Chapter 73 Defeat Tang San

The black passage slowly opened, and a dark blue hand stretched out faintly in the shocked eyes of everyone present.

Different from the raging flames and extraordinary momentum of the previous furious palm, this dark blue palm looks the same as an ordinary person's palm except for its different color and larger size.

However, Tang San on the stage didn't think so.

As soon as this huge dark blue palm appeared, Tang San felt a lazy drowsiness emanating from his heart, making people wish they could stay still and sleep on this ring for three days and three nights.

Under this languid mood, Tang San's movements suddenly slowed down, and he also slowed down a bit to avoid the furious palm full of magic flames.

The furious big palm passed Tang San's side, although Tang San was not photographed, but he slapped the Eight Spider Lances next to Tang San.

"Ow~" The sharp Eight Spider Lances were deeply inserted into Fury's palm, and the scream of Fury came from another place in the space, setting off waves of sound.

However, Tang San was even more uncomfortable with the rage and pain.

That big palm, which was full of magic flames, was slapped with a destructive aura. The eight spider lances on the far side could penetrate deeply into the furious palm because of the angle problem, but the other eight spider lances could not.

Under the tremendous force of the fury, the three eight spider lances on the left were broken into pieces, and the eight spider lance that pierced into the hand of the fury was completely broken under the great force of the fury, leaving behind hands.

"Pfft." A mouthful of blood spewed out from Tang San's mouth, even if the shocking force didn't hit him head-on, it still caused him serious internal injuries.

Falling powerlessly on the ring, Tang San thought a little blankly: "Could it be that I'm going to lose like this?"

Except for the flashing purple soul ring, I didn't even see Ye Feng using other soul rings.Could it be that he was going to be defeated by Ye Feng so easily?
No, I can't just admit defeat like this!
There was a flash of light in his eyes, weapons were not allowed in the competition, so Tang San's best hidden weapon could not be used, but the broken Eight Spider Lances beside him should not be counted as weapons brought in...

Just as Tang San was about to calmly pick up the fragments of the Eight Spider Lances, use his hidden weapon technique to catch the thief and the king, and took down Ye Feng who was standing by the side, the silent dark blue palm came from the sky above him. Suddenly there was a suction force.


Watching helplessly as the fragments of his Eight Spider Lances were sucked away by the dark blue palm, Tang San didn't know whether to use it as an oar or not.

How did Ye Feng guess what he was thinking!This is too outrageous, right? !
Seeing the astonished expression on Tang San's face, Ye Feng had a slight smile on his face.

It's not that I don't know that you won once by this means before, how could you not take precautions?

Looking helplessly at the empty floor in front of him, Tang San could only say to the archbishop in red next to the ring: "I admit defeat."

Four of the Eight Spider Lances were broken, and he also suffered serious internal injuries, this is still a der.

A look of regret flashed in his eyes, it's a pity that he didn't have a chance to use his ultimate move, otherwise maybe it wouldn't have been like this.

Putting away the only remaining four Eight Spider Lances, Tang San got off the ring with a sad face.I don't know if the external soul bone can grow back if it is broken.Forget it, go back and ask the teacher again...

Seeing Tang San admit defeat and get off the ring, Ye Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

From the very beginning, Ye Feng had vaguely felt the sense of threat from Tang San, so Ye Feng uncharacteristically didn't go forward to attack directly, but summoned Fury with one hand.

And during the game on the field, the faint sense of threat was always there, so Ye Feng summoned laziness to make a quick decision.

But now that Tang San got off the ring, the sense of threat that made Ye Feng glow like a light disappeared, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Like fury and laziness conveyed the order to let them go back, Ye Feng closed the two passages.

Summoning rage and laziness is quite exhausting, so let them go back first.After all, I have to deal with a big enemy in my next match, so I can save some soul power if I can.

Taking advantage of the time when the archbishop in red announced the winner, Ye Feng sat down cross-legged and recovered his soul power.

This is something that has never been done before.

The rest time for half a stick of incense stipulated in the game passed by in a flash, and as the archbishop in red came to the stage, Ye Feng also sat up with his legs propped up.

Under the cadence of the archbishop in red, Luo Yan walked slowly onto the stage step by step.

Looking solemnly at the opponent in front of her, looking at Ye Feng's handsome face, Luo Yan believed that if she liked a man, she would definitely be fascinated by him.

Standing in the middle of the ring, the archbishop in red did not immediately announce the start of the match.Trash talk time before the game is a routine.

Besides, the archbishop in red was also curious about what Ye Feng and the last member of Shrek Academy would say.

Straightening up, Ye Feng's hands behind his back trembled slightly.After a pause, Ye Feng opened his thin lips and said slowly:

"The King of Heaven and Earth Tiger?"

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(End of this chapter)

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