The novel world of crossing

Chapter 68 Porgy's Nervousness

Chapter 68 Porgy's Nervousness

This is Su Fei's special request to renovate Ouyang Yaya for aliens to live in.

When aliens come to the alien space, they basically can’t figure it out in Suya City. Anywhere in the alien space, as long as Su Fei is willing, he can sense it. The defense system of Suya City can also restrict the aliens to death. .

Back then when skilled craftsmen designed and manufactured the floating city, they designed various methods of defense and counterattack, including various formations, external siege methods, and internal individual attack methods, etc. Unfortunately, these all require energy, and coal is used to generate electricity day and night. Keep replenishing energy, maybe an attack on Suya City can break out once every three months.

The same is true for the alien space, which needs some kind of energy derived from planting. Without energy, Su Fei may not even be able to teleport in the alien space.

Back then there were few people in the alien space, so Ouyang Yaya didn’t use Suya City’s defensive countermeasures. Now that there are a group of aliens who can be said to be captives, some means are needed. Therefore, Ouyang Yaya clicked on the control scroll of Suya City. After a few clicks, the four models emerged from the ground, and then gradually grew larger. Now they stand in four directions of Suya City, similar to arrow towers, but they are automated, and more powerful than arrows, they can radiate the entire Suya City.

At present, it is just a decoration, without energy, but after three months, if the aliens are dishonest, there will definitely be lightning falling from the sky to beat them into ashes.

Three months is the energy accumulation period of Suya City. During these three months, Su Fei and Ouyang Yaya need to be careful, but there is a goddess watching all the time, so it is not a big problem.

As soon as Su Fei appeared, someone reported to Poggy, and Poggy soon came to Su Fei, knelt down on the ground, and said very reverently: "Hello, respected master."

This Boggy is very practical, knowing that his life is in Su Fei's hands, he immediately lost his morals, and knelt and licked Su Fei. In fact, Boggy's race also taught how to be captured by aliens. The priority is to save their lives and wait for rescue, but after seeing the space channel, Porgy doubts whether their race can find them.

Su Fei was very satisfied with Poji's attitude, nodded and said: "Get up, tell me the name and situation of your race first, and then if you have other needs, tell the goddess, and I will try my best to satisfy you."

Porgy is overjoyed, as expected, kneeling and licking can get benefits. Porgy briefly talked about the situation of the race. They call themselves "Chuan" instead of human beings. The original Chuan has a short life span of less than 30 years, so They yearn for a long life. After 3 years of development, Chuan has now produced a top-grade genetic fluid that can prolong life by 500 years. Every new born Chuan will be injected with genetic fluid that can prolong life by 100 years, but Chuan is still very dissatisfied. To change the fact that Chuan was born with a lifespan of less than 30 years, so their development has gone to an extreme, but in the process they have obtained good by-products. When there are more by-products, they are the most powerful. Attack weapon biological airships have appeared, and products such as vice brains are also like this.

Su Fei understood what he heard, but he still called people according to his habit, adding the word "人" after "Chuan", and called the other party "Sichuan people", even though the other party was not a human being.

Accompanied by Poji, Su Fei took a tour of this courtyard. There are not many Sichuan people here, only 10. Although Sichuan people yearn to develop longer-lived gene fluids, the injections are biased towards research. The intelligence type, but it is not possible to become a researcher with the intelligent subbrain, and there are still many things to learn. It is definitely not only the intelligent subbrain that can study the life-prolonging gene fluid, so the six original researchers of Porgy need help , and barely selected 4 among ordinary Sichuanese.

Ten people live in twenty wooden houses, of course there is a lot of free space. In fact, ten people are crowded into one wooden house, and the other nineteen rooms are filled with equipment from the underground base.

Su Fei didn't understand these research equipment, but just glanced at it and found that the mental outlook of the Sichuanese was not bad, and his attitude towards him was respectful, at least on the surface.

After reading it, Su Fei asked Poggy: "When will the life-extending gene liquid I want that I can use be made?"

Porgy was a little nervous. He thought that Su Fei was an aborigine on that planet. They had collected the genes of the aborigines on that planet and studied them. They thought that they could use the technology of the Sichuanese to improve it and make a life-extending gene that the aborigines could use. Although it was difficult, he should be able to overcome it if he worked hard, but later he realized that Su Fei was not an aborigine at all, and also belonged to aliens. Although he was also a human being, human beings were different from human beings. After tens of millions of years of development, I feel that humans have strong adaptability and evolved into humans. Some humans evolved from monkeys, and monkeys are different from monkeys. Sun Wukong is also a monkey. The humans he evolved into are definitely different from the humans evolved from ordinary monkeys .

If all things go back to the source, everything is born from nothing, if the physical creature goes back to the source, it starts from a cell.But when this granule cell develops to a certain extent, it can no longer change from the most primitive cell, and at this time it is another creature, and tracing back to the source of human beings to extend life cannot be traced back to the original cell, only to The last evolution, from the species before humans became humans, began to extend the lifespan of humans. If humans were transformed from monkeys, and if monkeys were transformed from ancient snails, then the gene targeted by the gene fluid is actually the gene of the monkey, not the gene of the monkey. Targeting the genes of ancient snails.

Sichuan people have studied life-prolonging genes for tens of thousands of years, and they deeply know that the previous form of a species is the biggest factor affecting lifespan. Therefore, Boji is a little nervous. He is afraid that Su Fei's previous form is the worst one. Liquid will not achieve the desired effect of Su Fei.

But you have to check Su Fei's genes first to see the situation. I hope God bless him, but he still has more than 300 years of life.

Porgy prayed anxiously in his heart, but there was no anxious expression on his face: "Okay, respected master, I hope I can take some of your noble hair."

Su Fei was blown away by Boji, who could talk a lot more than Su Wushuang, but this person was always a forced captive, not as caring as Su Wushuang.

He took out a piece of hair and handed it to Poggy. Poggy carefully marked it and put it away, and then told Su Fei that he needs different genes for testing, preferably people who are close to Su Fei and people who are far away from the blood relationship. .

Su Fei nodded in agreement, and didn't feel anything wrong.

Relaxing in the alien space for a few days, Su Fei took Ouyang Yaya as the coordinate and appeared in Ouyang Yaya's small company.

(End of this chapter)

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