Chapter 147

title, battle

"After I was illuminated by that golden light, I passed out, and when I woke up, I was in a golden light group, surrounded by endless darkness."

"And the moment I woke up, an unusually loud voice sounded in my mind, he said: The origin test is open, the first level, the extinction of lust."

As Qian Renxue narrated with a serious expression, Ye Feng gradually understood everything Qian Renxue had experienced before.

The person in the previous assessment was indeed Sister Xue, but for some reason, it was clearly her so-called original assessment, but it was mixed with her own assessment.

At the same time, Ye Feng also knew that what Qian Renxue conducted was not all the God of Angels assessments in the original work, but the origin assessment that had never been heard in the original work.

With a serious expression, Ye Feng frowned.He clearly heard from Qian Daoliu that Qian Renxue was conducting the assessment of the God of Angels. This was said by the oracle sent down by the God of Angels. Why did it become the so-called original assessment now?

Therefore, Ye Feng can conclude that there must be someone lying between Qian Daoliu and the God of Angels.

And the person who lied must be related to this so-called origin assessment.

Ye Feng frowned and thought about it, but Qian Renxue continued to tell the story without haste.

"After I passed the first level of assessment, the grand voice who claimed to be the incarnation of the source opened the next level of assessment for me, and the content of the assessment is to cut off the seven emotions and six desires."

Raising his head suddenly, Ye Feng looked at Qian Renxue with horror.Sever the emotions and desires?If Sister Xue really cut off all emotions and desires, what about him?

Fortunately, Qian Renxue's next sentence made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"I refused." The voice was calm, as if Qian Renxue was talking about a trivial matter. "That day... the grand voice tempted me to say that there was another plan,... and after I sat on that magic weapon, my emotions and desires were taken away, and I was thrown here."

After a pause, Qian Renxue swallowed the word "Heavenly Dao" in her words.These two words are too heavy.

It was so heavy that people couldn't even feel the slightest resistance.

Even though Xiaofeng said that she would face it with her, she agreed, but she still didn't want Xiaofeng to know about these heavy pressures too early.

Some pressure, she alone is enough to resist.

"Then how did Sister Xue turn into an eagle?" asked with some doubts, according to what Qian Renxue said, she should have been in human form before being thrown into the world.

"Because there is no carrier of human form nearby." Qian Renxue smiled as if she didn't care, "Okay, don't talk about it, Xiaofeng, how did you pass my first test?"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help but think of the assessment in the space.He almost lost control of Sister Xue's alluring look at that time.

"This... is because I also accepted the assessment of a guy who seems to be a god." Ye Feng touched his chin with his huge spiritual body, and said softly: "It was also because of my first assessment that I was in that space at that time."

"So that's how it is." Nodding her head, Qian Renxue murmured, "The first assessment of the two of us actually took place at the same place..."

"From this point of view, maybe the inheritance we accepted has a certain connection." Taking a deep breath, Ye Feng made a reasonable guess about it.

They looked at each other, their eyes full of tacit understanding.

it is more than words.


One year later, the killing capital.

The young man with the eagle on his shoulder slowly walked into the killing field of hell. Wherever he passed, everyone gave way in awe.

Ye Feng, the legend of the Killing City, the holder of No.1 on the killing list, was given the nickname Devil Messenger.

He has maintained a record of 99 wins in the Hell Killing Fields, but what restricts his winning streak is not his physical condition, but the lack of contestants.

Ever since Ye Feng showed his overwhelming strength in the Slaughtering City, even some people don't hesitate to go to the outer city to contribute Bloody Mary, and they don't want to fight in the hell killing field in the inner city.

Because, originally, they still had a glimmer of life in the killing field of hell, but now that Ye Feng's arrival has completely sealed that glimmer of life.

Few people want to participate in a battle that is doomed to failure and the price is death.

Although during this year, there were other shining new stars such as the rise of Charming Demoness, but in comparison, Ye Feng was like a scorching sun in the sky. Reached a terrifying 99 wins.

That is to say, Ye Feng is only one victory away from the eight slaughter kings in a thousand years.

Stepping into the hell killing field calmly, Ye Feng came to win that crucial victory today.

He has been in the Slaughtering Capital Hotel for ten full days, but fortunately, now, the Hell Slaughtering Fields has finally gathered the team for the competition.

Walking along the long corridor, stepping into the light at the end, Ye Feng came to the familiar arena again.

Above the ring, nine figures were quietly waiting for him.

Stepping onto the ring unhurriedly, Ye Feng couldn't help being taken aback because he saw a few acquaintances.

It can't be regarded as an acquaintance, it can only be said that it is a stranger who has dealt with before.

On the ring, six burly men stood out. Compared to their majestic stature and high-spirited aura, the three beside them looked more like chickens who hadn't even grown their hair yet.

Seeing this, Ye Feng understood that the strong opponents on this trip were these six big men.

From them, Ye Feng also felt a dangerous breath that he hadn't felt for a long time.This is something no one else has felt since he came to the killing capital for a year.

However, how could such a person not have won fifty games?

With such a question in his mind, Ye Feng clearly remembered that the rule of the Slaughter City is that people who have won more than [-] games will not meet each other.

Since he was able to meet these six burly men, it meant that their victories would not exceed fifty.

However, Ye Feng didn't intend to explore too much, being able to appear here meant that he was his opponent. For the dead souls under his command, Ye Feng had never been interested in exploring their past.

Stepping onto the ring stage slowly, Ye Feng signaled that it was time to start.

With the sound of the mechanical female voice, after the start of the game was announced, to Ye Feng's surprise, the first thing the six burly men did was to break the necks of the three people next to them.

He casually flicked the blood off his hands, and the leading burly man showed a blatant expression. He led the five people behind him to form a formation, and challenged Ye Feng, "Come on, let us brothers see the strength of the demon messenger."

Facing the provocation of the big man, Ye Feng naturally had no reason to respond.While the soul power was surging, a pair of bluish-blue bone wings stretched out from behind him.

Bone Dragon, Possessed.

With a sharp roar, a dark energy ball appeared in Ye Feng's hand, and he threw it at the six people casually. When the six big men were about to defend, Ye Feng opened his mouth and let out a scream.

Different from the previous howling, this time Ye Feng's howling actually contained a mental attack, which made the six big men stupefied for a moment.

But immediately, on the chests of the six big men, there was a jade necklace emitting a shining precious light, which made everyone wake up in an instant.

The dark energy ball smashed down with an aura of destruction, but the six of them didn't panic at all.And just when the energy ball was about to hit the six people, a flying sword appeared out of nowhere around the leading burly man, and slashed towards the dark energy ball.

Under the flying sword, the berserk energy ball was cut in half like a leather ball.The originally stable sequence was disturbed by the flying sword, and the energy ball that turned into two halves burst in the air.

The faint fire light illuminated the calm face of the big man, and also illuminated Ye Feng's dignified face.He knew that he had encountered a strong enemy this time.

The attack he sent out just now has at least the attack power of the soul emperor level.The big man can take it lightly, his strength can be imagined.

The flying sword sang happily around the big man. Under Ye Feng's solemn gaze, the big man said slowly: "Yao Chen, the imperial guard of the Forbidden City, please advise."

(End of this chapter)

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