The novel world of crossing

Chapter 61 You gave him the poison to drink

Chapter 61 You gave him the poison to drink
Although he was extremely displeased with the higher-ups in his heart, Ji Shi dared not say anything about Su Fei's problem. As long as there was a glimmer of hope, Ji Shi would protect the safety of his clansmen. Besides, this issue was not an important secret. This is a question that three-year-olds know.

Ji Shidao: "Auxiliary brain is a kind of micro-biological computer, which is a by-product of our research on life-prolonging genetic fluid. After injecting this micro-biological computer into the body, the micro-biological computer will replace the brain to think and calculate many complicated problems, so we call it For the sub-brain, everyone on our planet will be required to inject the sub-brain when they reach the age of 18. The sub-brain is divided into intelligent and fighting types. Each of us is proud to be a researcher. Those who are willing to use their brains will choose the combat-type sub-brain. The general soldiers are people who inject the combat-type sub-brain. Such people who do not want to use their brains are only qualified to be soldiers."

Said that in the end Ji Shi still added his own point of view full of contempt.

Su Fei also figured out why the soldiers on the first basement level were so different from those on the second basement level.The reason is that the sub-brain is different. The auxiliary computer of the sub-brain has penetrated into every aspect of the life of aliens. Although it is extensive, it is not an exaggeration to say that this thing is the most important weapon of aliens in Su Fei's view. Su Fei kept the vice brain in mind.

Seeing that Ji Shi was very cooperative, Su Fei asked the question he wanted to ask the most: "Where is your alien's longevity gene liquid?"

Ji Shi was shocked. Compared with the vice brain, Ji Shi's race is more concerned and proud of the life extension gene liquid. After generations of hard research, they have now been able to produce the life extension gene liquid that increases life expectancy by 500 years.

Seeing Su Fei's solemn expression, Ji Shi suddenly had a thought in his heart that he also thought was absurd: This human being attacked here because of the life-prolonging gene liquid, right?

But immediately, Ji Shi felt that this conjecture was too scary, because they had never come into contact with people on this planet, and the other party would not know that they were best at life-prolonging gene fluid.

For the sake of the clansman, Su Fei had to answer the question, Ji Shi sighed and broke the jar and said: "There are in the room."

Su Fei said: "The one that prolongs life by 500 years?"

Ji Shi said: "Yes, this room is a research room. In order to better study the life-extending gene liquid, samples of each life-extending gene liquid are needed. The top-grade life-extending gene liquid that increases the lifespan by 500 years also has samples in it."

Su Fei's eyes were brightly folded, and James and Rafael, who was next to him and brought back the ammunition, couldn't control their breaths. Think about how much you can do if you increase your lifespan from a maximum of 100 years to 500 years. Think about it. It's all very exciting.

Su Fei continued to ask: "How many genetic fluids are there in the room that can prolong life by 500 years?"

Ji Shi said: "Not many, there are only a few dozen bottles, but there are quite a few genetic fluids that increase the lifespan by 200 years, there are hundreds of bottles."

Su Fei felt relieved, this way he could give everyone in the team a bottle, if there was less, he would let several people in the team die in accidents.

"What are you still doing? Blast the door open!"

Shouted by Su Fei, Raphael immediately returned to reality from the excitement, pulled out the explosives and began to blow up the door.

The sound of "boom boom boom" sounded from time to time, and it was deafening in this closed underground, but Su Fei, James and Raphael didn't care about it, they just looked at the door that was cracked bit by bit with joy.

Finally, with the detonation of the sixth detonator, the gate was blown open.

Raphael and James rushed in like wolves and tigers. Su Fei looked at Ji Shi and all the aliens expressionlessly, and then walked in through the blasted door.

At this moment, James had impatiently pointed his gun at the six people in the room, and shouted: "Where is the longevity gene fluid? Say, where, or I will shoot if you don't tell me."

After speaking, James also opened the safety of the gun and was about to shoot. Raphael stopped him and said, "Idiot, don't get excited, don't shoot yet, you should give them a chance to talk."

Only then did James calm down, and fired a shot at the feet of the six people. A hole the size of a finger appeared at the feet of several people. James said again: "Where is the longevity gene liquid?"

The six alien researchers were trembling, and one of them pointed to a glass cabinet and said, "There..."

James walked over, didn't see the door of the glass cabinet, so he smashed it with the butt of his gun, but unfortunately he didn't break it open, he didn't want to continue to use bombs, so he pulled the alien researcher who could speak Terran language over, James said: "Close the door Open."

The alien researcher looked at James, then at Raphael who was holding a gun, and opened the cabinet door helplessly.

Looking at the small bottles inside and the incomprehensible alien text written on them, James was a little confused, and pointed the gun at the alien researcher who could speak Terran language again.

"Which one is the genetic fluid that prolongs life by 500 years?"

The alien researcher pointed to the top layer of the cabinet, hesitated and said, "This, but you... can't use this thing."

The last three words of alien were heard in a very low voice, and only Su Fei, who kept calm all the time, heard it. After the alien researcher pointed out the 500-year gene life-extending liquid, the excited James grabbed a bottle, pulled off the cap, and filled it. After entering, the alien researchers did not dare to stop, and the voice of the last three words became weak.

Su Fei heard it, frowned, and looked at James carefully.

After drinking the life extension gene liquid, James didn't even let go of the last drop. After confirming that the liquid in the bottle was clean, he put down the bottle, licked his lips and said, his eyes lit up and he couldn't believe it: "I've got 500 more years of life? It doesn't taste like much, but it feels good!"

Just after saying this, James suddenly screamed while covering his stomach. Abnormal black spots appeared on his originally dark skin, and white foam began to spit out of his mouth.

This is poisoned!Both Su Fei and Raphael recognized this situation, and Raphael pointed his gun at the alien researcher: "Son of a bitch, you gave him the poison to drink, you want to die!"

The alien researcher hurriedly raised his hand and said: "I don't. I have already said that you can't drink this life-extending gene liquid. Different races have different gene arrangements. We can extend life. You may be poison."

Rafael shouted: "Why didn't you say that just now, you intentionally poisoned my companion to death!"

The alien researcher exclaimed aggrievedly: "I said it."

James had stopped screaming and started moaning, looking like he was in pain.

Raphael took a look at James and found that his physical condition was already very bad.

(End of this chapter)

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