasts can you deal with at the same time with your strength?"

"This..." Lu Hongyi was dumbfounded, watching Wei Chen kill beasts as easily as chopping melons and vegetables, it would always give people the illusion that these beasts are easy to deal with.

"Sit well!" Zhang Zhen's face was still pale, but he did not lose the majesty of the captain when he said these words, "I let you not do your job normally, and if you don't improve your strength, you can only be a bench now!"

Lu Hongyi nodded depressedly, but he didn't know that Zhang Zhen was scolding himself.

"The herd has retreated!"

The boss who was always paying attention to Wei Chen suddenly shouted, these beasts are not zombies, they have their own emotions, they will be afraid, they will be afraid, after Wei Chen killed dozens of companions, these beasts ran away.

"The herd is gone! The herd is gone!" the boss turned his head and shouted in the carriage, bringing good news to the guys, "We are saved!"


A few guys still didn't believe it, and followed the example of the previous boss, poking their heads into the front car.Immediately, everyone was overjoyed. In front of the car window, there were only beast corpses all over the ground, and a young man who was walking towards here.


"This guy is awesome!"

"Yes, bully!"

After lamenting Wei Chen, the man sent the news back to the carriage, and suddenly, the carriage erupted!

"It's done!" Looking at the herd of beasts going away, Wei Chen also heaved a sigh of relief. These guys are much harder to fight than zombies, especially the fur of these beasts is smooth and hard, and it is difficult for the tip of the keel to penetrate.

"I have to find a chance to polish it." Wei Chen said.

Walking into the truck and hearing the cheers in the car, Wei Chen ignored it, turned his head, and walked in another direction, where Xu Jie was busy collecting crystals from zombie corpses.

"Wait, sir!"

Before he had taken two steps, a figure ran down from the car, a relatively strong man.

"Sir!" Zhang Zhen ran up to Wei Chen and said, "Don't leave, sir, I have something to say."

Wei Chen stopped, the big man ran over, and a thin figure got out of the car together.

"Hello, my name is Zhang Zhen." Zhang Zhen walked up to Wei Chen and bowed to him. Lu Hongyi followed and followed Zhang Zhen and bowed to Wei Chen as well.

"My name is Lu Hongyi."

Wei Chen nodded and said, "Wei Chen."

"Huh~" Zhang Zhen heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Wei Chen report his name, and asked cautiously, "Is there no place for you, sir?"

Where?Wei Chen shook his head, he couldn't get into those lines of defense at all, and he couldn't take them down by force. The creatures behind the scenes could take all human beings as hostages, so Wei Chen didn't dare to take risks.This has led to the fact that currently Wei Chen can only wander outside the defense line, taking care of whatever happens.

"Then I wonder if Mr. Do you know that there are some underground organizations outside the line of defense?"

"Underground organization?" Wei Chen's eyes lit up, and he understood immediately.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. Naturally, some people will spontaneously organize a group of people to do some small tricks to fight wits and courage with the creatures behind the scenes.

"Yes, the underground organization is huge, and there are every line of defense. If Mr. Wei doesn't have a place to stay for supplies, he can go there." After speaking, Zhang Zhen took out a very crude blueprint and continued: "This is the organization's plan." Distribution locations, everyone will rely on Mister a lot in the future!"

Zhang Zhen clasped his fists with great emotion. It is not that there are no free people in the underground organization, but it is estimated that those people combined are not enough for Wei Chen to deal with with one hand.This is the premise that Wei Chen didn't use the red mist to erupt.

Before and after Yunzhong, the gap is so big!

"Okay!" Wei Chen took the blueprint and nodded happily. He just needed a place like this, otherwise he would inevitably have some negative emotions in these deserted places, and the logistics would not be guaranteed.

At this moment, Lu Hongyi suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "Sir, can I go with you?"

"Hongyi! Shut up." Zhang Zhen scolded.But Lu Hongyi continued to talk.

"Just let me help you, take the burden, run errands, whatever, take me with you!"

"No need, I already have one of them." Wei Chen refused, he was not familiar with these people, besides, there was already a follower, Xu Jie.Of course, the underground organization can still go and have a look. Even if there is a trap, Wei Chen can easily escape with his strength.

