Douluo: I became Qian Renxue's personal attendant

Chapter 115 Arriving at the Forbidden City for the First Time

Chapter 115 Arriving at the Forbidden City for the First Time

Actually, based on Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong's temperament, it was impossible to reconcile so quickly.

However, the scene of Bibi Dong sacrificing her life to save her had deeply touched the softest part of Qian Renxue's heart, making her feel Bibi Dong's fervent maternal love hidden under her cold exterior.

Coupled with Bibi Dong's initiative to seek peace, as well as the turbulent inner emotions, as well as the deepest desire for maternal love in her heart, Qian Renxue forgave Bibi Dong in this way.

Of course, this is only the most superficial forgiveness.The deeper recognition in his heart still needs Bibi Dong to break through the ice in Qian Renxue's heart before he can get it.

However, this was enough to make Bibi Dong overjoyed.Under the gratifying eyes of the Title Douluo headed by Golden Crocodile Douluo, Bibi Dong gently embraced Qian Renxue's thin shoulders.

Trembling slightly, but Qian Renxue did not reject Bibi Dong's move, which made a smile appear on Bibi Dong's face.

Not rejecting her contact, this can be regarded as taking the first step.For the rest, they take their time.

However, immersed in the joy and eating melons of mother and daughter meeting each other, everyone present forgot that there was someone beside them.

"Can anyone explain to this old man what's going on?" Qian Daoliu asked with a dark face looking at Bibi Dong who was holding Qian Renxue in his arms.

Although he used a normal tone of voice, none of the people present was a human being, and they all heard the unkindness in his words for ignoring him.

Looking at each other, everyone understands that this is not a good job.Fortunately, Golden Crocodile Douluo took the initiative to take over the matter of explanation.

"Old Qian, let me tell you, the thing is like this..." Holding Qian Daoliu's shoulders, the two gradually walked away.As Qian Daoliu's life-and-death brother, the second elder whose soul power level is only one level lower than his, Golden Crocodile Douluo is still very famous.

Of course, pulling Qian Daoliu away has another meaning.After all, Bibi Dong has some opinions on the Qian family, so at this juncture, it's better to pull Qian Daoliu away.

Obediently being dragged away by Golden Crocodile Douluo, Qian Daoliu looked back at Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, sighing softly in his heart.I hope Bibi Dong can take good care of Xueer, he is old after all...

As the high priest of the God of Angels, how could Qian Daoliu fail to sense the power of the evil god that was so close at hand?It was only because of Qian Renxue that she didn't pay much attention to it just now.

Seeing Golden Crocodile Douluo leaving with Qian Daoliu in his arms, all the other elders also left one after another.In this situation, if you don't leave, will it be an eyesore?
However, they could leave, but Ye Feng couldn't.Seeing Bibi Dong staring at him with squinted eyes, Ye Feng felt as if a huge word "Danger" appeared on the top of his head.

"Sister Xue, His Majesty the Pope, you guys chat first, I'll go to the side to study my martial spirit." With a dry laugh, Ye Feng said to Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.Immediately, he consciously walked aside.

Waiting at the side, Ye Feng didn't know what Qian Renxue and Bibidong were talking about, anyway, Qian Renxue had a smile on her face when she came to him, and that was enough.

Taking Qian Renxue's soft little hand, Ye Feng thought about the sudden attack tonight.Just when the mother and daughter were talking, he stopped by and asked the elders in the Hall of Elders if they knew the four strong men who came today.

However, their answers were all the same that they had never seen it before.This made Ye Feng suspicious.

According to what the elders said, these four white-robed people all have at least the strength of Super Douluo, four people of Super Douluo level, but they were unknown in the mainland before, this is absolutely abnormal.

I am afraid that this may have something to do with the giant city that suddenly appeared today.Looking to the west with deep eyes, the giant city suddenly appeared today, and then four white-robed men who had never heard of it before but with terrifying strength suddenly appeared. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for the two to be unrelated.

As he walked towards where Qian Daoliu was, Ye Feng thought.The appearance of the giant city made Douluo Continent more complicated and confusing, breaking away from the plot under his control.In order to protect the person I want to protect and ensure that I have a place on the mainland in the future, I am afraid I have to work harder.


Star Dou Great Forest.

After a long journey, the people of Shrek Academy finally came to the giant city in the core area.

However, when they approached, some problems appeared.

"Stop whoever comes." Speaking in the Douluo Continental language jerky, in Flender's perception, two strong men in armor with the aura of a soul sage stopped in front of them.

Some vigilantly looked at the group of people in front of him, and the guards sensed that there were several powerful men among them.

"The front is the boundary of the Forbidden City, you retreat quickly." He said seriously to the group in front of him, the guard's eyes were full of vigilance.

During this period of time, they encountered many people who wanted to force their way in, so they couldn't help but be careless.

However, just as they were cautiously looking at the group of people in front of them, what a girl said suddenly changed their expressions.

"Nau 槬 鐪 犱 纯檽风屽, Chan 勯椈鍟鬩." The more people came out, Luo Yan said something in a language that everyone couldn't understand, but this word made the two guards look changed

Resisting the astringency in her eyes, Luo Yan said: "I'm sorry." (Take me to see your captain)
 Please recommend for collection~~

(End of this chapter)

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