Douluo: I became Qian Renxue's personal attendant

Chapter 155 Level 152 Angel?Shura?

Chapter 155 Chapter 150 Level [-] Angel?Shura? (Two in one please subscribe~)

Soul power surged, and from Ye Feng's right hand, the Book of Ten Thousand Demons came out quietly.Accompanied by the Book of Ten Thousand Demons, were ten blood-red soul rings.

And on the outer edges of these ten blood-red soul rings, there are many halos of different colors.There is snow-colored ice blue, purple Razer, and even a deep silver halo.

There are all kinds of halos.However, if someone can count the halos around Ye Feng's soul ring, they will find that each of his soul rings is surrounded by the same nine-colored halo.

On the opposite side of Ye Feng, Tang San and his son saw Ye Feng stop, so they also roared and rushed over impatiently.

Naturally, they also saw the ten blood-red spirit rings with halos flying outside. Facing the unique characteristics of these god-level spirit rings, at this moment, they no longer felt contemptuous in their hearts.

Ye Feng, this former genius, has also obtained the inheritance of the gods, and has become an existence beyond ordinary soul masters like Tang San.

In the binoculars, the blue gold appeared.Wielding the Seagod Trident, Tang San shot towards Ye Feng.Even though Ye Feng was also a god, Tang San didn't think he would lose.After all, he had already slaughtered a god before, didn't he?
On the Sea God's Trident, a golden light glowed, his right hand waved lightly, and a circle of golden light flew towards Ye Feng.

The first movement of the golden thirteen halberds is uncertain.

This is the only restrictive skill in the Golden Thirteen Halberds. It combines attack and defense, and it is also the strongest restrictive skill. Once it hits the opponent, no matter how strong the opponent is, he will never be able to move for half a minute for eight seconds, at least three seconds.

However, there is a key point in this skill, that is, Uncertain Storm is not a must-hit skill.And only when the golden circle traps the opponent, can the opponent be pinned down.

Therefore, what Tang San should do most now is to restrain Ye Feng.

And if you want to limit the opponent, the best way is to release an attack that he can only forcefully receive.

The Seagod Trident danced, a golden circle appeared in the air, and immediately, a sea-blue dragon roared out.

On the other side, Tang Hao hid his figure, looking for an opportunity to cast a fatal blow.Even though he is a Limit Douluo, when facing God, he just changed from an ant to an ant with teeth.

Therefore, only by seizing the opportunity, can he truly hurt God like before.

However, facing Tang San, looking at the attacking golden circle and giant dragon, Ye Feng's expression was extremely calm.

Pulling down with his right hand, a lavender scepter appeared in Ye Feng's hand immediately.

It was a magnificent and powerful scepter.Above the scepter, the purple crystal ball reflects dazzling light.And around the scepter, lavender thunder light surged, its imposing manner was not weaker than Tang San's Seagod Trident.

Holding the scepter in his hand, Ye Feng raised his head slightly, and immediately, an ice blue crown appeared on top of his head.Immediately, the colorful crystal ring on the left hand, the ring on the waist, the necklace on the neck and other things appeared one after another, and after that, a gorgeous armor exuding an extremely powerful aura suddenly appeared from the void, piece by piece spliced ​​on Ye Feng's body body.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Feng, who was dressed in white before, changed his appearance.Standing proudly in the air in black armor, like the most powerful god, looking down at Tang San indifferently.

With the scepter in the right hand pointing forward, the dark purple lightning surged out like a mad snake.The huge thunder and lightning python is tall and tyrannical, the water dragon released by Tang San's sixth water dragon chant is like earthworms and giant pythons, soft and small compared to him.

Under Tang San's horrified gaze, the giant lightning python released by Ye Feng crushed the water dragon and Wuding Storm like a bamboo.Afterwards, that giant lightning python rushed towards Tang San unabated.

Seeing this, Tang San hurriedly retreated.However, how could he possibly match the speed of the thunder python.

