Douluo: I became Qian Renxue's personal attendant

Chapter 25 Plum Blossom Dark Dart, Reversal

Chapter 25 Plum Blossom Dark Dart, Reversal
The dark dart came quietly, it seemed to be activated by a special method, even the two titled Douluo who were hiding in the prince's army did not notice it at the first time.

As the only heir of the Qian family, even though Qian Renxue went to the Heaven Dou Empire as an undercover agent, Qian Daoliu still had the Porpoise Dolphin Douluo and Snake Lance Douluo secretly protect her.

During this expedition, the two titled Douluo hid in the prince's army to protect Qian Renxue.They also brought down the six soul saints in secret.

However, they didn't expect that there would be people like them sneaking in among the Prince's army.Originally, with their strength, they could have discovered the Plum Blossom Dark Dart in the first place, but seeing the victory this time, the two of them were also relieved, and they gave the thief an opportunity to take advantage of.

The Plum Blossom Dark Dart was very fast, and when the two Title Douluo found out, they were almost in front of Qian Renxue.

The Dolphin and Snake Lance Douluo rushed to attack, but they still couldn't catch up.Just when the plum blossom dark dart was about to hit Qian Renxue, a sudden change occurred.

A majestic light curtain full of sacred aura rolled out in front of Qian Renxue, stopping the plum blossom dark dart, and at the same time, a powerful sacred aura suddenly erupted from the Elder Hall of Wuhun City.

However, he seemed to have some concerns, after realizing that the aura connected with him was not serious, the extremely strong sacred aura gradually subsided after all.

And on the battlefield at this time, after suppressing the assassin sent by someone, the Porcupine Dolphin Douluo and Snake Lance Douluo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw the light curtain rising in front of Qian Renxue.

Even though they knew that they would be punished after returning, it was better than losing their lives.

But... Looking at the Contra-level powerhouse who was restrained by himself and the Snake Lance, Porcupine Douluo couldn't connect him with the powerhouse on the mainland for a while.

You know, at the level of Contra, most of them are well-known in the mainland, but they have never seen this strong man in front of them.

However, before they tied up the man, the porpoise discovered that something was wrong with the man in his hands.

Sure enough, after a little investigation, it was discovered that this Contra man committed suicide by taking poison.

Observing the toxin raging in the man's body, Porcupine Douluo frowned.This kind of toxin was actually a toxin he had never seen before.

Dolphin Douluo can be regarded as an expert in using poison, but when looking at this kind of poison, he still feels that he can't see through the toxin in this Contra's body.

With Contra as the dead man, there is also a poison that has never been seen before...

Dolphin Douluo frowned, feeling that this matter was a bit unusual, maybe he had to go back and report the situation to the First Elder.

The light curtain just now should be the life-saving treasure left by the elder to his granddaughter. The plum blossom dark dart just now has touched the light curtain. Presumably the elder already knows that Qian Renxue is in danger and is waiting for them to go back and explain.

Looking at the two Titled Douluo who stopped the thief below, Qian Renxue couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat when she saw the light curtain appearing out of thin air in front of her.

She didn't notice the Plum Blossom Dark Bodyguard just now, she only saw it after the life-saving object that her grandfather gave her was activated.

Only now did Qian Renxue know from the sound transmission of the two Title Douluo who were secretly protecting her that the person who assassinated her was actually a Contra level powerhouse.

A strong man of this level would actually come to assassinate her, which made her feel alarmed.

Although Prince Tiandou's status is noble, but Emperor Xue Ye still has two sons under his knees, and the poison he has given has not yet taken effect, so it is obviously a bit supernatural to kill him with a Contra slain.

"It seems that I have to be more careful in the future." Qian Renxue thought to herself.Even with the protection of Titled Douluo, Titled Douluo is not omnipotent, and they couldn't protect themselves in the situation just now.

However, just as the sacred light curtain rolled out, looking at the chaotic Chinese army, Grand Duke Zhu felt that his chance had come.

Even though he didn't know what caused it, but seeing the chaos in the middle army where the crown prince was, Grand Duke Zhu immediately gave the order to counterattack.

Suddenly, the situation on the battlefield reversed.

The soldiers on Tiandou's side could only fight alone under the leadership of their respective generals because they could not see the banner commanded by the Prince's Central Army, but they were quickly torn into pieces and slowly eroded in front of the organized army of the Star Luo Empire.

But not long after, the chaos in Tiandou's prince's army calmed down.Next to the crown prince, the command flag reappeared, and the tens of thousands of troops in the rear also rushed towards the front of the battle.

But this time, Grand Duke Zhu did not retreat.He understood that the moment he ordered the counterattack, there was no way out.

If he retreats at this moment, it is hard to say how many people he can bring back with the loss of military morale.

Walking around beside his old opponent like a ghost, Grand Duke Zhu took out a thick and long pipe from his hand without any trace.

I don't know if this thing is as strong as the kid said.Looking at the unattractive pipe in his hand, the Grand Duke of the Zhu family murmured to himself, although he did not believe that the pipe in his hand could be as strong as that kid said, but let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

The white-browed old man is a rare defensive Contra, possessing the highly defensive Black Turtle Martial Soul, and is his old opponent.

Before the expedition, the boy in the mansion gave himself such a thing after learning about the situation, saying that he could break the old ghost's tortoise shell with his soul power.

Quietly injecting half body soul power, the front of the tube in his hand lit up with a dazzling light.

Although he saw Grand Duke Zhu took out something like a pipe, the white-browed old man still didn't care.Over the past few decades, Grand Duke Zhu has already tried countless methods, but he couldn't break his tortoise shell. Now he wants to break it with a thick pipe?It was like a dream.

But when the blinding light came on the tube, he knew maybe he was wrong.

Because from that ray of light, he felt a deadly sense of crisis.

However, his intuition told him that he could no longer escape.

The huge black tortoise avatar appeared on the battlefield, and layer after layer of defense was laid in front of the white-browed old man, but the sense of crisis in his heart did not diminish in the slightest.

But in an instant, a dazzling beam of light gushed out from the tube held by Grand Duke Zhu.

At that moment, everyone on the battlefield saw the light.

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(End of this chapter)

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