Hearing Wei Chen's refusal, Lu Hongyi looked ashamed, and Zhang Zhen patted him on the shoulder to express his comfort.


"But what!" As soon as the voice changed, Lu Hongyi immediately recovered his spirit.

"Lead us the way." Wei Chen nodded and said, "I want to go to the underground organization now."

"Okay!" Zhang Zhen was overjoyed, but in the next second, his face became bitter again, "But the car broke down."

"Just lead the way, the car doesn't matter." Wei Chen didn't mind whether he took a car or not. He just read the simple blueprint. If Wei Chen used this to find an organization, it would probably be quite difficult!

"Well then, I'll go and settle down with the big bosses." Zhang Zhen suggested.

Wei Chen nodded, Xu Jie happened to be digging spars there, and this time just called them over.


At the same time, inside the last line of defense, in an unremarkable basement, a group of people were gathering.

"I got it! This video was intercepted by us!" A teenager sat in front of a computer and said excitedly.

"Hey, what video, is it that important?" A bald old man turned his head and asked.

The boy nodded, turned sideways, pointed at the screen and said, "See, encryption level S!"

"Really! It's a great achievement!" The old man stared, and quickly got up and walked to the side of the boy, "What's the content? Wait, I'll call everyone!"

The boy nodded excitedly. It was a great achievement for him to intercept such an important video!These people are underground organizations hidden in the last line of defense, and they are also the leaders of all organizations!

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. This group of people has been hiding in the last line of defense. It has been operating for more than half a year and has not been discovered so far. This situation is mainly due to the large number of people, how many people in a gathering place ?The screen that the creature behind the scenes was staring at was probably densely covered with red dots.


After a while, there was a burst of noisy footsteps, which seemed very abrupt in this dark underground.

"Here we come!" The old man took the lead, followed by two young men, a man and a woman. There was no light on the ground, and his face could not be seen clearly, but the man exuded a sense of majesty.

"Xiaobai, is it really S-level?" The young man asked in a deep voice.

"Boss, look!" Xiaobai proudly pointed to a video file on the desktop, with an 'S' marked below it.

The young man nodded. Although he didn't say anything, if there was light here, his face would be full of excitement.Because this is the most advanced intelligence they have ever captured!

"Hurry up and take a look!" The old man said impatiently.

Xiaobai nodded, and the mouse was about to open the file. Suddenly, the young man hurriedly shouted: "Wait!"

"I'll block the external signals first!" The young man just finished speaking, a trace of red mist emerged from his body!

Seed level!
In the expectant eyes of others, a black mass spread out under the young man's feet, filling up the entire basement in an instant.

"Haha! Free!" Xiaobai shouted happily. With the boss's ability, all external information will be cut off, that is to say, the positioning function of the collar is useless.

"Xiaobai, hurry up, there is not much time!" The young man said anxiously, the state of red mist erupting could not last for too long.

"it is good!"

Immediately, the file was opened.

Everyone's eyes widened, for fear of missing a frame.Files marked with 'S' must not be that simple!
On the screen, there was a shake at first, and after it stabilized, everyone realized that this was a battlefield, and the two sides fighting were both zombies and wild beasts!

"Okay! Love to hear and see!" Seeing this, the old man shouted hello.

Then, the screen changed, and a huge skeleton appeared in the distance, brandishing an epee, killing a path of blood.

"Could this be a new type of zombie?" The young woman asked, but she felt that her statement was a bit wrong when she saw the guy killing people without distinction.

Just when everyone was wondering about this, Xiaobai suddenly stood up and shouted excitedly: "Look! There is a person behind that skeleton!"

people?Just when the three of them were about to take a closer look, the screen started to shake again.

"The person filming is also fighting, Xiaobai, go forward!" The young man said, "This video should be related to the person Xiaobai said!"

Sure enough, as the video fast-forwarded, a big battle unfolded in front of everyone, whether it was the young man Yunzhong, Xiaobai, or the old man, at this moment, his whole body was boiling!

Soon, the video ended, and the time for the young man's red mist to erupt also arrived. Everything returned to tranquility, but the four people present could no longer calm down.

"He is stronger than me." The voice of the young man echoed in the basement, "He is our hope!"


Thanks to Brother Huibai for his character creativity, don't worry about others, they will appear one after another.

Then, ask for a recommendation ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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