A huge explosion sounded, and seeing that Tang San couldn't avoid the thunder and lightning python, he quickly released a divine power shield in front of him.The huge explosion sound was the sound of the thunder and lightning python hitting the divine power shield.

However, how could the divine power shield released hastily resist the bombardment of the thunder and lightning python?
Obstructed by the shield, the giant thunder python paused slightly, but immediately, after being slightly dimmed, it broke through the shield and went straight to Tang San with a panicked expression on his face.

At this moment, Tang San no longer had the previous calm look on his face, and the golden light surged on the Seagod Trident, obviously wanting to release another attack.However, the Thunder Python was too fast.

Soon, the Seagod Trident was only slightly lit up, and the giant lightning python crashed onto Tang San's body.

The huge lightning python swallowed Tang San in one gulp with inconceivable power.The sea blue light emitted by the Seagod's suit actually appeared so dim under its purple light.One can only vaguely see, inside the belly of the giant thunder and lightning python, a ball of sea blue light that flickers on and off floats up and down.

"Little San!" Seeing this, Tang Hao, who was hiding his figure and looking for a fighter, no longer cared about hiding his figure.The figure appeared behind Ye Feng, and Tang Hao turned into a ray of light and attacked the purple lightning python.

Taking a slight glance at the anxious Tang Hao, Ye Feng didn't intend to stop him.Letting him charge towards the giant python, a hint of mockery appeared in Ye Feng's eyes.

You know, that is a giant python purely condensed from divine power.With a mortal body and strong divine power, does this mean that he dislikes his life for being too long?
Rushing towards the giant python formed by lightning, beside Tang Hao, the ninth soul ring shone.At the same time, a look of determination flashed in his eyes.

The first to ninth soul rings exploded in sequence, and a huge amount of energy poured into Tang Hao's body, making his face flush red.Veins popped up on the surface of his body, and tiny drops of blood flowed out from his skin. Obviously, this hammer had reached his limit.

"Ah!" The huge Clear Sky Hammer smashed across the sky towards the purple lightning dragon with an aura of invincibility.That tyrannical aura even made everyone watching the battle tremble slightly.

After all, that is Limit Douluo.The strongest below God.What's more, it's a long-established genius like Haotian Douluo Tang Hao.

What's more, in this attack, Tang Hao even used the ring-exploding stunt other than Haotianzong's.With the huge energy of six blacks, three reds and nine soul rings, Tang Hao's blow can definitely be called the strongest blow in his life.

The jet-black Haotian Hammer hit the purple dragon, and Tang Hao's eyes showed a faint look of anticipation.The landing point of the Clear Sky Hammer was directly facing the sea blue light group in the belly of the purple thunder dragon.

But at this time, the blue light group in the belly of the purple thunder dragon was also brightly shining, as if it also wanted to escape by relying on Tang Hao's attack.

If he could punch a hole in the thunder dragon's abdomen, Xiao San must be able to come out.Thinking in his heart, the light in Tang Hao's eyes became hotter and hotter.

The Clear Sky Hammer fell on the purple Thunder Dragon, and the huge Clear Sky Hammer burst into black light. The powerful force of the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand filled Tang Hao's heart with confidence.

I can definitely save Xiaosan!Sure!
Youmang collided with the purple thunder dragon, and in the thunder dragon's belly, the blue light group also released a bright blue light.At this moment, everyone held their breath.

The Haotian Hammer hit the lifelike scales of the Thunder Dragon's abdomen, the deep black light even made people doubt whether it would penetrate the Thunder Dragon's abdomen.

However, as the bright glare from the collision of the dazzling purple Limang and the black Youmang subsided, everyone was surprised to find that the purple Thunder Dragon was still floating in the sky perfectly.And the aggressive Haotian Douluo just now fell down covered in blood.

"Uncle Hao!" Seeing this, several figures jumped out of the crowd.The one who took the lead was Dai Mubai, the evil-eyed white tiger with blond hair and different eyes.

Quickly catching the falling figure, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and the others discovered that at this moment Tang Hao was actually bleeding from his seven orifices, obviously suffering from extremely serious internal injuries.

