Chapter 119 Origin Space
God Realm, the bedroom of the God of Angels.

The consciousness had just returned to this body, and as soon as the man opened his eyes, he saw the God of Angels, the woman on his body, staring at him with burning eyes.

"This is how you help me solve it? Take my descendants away?" The phoenix eyes were full of sharpness, and the blond woman said angrily.

"Honey, don't be angry, your little guy has a great opportunity." With a stretch of his ape arms, the man sat up with his arms around the blonde woman in a good mood, and said, "If it wasn't for your little guy breaking through the twelve wings The seal, this great opportunity is not her turn."

"Big opportunity?" Hearing what the man said, the God of Angels also became interested. It is definitely not easy for a man to say that it is a big chance. "What big chance?"

"That can't be said." With a mysterious smile, the man saw that the blond woman wanted to say something, and quickly kissed those two delicate lips, and began to attack the city.


The place of origin.

In the endless darkness, a ball of bright golden light was floating up and down. If someone could take a closer look, they would find that it was not a ball of golden light, but a girl with a beautiful appearance.

The girl carried twelve wings on her back, and seven spirit rings shone around her body. It was Qian Renxue who was taken away by the golden light.But at this moment, Qian Renxue's eyes were tightly closed and her brows were tightly furrowed, as if she was enduring great pain.

But on Qian Renxue's body, light and darkness were infecting each other, as if they were fighting with Qian Renxue's body as the battlefield.

But if you look at the condition of the body surface, it seems that the light is slightly better.Under the shimmering light of the twelve wings behind Qian Renxue, the light is slowly eroding the darkness, but the speed of this erosion is barely visible.

But just as the light was slowly infecting the darkness, Qian Renxue's spirit was not in a good mood as the battleground between the light and the dark.

In Qian Renxue's sea of ​​will, a huge and complex consciousness is continuously washing over Qian Renxue's mental body like flowing water. The complex and complex consciousness seems to contain the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of countless people, as well as those on the Douluo Continent. Every plant and every tree.

The huge amount of information made Qian Renxue's headache splitting. If it wasn't for a warm current that slowly soothed her spirit, she might have collapsed long ago.

But even so, Qian Renxue's situation was not very good.Light and darkness were at war, and extreme pain raged in Qian Renxue's body.At the same time, an impurity-like object was expelled from Qian Renxue's body, and then disappeared into the darkness.

As if Qian Renxue's resolute mask must be torn apart, as time went by, the pain became more and more intense. This kind of pain was like someone holding a sledgehammer to continuously beat Qian Renxue's body and spirit, and the intensity was still strong. getting bigger.

But Qian Renxue just bit her lips tightly, even though her lips were already dripping with blood.She didn't know what was going on, she only remembered talking to her grandfather in the Angel Temple, but suddenly a tyrannical golden light shrouded her in it.

Immediately, she appeared here, enduring inhuman torture.

As the physical and mental pain continued to intensify, Qian Renxue's consciousness was somewhat blurred, but her deep belief kept her from being crushed by this terrifying pain.

"Grandpa, Xiaofeng, mother..." muttering, in the sea of ​​consciousness, Qian Renxue's spirit was like a candle in a strong wind, flickering, but still firmly blooming with light.

In the deepest part of her spirit, a firm will always reminded her that she cannot be defeated, and there are still people waiting for her outside.

The bright golden light gradually stabilized, and behind Qian Renxue, the twelve wings were wrapped in layers, forming a cocoon outside her body.

"It's a good seedling." What Qian Renxue couldn't see was that in the darkness of the original space, a huge tortoise was looking at her without blinking. It wasn't until she saw that she had formed a light cocoon that she murmured. Turning around muttering to himself.

This is a black old tortoise, almost invisible in this endless darkness, but one can vaguely see that the huge outline of this old tortoise has penetrated into this endless darkness without knowing how many miles.

Roaming in this endless darkness as if in the sea, in just a few seconds, the old turtle came to the end of the original space.

"Really, aggrieved." He sighed heavily, and the old turtle's eyes were deep.It has lived for an unknown amount of time, but it has never been able to stay in this small space like it is now.

But looking at the boundary wall on the left side of the original space, there was a humane smile on the ugly face of the old turtle.

From its nostrils, it already smelled the smell of blood and fire.Hope those little guys don't let it down.

(ps. Actually, in my opinion, Qian Renxue and Tang San's series of actions are more like finding a life-saving straw when they are drowning. At that time, Qian Daoliu was gone, and Bibi Dong was even more furious at her, Qian Xunji died long ago, so what is left of Qian Renxue? There is nothing left. I can only try to catch Tang San, who seems to be the closest to her. My personal opinion, don’t complain if you don’t like it.)
 Please recommend for collection~

(End of this chapter)

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