Chapter 5 Prince's Mansion

The carriage traveled all the way, and within half an hour, they came to a majestic and luxurious mansion.

During this half hour, Ye Feng chatted with the young man a lot, and the young man became more and more fond of the child in his arms.Originally, Ye Feng was hugged to win people's hearts, but now he feels willing.

After all, who doesn't love a well-behaved and cute child?

However, as the carriage gradually approached the mansion and saw the plaque above the mansion, a not-so-good guess floated in Ye Feng's heart.

Because, on the plaque above the mansion, there are three big characters engraved forcefully: Prince's Mansion.

On the way here, from the young man's words, Ye Feng knew that there are only the Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire on the current mainland, but the people of the Star Luo Empire are in the west, so most of the royal family members are blond.

Moreover, when entering the city gate, Ye Feng also seemed to faintly see the word Tian written on the top of the city gate, but he was chatting with the young man at that time, and Ye Feng did not look carefully.

I just hope it's not Douluo Yi's world now.Knowing where he was, Ye Feng felt complicated feelings in his heart.

After all, Qian Renxue pretended to be the crown prince of the Tiandou imperial family in Douluo Yizhong.She could just pat her ass and go straight away after killing the emperor and it was revealed, but those people in the Prince's Mansion were going to be finished.

After all, when the new emperor came to the throne, he didn't even need to think about it.

However, the next words of the young man completely shattered the last trace of delusion in his heart.Seeing the Prince's Mansion, the young man smiled and said to Ye Feng:

"That's right, as you can see, Gu Nai is the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, named Xue Qinghe, you can just call me His Highness like them from now on."

Hearing that it was really Xue Qinghe, Ye Feng couldn't help being silent.In fact, he didn't have much ambition, he just wanted to find a thigh to hug quietly and eat and wait for death, but he didn't expect that the thigh hugged Qian Renxue's lap.

Although this thigh is indeed very thick, it is easy to lose it!Ye Feng, who had seen Dou Yi, knew that Qian Renxue's end was very miserable, not to mention that he lost his godhead if he didn't catch up with Tang San.

But I have to say that this thigh was the thickest except for Bibi Dong in the early stage.The only granddaughter of Limit Douluo on the mainland, the daughter of the heir of the gods, she is also a genius with innate soul power of level [-], and the successor of the God of Angels. All right Her Majesty.

After all, if Qian Renxue wins the Heaven Dou Empire, with the joint efforts of Wuhundian, the Star Luo Empire will definitely not be able to beat it.When the time comes to unify the mainland, and Bibi Dong will be mother and daughter again, won't it be a matter of time before the king takes over the world?
All kinds of complicated thoughts were entangled in Ye Feng's heart, and Ye Feng tried to straighten them out.But from Qian Renxue's point of view, she was shocked and speechless by his status as Prince Tiandou.

"Actually, Prince Tiandou is just like ordinary people, he is just an ordinary person with flesh and blood." Gently pinching Ye Feng's small face, Qian Renxue said with some distress: "Xiao Feng, you are really too thin. You must make up for it when you are in the Prince's Mansion."

After being interrupted by Qian Renxue, Ye Feng simply stopped thinking about it.Anyway, I just want to be a salted fish. In my previous life, I was unable to become a salted fish due to the pressure of revitalizing my family. In this life, I must enjoy life to the fullest!

Moreover, after knowing the identity of the young man, Ye Feng felt instantly relieved.When he thought about it, it must be a lot of pressure for someone like Qian Renxue to pretend to be a prince and lurk in the royal family.

From now on, I will be Qian Renxue's Xieyuhua, a good best friend, so that when she escapes from the Tiandou imperial family, she might remember to run away with her!
And even though Qian Renxue's godhead was shattered, after the shattered godhead, she was still a top level 89 Contra!If you become her best friend, you will definitely be able to live comfortably in this life!

After thinking everything through, Ye Feng instantly revived with full blood.

"Yeah." Blinking his big eyes, Ye Feng's tears came immediately, "Big brother, you are really a good person, no one has ever been so kind to me~"

As he spoke, drops of golden peas flowed down Ye Feng's cheeks.Moreover, Ye Feng also pretended to be holding back tears, bringing the charm of this cute little face to the extreme.

as expected.After seeing Ye Feng crying, Qian Renxue's girlish heart melted quietly.Among them, Ye Feng is too cute, but the feeling of sympathy also accounts for a large part.

Qian Renxue lost her father since she was a child, and her mother also regarded her as an enemy. The only relative who treated her well was her grandfather.

But Qian Daoliu is not only the grandfather of Qian Renxue, he is also the High Priest of the God of Angels, the Great Elder of the Hall of Elders.Therefore, even though she cared about Qian Renxue, she didn't have much time to get along with her.

Moreover, when Qian Renxue was less than ten years old, she was sent to the Heaven Dou imperial family.Here, she can be described as frightening every step of the way.Sometimes a single thought is enough to break her to pieces.

Looking at the huge Prince's Mansion, the maids and guards only respect her.As for family affection?The royal family has no family.

Reaching out and gently rubbing Ye Feng's head, Qian Renxue said warmly: "Hey, don't cry, the Prince's Mansion will be your home from now on~"

"Yeah." Nodding fiercely, Ye Feng gave himself a thumbs up in his heart.

The first step in becoming Qian Renxue's best friend plan is to soften Qian Renxue√
 Please recommend and collect new books~ This week I will explode and update, and strive to return to yesterday's glory as soon as possible!


(End of this chapter)

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