Seeing this, Dai Mubai quickly penetrated his soul power into Tang Hao's body, wanting to investigate Tang Hao's situation at this time.But just after the soul power entered Tang Hao's body, Dai Mubai's face turned pale.

Because, when his soul power just entered Tang Hao's body, he felt a huge pressure like an abyss like hell, directly crushing his soul power to pieces.

And under this pressure, Dai Mubai felt a superior spirit power completely different from his own characteristics, when his own spirit power faced this kind of power, he unconsciously wanted to kneel down.

And this kind of characteristic, he only encountered when facing Xiaosan's soul power.Moreover, he had never felt such terrifying pressure when facing Xiaosan's soul power.

Hastily calling Ning Rongrong to the side, Dai Mubai said with a serious face: "Rongrong, give me an assist, and I'll try to see what's going on in Uncle Hao's body."

"Okay." In response, Ning Rongrong just withdrew his gaze from looking at the young man floating in the sky.Soul power surged, Ning Rongrong shouted coquettishly: "Seven Treasures turn out Liuli, the first is power, the second is speed, the third is soul..."

The light fell on Dai Mubai's body, and the aura on Dai Mubai's body suddenly became stronger.With a roar, Dai Mubai gathered all his soul power and went towards Tang Hao's body to explore.

This time, Dai Mubai finally saw the situation in Tang Hao's body.

The purple divine power almost occupied Tang Hao's entire body, with only a handful of soul power still resisting.If this continues, Tang Hao will undoubtedly die.

But before Dai Mubai saw more of the situation, the tremendous pressure made his soul power that penetrated into Tang Hao's body disintegrate inch by inch.

His complexion suddenly became extremely pale, but at this moment, Dai Mubai couldn't care less about these things.He couldn't solve the divine power in Tang Hao's body, and none of the people present could solve it. The only ones who could solve it were the two fighting in the sky.

After all, only divine power can defeat divine power.

"Little San, come here quickly, we can't heal Uncle Hao's injury!" Shouting to the sea blue light ball still in Thunder Dragon's belly, Dai Mubai's eyes were full of anxiety.

The soul power of the thunder element is extremely violent, not to mention the divine power of the thunder element.If Tang San didn't hurry over, Tang Hao might be gone.

And at this moment, Tang San who was inside Thunder Dragon's belly also heard Dai Mubai's call.

An anxious look flashed in his eyes, Tang San didn't expect his father to be so fragile, it was Thunder Dragon who was beaten, but he was injured in the end.However, even though he was extremely anxious, his heart was still not disturbed.

"Where is it? Where exactly is Thunder Dragon's weakness?" There was only a thin layer of sea-blue barrier left, Tang San knew that if he didn't quickly find Thunder Dragon's weakness, let alone save his father, I'm afraid Even he had to die here.

His brain was spinning rapidly. At this moment, Tang San showed his excellent character of calmness in situations.His eyes kept turning in the purple thunder and lightning, Tang San's eyes were full of concentration.

"Found it!" Suddenly, Tang San's expression brightened, because he finally found that quasi-ephemeral weakness.

A golden beam of light shot out through the Thunder Dragon's body, and the huge purple Thunder Dragon suddenly dissipated with a whine.Immediately, a sea-blue figure suddenly rushed down.

"Boss Dai, how is my father!" Hastily taking Tang Hao from Dai Mubai's hand, Tang San hastily inspected the situation in Tang Hao's body.

Huge divine power poured out as if it didn't cost money, although it couldn't compare to the thunder and lightning divine power in quality, but the divine power in Tang Hao's body was only a small part, so it couldn't compare to Tang San who had the Seagod seat as his backup.

Under the treatment of Tang San's divine power, the thunder-type divine power in Tang Hao's body finally gradually disappeared, and slightly opened his eyes, Tang Hao showed Tang San a weak smile.

Seeing all this, Ye Feng didn't stop him.Standing quietly in the sky, Ye Feng had a mysterious smile on his face.

