Chapter 109 Broken Godhead
Looking at the silver crystal with struggling eyes, finally, Gu Yuena stretched out her huge dragon claws and held her godhead.

As if making up her mind, Gu Yuena tightened her dragon claws hard, and under the great force of the silver dragon claws, the silver crystal shattered.

Following the shattering of the silver crystal, an indescribably lofty force surged out of the silver crystal in an instant.And along with the outflow of this power, bursts of storms set off in the silver different space.

And at the moment when the silver crystal shattered, Gu Yuena's mouth overflowed with a trace of silvery blood.Swallowing the blood forcibly, the huge silver dragon turned into a human form and meditated cross-legged in this different space.

It has to be said that the human body is indeed more suitable for cultivation than other heterogeneous bodies.


Wuhun City, in the hotel.After seeing the majestic giant city in the distance, for some reason, Ye Feng felt a familiar feeling in his heart.

It's as if I've seen it myself...

Noticing that he just accidentally saw the suspicious look in Qian Renxue's eyes, Ye Feng also understood that he had exposed a little this time.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Ye Feng thought about it.

"Ouch!" Holding his head, Ye Feng seemed to be unable to stand still, and put his arms around Qian Renxue's willow waist, which could not be grasped.

Under Qian Renxue's flustered eyes, Ye Feng said weakly: "Sister Xue, my head hurts~"

In fact, Ye Feng is not lying, but it is not as exaggerated as he acted.

When he saw the huge city, his head really throbbed and he was a little swollen.It seems to recall something, but there is nothing in my mind.

"What's the matter? I'll help you go to bed and rest first." Seeing Ye Feng's expression of unbearable pain, Qian Renxue said with some distress.

As for the suspicion that she was going to ask just now, she had already thrown it out of the blue.

"Okay." Placing his head on Qian Renxue's fragrant shoulder, smelling the faint fragrance of her body, Ye Feng was a little fascinated.

Turning his head to look at Qian Renxue's perfect profile, Ye Feng was glad that it was Qian Renxue who saved him in the arena, not anyone else.

Speaking of the arena, Ye Feng couldn't help thinking of those lovely children.When Ye Feng was 12 years old, he used part of the power of the Prince's Mansion to destroy the arena. Of course, the main attack was Ye Feng's Qianfeng Chamber of Commerce.

Originally, Ye Feng planned to wait for himself to accumulate strength before making a move, but the person who secretly monitored the arena told Ye Feng that this arena had abducted and sold more than 500 children in various places, and planned to collect [-] children to be sent to the life-and-death competition .

Hearing the news, Ye Feng couldn't remain indifferent.From the bottom of his heart, he had a deep disgust for the traffickers who abducted and trafficked children.

Therefore, he used the power of a part of the Prince's Mansion to destroy it.Of course, Ye Feng also took care of the beginning and end, making this matter another achievement of Qian Renxue.

As for the abducted children, those who can find their families will be sent back, and those who cannot be found will be raised by the Qianfeng Chamber of Commerce. Anyway, they are just children.

Lie on the bed supported by Qian Renxue, just as Qian Renxue was about to get up, Ye Feng suddenly pulled Qian Renxue onto him with his right hand.

The faint hot air blew on Qian Renxue's sensitive neck, which made Qian Renxue, who was calm in the situation, blush a little.

"Don't you have a headache, why don't you take a good rest?" Without any resistance, Qian Renxue let Ye Feng hold her in his arms, and just said softly.

"Holding you is the best rest." Smiling, Ye Feng's soul power circulated, subconsciously wanting to summon the little devil to help the two of them take off their boots, but suddenly it sounded that he couldn't summon the little devil anymore.

However, what Ye Feng did not expect was that two familiar figures suddenly appeared in front of him while his soul power was flowing gently.

The familiar helped the two of them take off their boots, the little devil stood up and stood by not far away, but was suddenly taken back by Ye Feng.

The soul power circulated again, the familiar little devil reappeared, disappeared again, and reappeared again. Ye Feng's face was full of excitement.

The feeling of not being able to summon demons just now really made Ye Feng feel terrible, but now he suddenly found that he could summon demons again, which made Ye Feng feel a little lost.

Seeing Ye Feng excitedly summoning demons continuously, Qian Renxue smiled dotingly.Xiao Feng was able to summon demons, so she was naturally happy for him.

God knows how distressed she was when she saw Xiaofeng's loss just now, now that Xiaofeng's martial spirit has finally returned to normal, then she can relax.

Not only tried the little devil, but also tried to summon other demons after discovering that the Book of Ten Thousand Demons could be summoned.Of course, most of them just use their mental power to connect a little bit, and it's fine if they feel that they can be summoned.

After all, this hotel is its own property.

However, there was a problem when summoning the dark phantom on the last page of the Book of Myriad Demons.

Feeling the soul power flowing out of the body like a torrent of rivers, but there is no sign of the dark phantom appearing at all, Ye Feng's face gradually turned pale.

Fortunately, at this moment, a pair of warm little hands pressed onto Ye Feng's back.

(End of this chapter)

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