Chapter 150 Five Years (Please Subscribe~)
You know, the killing god domain is the seed for God Shura to find his descendants in the lower realm.

As one of the supreme gods in the God Realm, God Shura's strength is naturally beyond doubt.Then how could the domain he left behind be swallowed by other things at will?
It seems that the dark ghost is definitely not an ordinary person.

Thinking this way in his heart, Ye Feng couldn't help but look forward to the next assessment.

No matter who the dark ghost is, anyway, as long as he passes the assessment, isn't his strength mine?
However, before participating in the next assessment, the previous rewards must be used up first.

Sitting cross-legged, Ye Feng recited silently in his heart, extracting the previous rewards.

"As you wish." A mechanical female voice sounded, and suddenly, various energies rushed into Ye Feng's body one after another.

First, there was the reward for raising the soul power to the sixth level, but because Ye Feng was in a bottleneck, the god bestowed soul ring came in handy.

The Book of Ten Thousand Demons appeared, and five soul rings, purple, purple, black, black, and red, danced beside Ye Feng one by one.And as the god bestowed soul ring entered Ye Feng's body, a white soul ring suddenly appeared beside Ye Feng.

However, as soon as the white soul ring appeared, it quickly changed from white to yellow, from yellow to purple, and then from purple to black.

And after turning into a black soul ring, the black sixth ring quickly changed from light black to deep black.

Until, that touch of red appeared.

The appearance of red on the soul ring caused Ye Feng's face to change suddenly, his brows furrowed, and Ye Feng tried hard to bear the tremendous pressure.You know, last time, he almost died because he couldn't bear the pressure of the 10-year spirit ring.

Fortunately, this time, he carried it.

A year in the Killing Capital was not in vain.Ever since he realized the importance of physical fitness, Ye Feng even consciously didn't use demon possession in the killing field of hell, but simply used his body to fight against the enemy.

Coupled with Ye Feng's deliberate exercise, it can be said that Ye Feng's body is much stronger than before.

Feeling that the age of the soul ring had steadily stopped at 10 years, Ye Feng couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately, joy welled up in his heart.

I was able to independently absorb a 10-year spirit ring!In other words, at this time, my physical fitness can even be compared with the top Contra!

Feeling the surging soul power in his body, Ye Feng realized that his soul power had reached the terrifying level of 69.As long as he advances to another level, he can have a martial soul avatar.

And this rapid increase in soul power should be attributed to the huge energy brought by absorbing the 10-year soul ring, as well as the reward for directly advancing to six levels.

And after these rewards were absorbed by Ye Feng, the rhythmic soul ring beside Ye Feng also changed under the influence of the rewards.

I saw that the purple of the first and second soul rings became extremely dark, the other soul rings were only a little darker due to their age, and the red fifth and sixth rings had almost no effect.

After all, it's just an increase in the number of years.

At this time, beside Ye Feng, six soul rings, two purple, two black, and two red, were slowly turning around him. If someone who didn't know it saw it, it might shock the eyeballs.

Fortunately, the audience here is only Qian Renxue.

After absorbing the reward, Ye Feng slowly opened his eyes.

Feeling the powerful soul power in his body, Ye Feng almost couldn't control his own power.

Looking at the cave that he had stepped out of, Ye Feng couldn't help shaking his head and said with a wry smile: "It seems that I have to find a place to hone my soul power control."

And just as Ye Feng's words fell, a mechanical female voice sounded in his mind at the right time.

"The fourth test, Xueyuan forging soul power."


Time flies, time flies, and five years have passed by in a flash.

During these five years, Douluo Continent has undergone tremendous changes.

Leaving aside the Great Wall built high outside the Star Dou Great Forest, or Tiandou, Xingluo, a group of duchies and Wuhundian jointly established an organization called Demon Killing Society, and it was only in the past few years that he was newly established as the crown prince. The talents shown by Xue Beng that are inconsistent with his previous dandies can be talked about by the world.

They either made up so-called royal anecdotes to amuse themselves, or guessed the truth about the disappearance of the former prince Xue Qinghe, but they all coincidentally made a sharp turn for the worse for the former prince Xue Qinghe.

Among the crowd, several tall and cunning men couldn't help but smile at each other seeing that their goal had been achieved.It is true that Xue Qinghe's previous Qing name was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which made Xue Beng so embarrassing.

However, no one noticed that outside Tiandou City, a group of seven people wearing cloaks quietly walked in.

"Third brother, the mainland has changed so much. Wuhundian has joined forces with Tiandou and Star Luo Empire. This is too outrageous." The girl who spoke was tied with long scorpion braids, her long legs were White and straight.

"Don't worry about it so much, we came today just for revenge, that's all." Beside the girl, a rather handsome boy held a trident, said so.

On his forehead, a golden trident-like pattern shines brightly, and after a long time, it will bring a sense of oppression.

And behind the young man, followed by a handsome blond man, a fat man with mohawk hair, a man with dazzling peach blossom eyes, and a delicate and graceful girl.

And in front of the six people, there was a sloppy man.The beard has never been trimmed, and the only thing he knows is to pour wine into his mouth.

This group of people is exactly Tang San and his group who came back from Sea God Island.Under the arrangement of fate, Tang San still obtained the Seagod's inheritance, and spent six years to complete all the assessments.

The current him can be called—Sea God Tang San.

Holding the trident, Tang San's exquisite eyebrows and eyes still had unconcealable excitement.Wuhundian, here I come.

This organization that killed his own mother must be uprooted!

Thinking of his mother's tragic experience when his father told him, Tang San couldn't help showing a hint of hostility in his eyes.

Anyone who dared to hurt his mother would die!

Walking along the streets of Tiandou City, a group of seven people came to an extremely magnificent building in the west of the city.

Outside the building, there are layers of guards.The guards guarding here are not only the Iron Armored Army of the Heaven Dou Empire, but also the Barbarian Army of the Star Luo Empire, and the guards of the Spirit Hall.

In this building, a very high-level meeting was held today.Participants included not only Pope Bibi Dong of the Spirit Hall, but also Emperor Xue Ye of the Heaven Dou Empire, and the lord of the Star Luo Empire.

Of course, those small kingdoms and duchies are also eligible to participate, but this is not important.The important thing is that today's meeting is a meeting formed and participated by the original human forces in the Douluo Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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