In fact, for the current him, the people below could be wiped out.It's just that today's true master is not him.He was just a worker who held back the enemy for the righteous master, and the real righteous master was still on his way.

As soon as the huge divine sense turned, Ye Feng suddenly felt a familiar breath appear within the range of his divine sense.The smile on his face became stronger and stronger. It seemed that today's rightful lord was coming.

And below, holding Tang Hao, the Seagod's divine power in his body was slowly repairing Tang Hao's weak body under the drive of Tang San.With a slightly sullen face, Tang San had already begun to think about whether he should retreat strategically.

The core of Tangmen's rules is hidden: Seeing that the situation is unfavorable, it is the best plan to act.Leave it to a useful body to avenge today's revenge.

Today, Ye Feng seems to be stronger than he imagined, and he is not his enemy at all.Besides, the purpose of coming here today to eliminate Bibi Dong has already been achieved, why not retreat first, wait until you are stronger, and then fight him again.

Slightly pondering, feeling that Ye Feng's aura in the sky couldn't see the depth at all, the more Tang San thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.Anyway, I can't beat him now, so instead of holding on to be buried here, it's better to wait until I become stronger in the future.

Having already made a decision in his heart, suddenly, before everyone could react, Tang San's Seagod Raiment burst into blue light.Immediately, all the people on his side, including Yu Xiaogang, were wrapped in blue light.

Sea God's Eight Wings trembled, and this huge group of blue lights soared into the sky, leaving only a faint declaration: "I am a little inferior today, but I will definitely come back again."

Leading Xiao Wu, Tang Hao and others towards the distance, Tang San's eyes flashed a strong unwillingness.Obviously, he had already defeated Bibi Dong, if not for Ye Feng's obstruction, then he, Tang San, would have become the co-lord of the mainland today.

But by chance, this annoying Ye Feng jumped out to stop him, and now it caused him to flee in embarrassment. This hatred, he Tang San wrote down.

But at this moment, in mid-air, watching Tang San's gradually receding figure, Ye Feng showed a faint smile in his eyes.

Want to escape?how is this possible?The good show hasn't even started yet, how can he, the protagonist, escape?
Taking off the ring pendant on his waist, Ye Feng threw it casually, and immediately, a passageway glowing with silver light appeared in front of Ye Feng's body.

With a touch of the purple scepter in his hand, in front of the fleeing Tang San, a thunder wall piercing the sky appeared out of thin air.The powerful energy contained in it forced the galloping Tang San to stop.

Frowning and looking at the thunder wall in front of him, Tang San wanted to fly right without hesitation.But in the blink of an eye, three thunder walls appeared around him, completely blocking his retreat.

After doing all this, Ye Feng, holding the scepter, stepped into the silver passage.Appearing again, it was already in front of Tang San.

Looking at Ye Feng who suddenly appeared in front of him, Tang San didn't understand that he was the one who made these four thunder walls.With a frightened tone, Tang Sanse asked Ye Feng sternly, "Ye Feng, what are you going to do?"

However, Ye Feng did not answer his question.

"It's coming soon." Muttering to himself, Ye Feng already felt the familiar murderous aura.

Hearing Ye Feng's self-talk, Tang San was a little puzzled.About to arrive?What's coming?

However, he soon knew what Ye Feng was waiting for.

After three breaths, in front of Tang San, the huge thunder wall suddenly opened a hole.Immediately, a bloody murderous figure came straight towards the two of them.

However, what surprised Tang San was that behind this bloody murderous figure, there were actually six pairs of wings exuding a bright aura.Moreover, this bright aura did not repel her murderous aura at all.

The bloody figure passed through the thunder wall and galloped to Tang San.I saw that this figure was covered with blood-red battle armor up and down, and there was a dark red helmet on its head, so Tang San couldn't see who it was.

Coming to Tang San, this mysterious man in blood-red armor sized him up and down.Just when Tang San was secretly on guard, the mysterious man spoke.

"You were the one who injured my mother, Bibi Dong?"

(End of this chapter)

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