Chapter 135 Encounter (please recommend for collection~)
Or, to be more precise, an eagle.

A goshawk that was supposed to soar into the sky.

Looking at her new body, Qian Renxue came to a conclusion that her current body should be an ordinary iron-backed goshawk.

According to the soul power in the body and the body length of no more than one foot according to my own visual inspection, the iron-backed goshawk that I possessed or seized should not exceed 1000 years.

However, being able to survive is already very good, and Qian Renxue doesn't want to expect too much.

Recalling all the previous events, Qian Renxue had a little guess about the body of the iron-backed goshawk she had seized.

At that time, my consciousness was on the verge of dissipating, but then I suddenly returned to the cage, and when I opened my eyes, what I used was the body of the iron-backed goshawk, and it fell from mid-air.

From this series of clues, it is not difficult to infer that before Qian Renxue's consciousness completely dissipated, this iron-backed goshawk happened to pass through Qian Renxue's spirit body that was about to escape.

At that time, Qian Renxue's consciousness was dissipating, maybe the dissipated consciousness replaced the iron-backed goshawk's consciousness, or Qian Renxue's spirit body itself replaced the iron-backed goshawk's soul, in short, in Qian Renxue After Xue woke up, her consciousness had completely merged with the iron-backed goshawk's body.

However, compared to this, what Qian Renxue wants to know more now is, after merging with the iron-backed goshawk's physical body, can her spirit body be separated again?
After all, she doesn't want to live her whole life with the body of an iron-backed goshawk...

She tried her best to control her soul to squeeze out of the iron-backed goshawk's body, but Qian Renxue found out sadly that she couldn't let her soul escape from the iron-backed goshawk's body.

Whenever Qian Renxue's soul wanted to break through the iron-backed goshawk's body, Qian Renxue could always feel a resistance from the iron-backed goshawk's body that her soul could not break through.

But it was also this resistance that prevented her soul from breaking through the iron-backed goshawk's body, and at the same time protected her originally dissipated will.

This wonderful feature made Qian Renxue have some guesses about the source of this resistance.

The soul can't break through, but it can protect the lost consciousness. Isn't this the restriction of the body on the soul?

But doesn't it mean that a fully fused soul and body are needed for the existence of limitations?

Zhang Er was puzzled, Qian Renxue thought hard, but at this moment, a sense of crisis suddenly hit Qian Renxue's heart.

Before she had time to think about it, Qian Renxue instinctively moved to the left.But just as she was moving to the left, a huge stinky mouth suddenly appeared at the boundary where Qian Renxue was standing just now.

The huge mouth opened and closed, but unfortunately, there was nothing in the closed mouth except a few feathers.

Looking vigilantly at the owner of the giant mouth attacking her, Qian Renxue discovered that the owner of the giant mouth attacking her was actually a Nile crocodile.

The Nile crocodile is a mutated crocodile spirit beast. The mutated Nile crocodile has harder scales and a stronger body. It can be said to be one of the most ferocious crocodile spirit beasts.

Seeing that his pounce failed to catch the prey, the Crocodile of the Nile shook his head and turned around slowly.

Immediately, Qian Renxue saw the whole picture of the Nile crocodile.About one foot five in length, this is a 500-year-old Nile crocodile.

Watching this Nile crocodile vigilantly, Qian Renxue's heart ached.A 500-year-old Nile crocodile, not to mention she is on the ground now, even in the sky, she has no chance of winning.

The beak of an iron-backed goshawk cannot pierce the hard scales of a Nile crocodile.

Seeing the Nile crocodile turning around slowly, Qian Renxue wanted to escape, but there was a process for birds to take off, and at the speed of the Nile crocodile when it was hunting, she might have to fly before she could fly. she ate.

Watching Crocodile Nile vigilantly, Qian Renxue slowly backed away.But the Crocodile of the Nile, who couldn't take a hit, also followed.

The small eyes were full of jokes, and the Crocodile of the Nile looked at the iron-backed goshawk that was slowly retreating, and he already had a plan in his heart.

An iron-backed goshawk that fell to the ground about a thousand years ago, if it still can't take it down, it will be called the alligator of the Nile in vain.

The four strong front and rear legs gradually accelerated, and the Crocodile of the Nile ran towards the iron-backed goshawk. The bulky physique was actually out of the slightest sense of violence by him.

The mouth opened wide, and the stench made Qian Renxue want to vomit.Seeing the giant mouth approaching constantly, Qian Renxue wanted to avoid it.

Thousands of plans flashed through her mind, but Qian Renxue was a little desperate to find that the direction of the Nile Crocodile's attack was to completely block her dodging route.

In fact, it can't be said to be completely blocked, but other evasion routes cannot be completed at all with her iron-backed goshawk's physical fitness.

Looking desperately at the attacking giant mouth, Qian Renxue's eyes flashed with determination.If there is really no other way, I'm afraid I can only use up the little soul power I have left.

However, if you use up your soul power now, what should you do for the rest of the journey?
The giant mouth was getting closer and closer to Qian Renxue, and golden lights appeared in Qian Renxue's eyes.

Forget it, let's talk about the future, let's solve the crisis of life and death first.

However, just when the golden light in Qian Renxue's eyes was about to shine, the appearance of a teasing voice shocked her so much that even the golden light in her eyes almost disappeared unsteadily.

"Hey, why does such a big crocodile still bully other little birds?"

The light flickered, and the little devil's thick body blocked the giant mouth of the Nile crocodile. The magic flames burning on his body made the Nile crocodile scream in pain when it bumped into the little devil.

Under the protection of the little devil, Qian Renxue looked back in surprise, and suddenly saw the young man she had been thinking about walking out of the woods.

At this time, Ye Feng also turned his head casually.

(End of this chapter)

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