Chapter 162 Stuffed with swallow fat and condensed night purple (please subscribe~)

core area.

As batches of demon armies entered the passage, demon kings exuding a domineering aura also entered the passage.

However, with the departure of the devil kings, the dark passage gradually trembled.

After stopping the twelve-winged fallen angel who wanted to enter the passage, the hairless monster quacked: "I can't enter anymore, the passage needs to be maintained."

Glancing resentfully at the passage leading to blood and slaughter, the twelve-winged fallen angel returned to the demon kings despite the desire in his heart.

This is an invasion and war between planes, and he cannot be willful.

Thousands of dark beams of light shot up into the sky. At this time, if someone could count them carefully, they would find that there were exactly [-] demon kings in the square.And the [-] dark beams of light intertwined, and there was a faint feeling of intersection.

And this is also the reason why [-] demon kings can support such a large passage.

Following the army into the passage, the Flame Demon King came to an open space in a daze.

After walking out of the passage, the endless army of demons headed towards the direction where their king summoned them. However, as the king of a clan, the Flame Demon King naturally didn't have to follow their footsteps.

Curiously looking at everything around him that was completely different from the demon plane, the Flame Demon King's eyes showed a touch of novelty.Last time, because he was responsible for maintaining the channel, he never participated in the war.

Therefore, it can be said that he is a country bumpkin who has never been out of the demon plane.

Going towards the surrounding woods, the Fire Demon King wanted to take a closer look at those green trees, but suddenly, in front of him, a golden barrier suddenly rose.

And it is not only in front of the Flame Demon King that such a shocking change occurred.

Surrounding the pitch-black passage, four heaven-penetrating golden barriers exploded, cutting the demon army that was moving in an orderly manner in half, and locking the pitch-black passage in the barriers.

At the same time as the golden barrier appeared, the group could no longer hide their whereabouts, and their figures were revealed above the passage.

Wearing a crimson robe, the old woman looked indifferently at the rioting demons below.This was the first time she saw the demon that destroyed Nanjing City. After all, she was retreating and breaking through when fighting against the demon.

Frowning tightly, looking at those extremely ugly figures, a look of disgust flashed across her face.Unexpectedly, such a thing actually ruined her hometown.

And behind the old woman, dozens of old figures exuding a tyrannical aura appeared indistinctly.Waiting for the old woman's order solemnly, the hearts of these tyrannical old men are quite uneasy at this moment.

After six years, when they saw these demons who ruined their family again, most of them were so excited that their eyes turned red, and they wished they could rush down and fight them immediately.

But fortunately, they have not forgotten their mission.

Looking at the dark passage, everyone's eyes showed indignation and exclamation.

At the beginning, they also thought about destroying the passage from the demon world to their own world, but at that time, the demon had already established a foothold in their world, and there were many demon kings guarding the passage outside, so they couldn't get in at all.

But at this time, the demons who came to Douluo World are still in the marching stage, and the defense of the passage is extremely empty. Therefore, attacking this passage at this time is undoubtedly the best choice.

The scarlet long sword pointed at the pitch-black passage. After confirming that the formation was stable, facing the eyes of a group of bad old men and old women, the old woman in the crimson robe did not hesitate at all.

"Hit." Said softly, the old woman swooped down first.The target, pointing directly at the dark passage.

However, although the demon plane's defense against the channel is empty, it does not mean that there is no defense at all.

"Old woman, court death!" roared, and a thin figure with a pair of bone wings rushed towards the old woman.There was a gloomy and cold light on the magic sword held in both hands, and the thin figure slashed straight down towards the old woman.

The dark magic power is attached to the magic sword, and the cold breath even slightly freezes the surrounding space.Roaring sharply, ambition and longing flashed in the eyes of the bat-like figure.

This old woman in a crimson robe looks like an important person at first glance. If she takes her head by himself, the king will definitely...

The shriveled head soared into the sky, and rushed towards the dark passage without slowing down. The old woman said flatly, "I don't know what to say."

The thin figure exploded and turned into a bright firework in mid-air.A series of old figures flitted past the explosion, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

Killing the Demon King with one blow, even if it is a relatively weak Demon King, but all the top masters of the original Song Dynasty understand what this means.

At the peak of the Mahayana, no matter how you practice, it is impossible to reach such a level.And the only thing that can do this is the rumored——

Holding the long sword, the old woman in scarlet clothes looked extremely focused.At this moment, all she could see was the blazing long sword and the huge black passage.

Even though, in this short moment, as she was rushing towards the passage, several demon kings had blocked her path, but now, they all turned into sparkling fireworks in the sky.

In mid-air, the Flame Demon King tried his best to rush over, but unfortunately, he was too far away from the old woman in scarlet clothes, and besides, he was not a demon who was good at speed.Therefore, even though he tried his best to rush there, he could only watch helplessly as the old woman in scarlet clothes slashed towards the dark passage with her sword after killing five demon kings.

His eyes were tearing apart, as the Demon King, the Flame Demon King naturally understood how fragile this space channel was.Even though there are [-] demon kings providing magic support, if the energy in the channel exceeds a certain limit, this huge dark channel will shatter like a large piece of glass that has been shattered.

At that time, the space in this piece of heaven and earth will be disordered, and the demon king responsible for maintaining the passage will also be backlashed by the collapse of the passage, causing extremely serious injuries.

And these demons who are still in the Douluo plane will become a lone army without support, and will be wiped out by these humans who rely on geographical advantages.

