Douluo: I became Qian Renxue's personal attendant

Chapter 152 Tang San vs. Bibi Dong

Chapter 152 Tang San vs. Bibi Dong (2) (Subscription~)

Just when Tang San was yelling in his heart, suddenly, in the eyes of everyone, a jet-black Limang shot out from the hall, and then stopped in front of Tang San.

I saw that the visitor was wearing a purple armor, a hideous mask attached to her face, and a crescent sickle blade in her right hand, with an extremely evil aura all over her body.

The person who came was none other than Pope Bibi Dong of the Spirit Hall.

And after Bibi Dong appeared, all the guards below knelt down.

"Meet the Pope!" The loud voice sounded, and the voice was full of respect.

After all, this is their Pope, the Pope who single-handedly withstood the pressure of the soul beasts in the Forbidden City and the Star Dou Forest, and saved them from being cannon fodder!
"Stay flat." Bibi Dong didn't pay attention to Tang San in front of her, she just used her soul power to transmit her voice to everyone below.

Seeing everyone get up, Bibi Dongfang asked: "I am Bibi Dong. Tang San? I remember you. You participated in the competition six years ago."

"Thanks to Your Majesty for still remembering me, but Your Majesty didn't expect that there would be a day when I would become the Sea God and come to take revenge?" Tang San said with a slight smile.

"Revenge?" Bibi Dong frowned slightly when she heard the words. She didn't know what enmity she had with the young man in front of her.

The only meeting between the two was in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, but, at that time, the two of them didn't have much meeting, right?

Could it be that he came to seek revenge on her, the organizer, because he was unconvinced as the third?

Many thoughts flashed through her mind, but Bibi Dong still couldn't think of a reason.The main reason is that she and Tang San are really unfamiliar, so how could there be enmity?

Fortunately at this moment, Tang San spoke.

"Do you still remember the Blue Silver Emperor in the Star Dou Great Forest 20 years ago?" the personable Zhao Bibi Dong asked, Tang San's pupils reflected a sharp gaze.

"Blue Silver Emperor?" Hearing Tang San's reminder, Bibi Dong immediately thought of her savior.At that time, if it wasn't for Qian Xunji who was severely injured when he went to arrest Lan Yinhuang, there would be no chance for her to escape.

But, what did Tang San say about this?
Tang San, Tang San, in a flash of thought, Bibi Dong seemed to have grasped some clue.Tang San, Tang, the descendant of the Haotian School, is also the surname of the guy who injured Chihiro Ji 20 years ago.

Is it?

"That's right, Blue Silver Emperor." Before Bibi Dong could think about it, Tang San couldn't wait to reveal his identity.

With a tone of compassion and indignation, Tang San said: "You know, there was a child at the time who witnessed all this!"

Hearing Tang San's words, as well as his demeanor at this time, Bibi Dong still didn't know that the child he was talking about was himself.

A child of the Blue Silver Emperor...

However, if the child of the Blue Silver Emperor wanted revenge, why didn't he go to Qian Xun Ji or other people who participated in the hunt?At that time, she was still trapped in the secret room...

However, Tang San didn't give him a chance to speak.After talking about all this heartily, he let out a long roar and shouted to Bibi Dong: "Today, I want you to pay in blood!"

A golden blazing light exploded behind him, and under the sea-blue divine power, one piece of blue armor went up the steps, creating a set of radiant armor around Tang San out of thin air.

That was the Seagod's Divine Costume, the suit Tang San obtained after obtaining the Seagod's inheritance, which could bring him huge benefits.

After the Seagod's costume instantly possessed his body, the dazzling blue light suddenly subsided, Tang San's body suddenly rose forward, and the Seagod's eight wings spread out instantly, and under the full force flapping, pushed his body like a blue shooting star. Shoot at Bibi Dong who is wearing jet-black magic armor.

With Tang San's right hand out, the Seagod Trident already shone with dazzling golden light.That was the manifestation of the Seagod Trident's power brought to the extreme, and it was also Tang San's determination to kill Bibi Dong.

"Sun of the Sea." Shouted loudly, a huge blue light wheel appeared on the main blade of the Seagod Trident.This is the tenth move of the Thirteen Golden Halberds, the Seagod's unique skill, and it is also the most powerful move in close combat.

With this move, Sea God once slaughtered a second-level god mansion, and now in Tang San's hands, it also has unimaginable power.

The golden light wheel cut down like a blazing sun, illuminating Bibi Dong's peaceful face.Looking at the young man waving the trident, Bibi Dong sighed slightly.


The huge purple sickle blade came from the sky, stopping in front of Tang San.There was a terrifying evil aura on the purple sickle blade, and the dazzling golden light gradually dissipated.

"It seems that your control over divine power is not enough." Said faintly, Bibi Dong raised her right hand, and the huge sickle blade lifted Hailan's trident away.

Immediately, Bibi Dong didn't feel any pity for this young man who attacked him, even though he was the son of the Blue Silver Emperor.Slanting left and right, the purple sickle drew a cross attack in midair and went straight to Tang San.

Sensing the powerful energy contained in this attack, Tang San quickly waved his right hand, and the Seagod Trident drew a circle in midair, and then, as if the void was splitting open, a huge sea blue energy dragon moved towards the purple The cross blasted away.

Among the giant energy dragons, it was as if one could see fish swimming among them, and that gigantic energy dragon burst out with monstrous power like the sea.

This is the sixth movement of the Thirteen Golden Halberds, Water Dragon Chanting.

With a high-pitched whistling sound, the water dragon rammed headlong towards the cross.Immediately, after the two collided, they all canceled each other out, annihilated, and then both disappeared in mid-air.

Raising her eyebrows, seeing Tang San accept her attack, Bibi Dong wasn't surprised at all.It was just a casual attack, it would be strange if Tang San couldn't take it.

It's just that, through previous preliminary fights, she already understood Tang San's strength.

Possessing the Seagod's inheritance, even though Tang San's strength is not as good as hers, the difference is not too big.The only thing that can widen the gap with her is her ability to take the lead in inheriting the power of the gods, and her proficient use of divine power.

Therefore, she had to kill Tang San as soon as possible, while it was still possible.Otherwise, I'm afraid it will become a disaster in the future.Thinking silently, Bibi Dong's eyes showed a killing intent.

It seems that he is going to use that trick.

Closing her eyes, Bibi Dong murmured silently.The Rakshasa costume also emitted dazzling purple lights, as if echoing Bibi Dong.

At the same time, a dazzling purple light was emitted from the huge Rakshasa sickle.And behind Bibi Dong, a figure who was neither male nor female appeared.The figure sat on a huge purple throne, and under the throne were piles of white bones.

That is the phantom of the Rakshasa God, and it is also the theocracy represented by Bibi Dong, and it is also the embodiment of the evil in the world.

The grand sound of chanting resounded in the world, and the light on the purple magic sickle became brighter and brighter. The evil aura even alarmed everyone around the Star Dou Great Forest.

Glancing in the direction of Tiandou City, Ditian murmured: "Bibi Dong, a terrifying woman." Judging from the aura he sensed, Bibi Dong's blow would kill him without any problem at all. .

I'm afraid, only the Lord can resist such a terrifying attack.

After all, that was the strongest blow for a first-level god.

(End of this chapter)

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