Thinking of the terrible consequences, the Balrog couldn't help speeding up again.However, at this time, the old woman in scarlet clothes had already reached the dark passage.

A high-pitched phoenix cry resounded from the long sword, and the red light filled the air. Behind the old woman, a phoenix figure wearing a colorful crown and fiery red tail feathers appeared faintly.While screaming up to the sky, the old woman swung her long sword covered in red flowing fire and slashed straight down.

Seeing the long sword slashing down with a powerful momentum, the face of the Flame Demon King couldn't help showing a dead gray color.He could feel the tyrannical energy contained in the long sword, under such a powerful attack, there was absolutely no possibility for the channel to survive.

Quietly slowing down the speed of the attack, the Flame Demon King quietly turned around while everyone's attention was on the sword that seemed to be able to shake the world.Since there is no hope, it is better to consider preserving strength.

However, just when the Flame Demon King was about to turn around and run away, and just when the long sword filled with red light was about to strike the passage, a sudden change occurred.

A majestic black barrier protruded from the passage, and just the mammoth and pervasive evil aura made the scarlet phoenix, which was about to strike, neigh uncomfortably.

However, she didn't care about these things. At this moment, the crimson-clothed old woman only had the sword in her eyes, and the pitch-black passageway that was trembling suddenly.

There were deafening crashes and explosions, but at this moment, except for those cannon fodder demons, they are all extremely strong, so they will not be affected by this.At this moment, no matter if it was the elders of the Forbidden City or the devil king of the demon plane, they all stared at the place where the roar came from just now without blinking.

The smoke and dust dissipated, the red brilliance faded, and the scene at this moment finally appeared in front of everyone.However, looking at the scene at this moment, both the devil king and the elders were stunned.

The old woman in a scarlet robe held a red streamer sword, and the sharp sword light had smashed the majestic black barrier.It's a pity that a pitch-black right hand burning with magic flames blocked its way.

After catching the old woman's long sword with one hand, the full blow of the crimson-clothed old woman still failed to break into the passage.Slowly lowering his trembling right hand, the dark phantom shook off the blood on his hand and sighed softly: "It's a character, it's a pity."

As the dark phantom lowered his right hand, the old woman who seemed to be condensed in mid-air turned into smoke and dissipated quietly.The red long sword was broken into several pieces, and it fell to the ground lightly, whining.

Watching this scene silently, the elders felt as if there was something stuck in their throats, and they wanted to howl, but they couldn't.In the end, it still turned into drops of muddy old tears.

The ancestors of the royal family, the only immortals who have broken through that boundary in the past 3000 years, they have heard great myths since they were young, and just like that, they turned into smoke and dissipated...

Tears flowed freely, Fan Zhongyan only had deep despair in his heart at this moment.Even if the ancestor is vulnerable to this dark phantom, who else can control him?
Perhaps, they should have fought these demons to the end. At least, in this way, the innocent people on this continent would not be hurt...

The shoulders that were originally tall and straight were slightly bent at this moment, and Fan Zhongyan seemed to have lost his vitality at this moment, and his face suddenly became more than a little older.As for the elders in the Forbidden City, there is more than one person in the same situation as him.

After all, the strongest in the Forbidden City is vulnerable to the hands of the dark phantom, so who else can compete with him?
Staring lightly at the place where the old woman turned into smoke and dust dissipated for a moment, the dark phantom turned around and said softly to the demon kings who were still here: "Deal with them."

As he spoke, he wanted to swipe in the direction of the Great Wall.With his enormous divine sense, battles thousands of feet away cannot escape his perception.

The dark plasma had already changed the color of the Great Wall, but the human side could not hold on under the continuous attack of the demon army.

After chopping an ice demon that was spewing frost to the ground, Mo Yi panted heavily and leaned on the sword.At this time, his spiritual power had bottomed out.

Everything around him seemed to be in a trance, and under the bouts of dizziness after his spiritual power was exhausted, he couldn't even stand still.

Perhaps, today is the day of my own death.With a free and easy smile on his face, Mo Yi seemed to hear the calls of his comrades in arms.

"Brother Yi, come on, come and join us."

A psychedelic smile appeared on his face, beside Mo Yi, the Nightmare's sharp claws were about to swing down, but at this moment, a huge roar sounded outside the Great Wall.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Ye Feng, who was dressed in white, looked at the seven huge pits on the ground and laughed wildly.Immediately, a sword slashed towards the raging tide of the demon army.

As if a sword cut off the waterfall, at this moment, the endless army of demons is the waterfall, and Ye Feng is the swordsman who cut off the waterfall.Raging thunder erupted along the rift opened by the long sword, turning that rift valley into a place of death in an instant.

Suddenly, the demon of Seven Sins quickly surrounded Ye Feng with a hundred temporarily drawn demon kings, but Ye Feng's move still greatly boosted the morale of everyone on the city wall.

Rejuvenated, Mo Yi squeezed out the last bit of spiritual power in his body, and cut off the nightmare demon's neck.Purple-black blood poured on his body, but he didn't care.

With a roar, Mo Yi raised his sword and rushed towards the little devil as if he was the most despised body repairer.Today, bloody battle to the end, victorious!

But at the core of the Star Dou Great Forest, just as the dark phantom was about to leave for the battle zone, a figure with a beautiful figure and twelve wings on his back suddenly stopped in front of him.

"You've crossed the line."

PS. Happy 520 everyone~ Please eat candy in two days~
(End of this chapter)

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